QuoteReplyTopic: Help with Sheading =( Posted: December 07 2008 at 6:03pm
Okay i Use Satinstrands and use a micro link meathod. I put in about 200 strands, and every things holds well. I do them myself but i check about once a week for some that may be slipping or basically maintnance to prevent tangling at the root area. Everything seems fine and after they grow or slide down after about 2 months of wear i take them all out and redue them. The problem is after i take them out and wash my naturall hair and then comb it out i have so much breakage. I do belach my hair but i also do a lot of deep conditioning and reconstructer to it so i know my hair stays pretty healthy but i dont understand why it is still breaking more twords the top by the root it seems to be getting tangled but i check like i said about once a week and feel for tangling if there is some i take it out comb through and reinstall. does anyone have any advice or do you think i am doing them wrong i mean they are clean installs i have had professional stylist give me a lot of credit for they way they look. Then again I have had "professional stylist" tell me i let my hair grow out too far (3 inches) and they wont bleach my roots so I dont know. Someone please help me
Edited by SiNfuL GirL - December 09 2008 at 1:44am
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Does anyone have any advice or thoughts on this Please help I am running out of ideas and things to do different. I would so much love to hear any experience or anything. I have read other posts about this but most are about fusion or tape and I don't use either of those. I am not a professional but you only get experience one way and that's to just do it but I hate ruining my hair if this is something I can learn from and prevent in the future. Please any advice would be great, thanks.
Edited by SiNfuL GirL - December 09 2008 at 1:42am
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Your hair could be too fragile from the bleaching and that may be why you are having breakage. Or it could be something to do with the way the rings are being installed or removed. Are you using a smooth plier/tool to install? If there are ridges on your pliers it could cause sharp edges that can cut the hair. When removing are you using a re-rounder tool to reopen the rings? A regular plier can mangle the ring and cause sharp edges.
Well the pliers i use have a re-rounder and that works great but i never thought about the little ridges but the pliers i got are specifically for the use of putting in and taking out the micro rings but i will start using a flat set of pliers. Now i do take very good care of my hair and do extra reconstructors as well deep conditionings because i bleach my hair but i will try the flat surface pliers as well. See i new there had to be something someone new that i didnt. Thank you so much sherrie.
Edited by SiNfuL GirL - December 09 2008 at 2:52pm
A stock iphone is a useless brick, I live to customize!
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