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Category: Beauty Talk
Forum Name: Skin Care
Forum Description: Smooth techniques for beautiful & healthy skin
Printed Date: May 01 2024 at 6:29am

Topic: HELP!!!
Posted By: rckchlkally
Subject: HELP!!!
Date Posted: May 15 2005 at 4:52pm
i need help w/ acne big time!! i wash my face everyday and i still get acne. i usually get it really bad between my eyebrows and around my mouth. and its really embarrasing! and then after the actual acne goes away, i have really bad scars. and then i get acne all over again which leaves more scars. does anyone have any advice as to what i should do about this? any advice about how to prevent the acne. am i doing anything wrong? Or even advice about how to get the scars to go away would help! Thanx!

Posted By: akiz
Date Posted: May 15 2005 at 10:56pm
This is hard to answer without more information (ie what products do you use, how old are you, etc.).

On terms of general advice, I'd say be careful that you're not overwashing. It sounds counterintuitive but drying out your skin can aggravate acne. Make sure your skin is clean but well moisturized.  On terms of moisturizer, if you're prone to breaking out, try a lighter moisturizer. Oil of Olay works well for me. I'd steer clear from the heavier stuff like Ponds or Aveeno.

The forehead, nose and chin tends to be prone to pimples on many people.  If you're in you teens this is something that'll probably clear up in time. If you keep breaking out around your mouth be careful it's not a cosmetic (like a lip product) that might be causing problems. Touching the area will cause more acne and picking at it causes more scars. Try using products with salicylic acid in them (biore has a nice line). Pare down your beauty routine if you're using lots of products. Keeping it simple means there's less of a chance that you're putting on something that's blocking your pores.

If you've done all this and it's not working for you, go see a dermatologist who can prescribe something more powerful. Good luck!

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