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Responses on this board

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Printed Date: May 06 2024 at 5:41pm

Topic: Responses on this board
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: Responses on this board
Date Posted: February 24 2000 at 9:50am
I am writing in on the lack of responses posted ... especially those experts on the board. What happened to Karen and the guy that helped with the coloring questions? I haven't seen them in ages and they don't seem to answer the valid questions. If anyone has noticed, the questions are mostly boardering on coloring questions. It doesn't seem like the experts at hairboutique want to respond. What's going on with this?? When they got the new board did they fire all the experts too?? Can someone recommend another board that will answer questions?

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: February 24 2000 at 11:37am
A lot of people know this, but it is always helpful to repeat the information since some new visitors may not be aware of how the boards work.

Participation in all of the Hair Boutique boards is 100%voluntary. No one is paid or required to answer any posts that appear. It is a give and sharing deal.

Some people will try to help by answering lots of questions and in return they build friendships and relationships. Some people will only read posts and never answer. Some people will post but not answer other posts.

To get responses it often helps to share information as well.

The Hair Boutique members appreciate it when people post responses but they do not try to force any type of interaction since the purpose of the boards is for visitors to talk to each other.

Karen (thats me) and Jeff each try to read the posts and will often reply when they have time. Unfortunately Hair Boutique is a massive undertaking and I work about 12 hours a day on the site and just can't always get to the boards. Jeff also works every night on Hair Boutique along with his day job.

The "other guy" who is William, that answered color questions did that as a voluntary favor to the visitors at Hair Boutique. He was a very busy color specialist with a full time business and answered when he could. We appreciated that very much. He still answers when he can but not as much as in the past.

Any other hair site that has boards are set up the exact same way. They are designed for visitors to help each with questions and comments and suggestions.

Many visitors will not answer questions if they feel that they are too complex or require a background in hair styling or chemical work. They will try to help with questions that are less technical.

Hair Boutique has an AskKaren forum. I personally receive over 200 emails every day from people asking for help. I answer a large percentage of the emails personally as well as posting lots of them to the AskKaren column.

There are also several hair care articles at Hair Boutique that deal with many color issues. A recent Hair Boutique interview was with a color expert in Florida that talks about color and specific issues related to coloring hair.

Again, the purpose of this board is for other visitors to help each other. When there are no answers to specific posts then it is usually because the visitors may not know the answers or may not feel comfortable answering them.

I personally am not aware of any other hair sites that have boards that guarantee answers from others. Not iVillage, not Salon Web, not any. That is because the boards are meant to be a sharing forum.

If technical questions pop up try looking through all the AskKarens, sending in an AskKaren question or looking though the Search function. The answer may be there.

One problem that I deal with constantly is that I get the same questions over and over. If I have already answered a question in AskKaren I will probably not answer it again since the goal is to try and cover as much hair territory as possible.

Best wishes,
Karen Shelton

PS. Thanks to all that do make time to respond. Jeff and I appreciate it very much.

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: bunny
Date Posted: February 24 2000 at 1:41pm

Thanks for all you do for Hair Boutique. On two different times you sent me a long personal note about AskKaren questions that I sent you. I know that at least one was already posted on AskKaren but you answered it anyway. So I know that you do answer lots of emails.

I also notice that many of the posts on Hair Talk and the other boards will have 50-60 readers but no one will answer the posts. As you said, this is a give and take board and people need to take the time to reply if they have a suggestion or opinion.

The person making the complaint about the lack or responses did not appear anywhere else on Hair Talk that I could find. So why are they complaining about responses when they don't post responses to other people and I did not notice any questions that they posted either.

I am just as guilty of reading everything but not answering. I will try harder.


Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: February 24 2000 at 1:58pm
Hi Bunny,

Just wanted to say thanks for your support. I agree, lots of posts will have 50-75 views but not responses. The answers don't have to be perfect, it just helps to get opinions some times.

Best wishes,

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)