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From dark brown to med brown hair only? Why?

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Color
Forum Description: The tricks and tribulations of changing your hair color
Printed Date: July 27 2024 at 3:25am

Topic: From dark brown to med brown hair only? Why?
Posted By: DaveDecker
Subject: From dark brown to med brown hair only? Why?
Date Posted: June 05 2005 at 12:47pm

Hi everyone, newbies and otherwise!

Let's post our introductions in this thread (which I've made a "sticky") so that we can actually have a conversation upon your welcome.  (It seems lots of newbies post "hi" messages to which there are no or few replies, and that ain't right).

So, introduce yourself here, and tell us all a bit about your preferences, thoughts and opinions on hair -- and of course, be sure to let us know a bit about your own hair.


Posted By: Halo
Date Posted: June 09 2005 at 6:17pm

HI I just found this site thanks to Jenny.  I am in love with it.

I do not do extensions professionally.  I am a mother of three and I go to school for nursing part time.  I have also worked at different part time jobs but none of them have ever had anything to do with hair.

I have had extensions for a few years now and have tried a few different types.  I do not do them for anyone else, only on myself because I don't know what I'm doing as it is.

I started getting them because I damaged my hair bleaching it and had to cut it very short.  I have very fine thin hair that is naturally a dark blond color that I lighten. It grows very slowly and it took me about 20 years to finally get it to the length I liked while also looking healthy with blond highlights.  Then I bleached my hair myself and had to cut it all off. Very dumb and sad. I wasn't about to wait another 20 years for my own hair to grow back long so I started getting extensions.  Eventually I learned to do them on myself through trial and error.  Still I have not had any success in growing my own hair back so I am doing something wrong.  Which is why I am so glad to have found this board.

Meanwhile I have had a whole lotta fun playing with my hair over these last few years.  And I have discovered how much fun crazy colors and changing my hairstyle from short to long overnight can be.  Living in a very conservative neighborhood makes it that much more fun to confuse my neighbors.  And when I need inspiration I can go downtown into Chicago where I have seen some really amazing gorgeous creative hair extensions.

Nice to meet you all (oh and by the way my real name is Heather)  Halo is a nickname that I've given up trying to shake.

Posted By: zephyr
Date Posted: June 10 2005 at 9:13am

hi halo,

nice to meet you...

I'm new too, and I live in the UK...

I went to the USA once, and really liked it...

would love to go back again, sometime...


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: June 11 2005 at 3:36pm
Hi and welcome Halo and zephyr!  I know, halo, that you will have much fun on the extensions forum!

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: msbabywildchild
Date Posted: June 13 2005 at 1:44pm
Hello everyone I'm wildchild and I'm a single african american mother of 3 growing my hair naturally so that I can start loccing it. I'm wearing it in 2-strand twist extensions until it's a length that I'm comfortable with. I've worn it short for 11 years and have grown tired of it. I'm hoping to get some ideas and information regarding the different ways of wearing extensions and the methods used.

Posted By: Tania
Date Posted: June 14 2005 at 10:14pm


My name is Tania. I've lurked this board for quite some time mainly in the hair extensions board. I've been wearing extensions for 3 years and I'm always looking for better ways to manage and maintain my hair.

 Thanks for the warm welcome Dave.




Posted By: mygrain02
Date Posted: June 15 2005 at 1:29pm

Hello everyone, I am new to this website. I figured why not give it a shot. I was searching for a site on google and came acroos this one. I am in desperate need of some health tips. You see, I play basketball and I sweat out my hair so easily and that is why I found hair extensions to be so convenient. The problem is, I have been wearing them for years now, and it has thinned my hair out and my split ends are atrocious. i just recently decided to go at least this summer possibly with out them, to give my hair a fighting chance to get healthy again. However it is a hastle because I dont have much body to it and will not hold a press. This is so frustrating for me because I want healthy hair, yet I dont seem to have the patience to work at it. This is why I joined the site. I am in desparate need of advice and guidance. i dont want to live my whole life wearing braids and artificial hair. help please!!! thank you

looking for an end result..

Posted By: sassypeach
Date Posted: June 15 2005 at 1:53pm
Hello everyone! I found this website through LHCF I've been lurking there for some time because, I'm a broke college student and cannot spare 5 dollars to join for real lol. I'm tex/relaxed, not on purpose but, I actually like it, I usually wear my hair curly, but everyone once in a while I'll wear it straight. Right now I'm just now getting over some breakage I've been having mainly because, I haven't been as healthy as I was when I was in school and I've been lazy. But, I'm back on track, I'm learning to keep it simple and leave it alone! Anyway, I hope that I learn a lot from this board and get to know you all. Have a good one!

Posted By: jodie
Date Posted: June 15 2005 at 5:06pm

hi everyone , i'm jodie from the uk, I've been looking for some thing like this for ages, I feel at home already (just by reading your posts) I have been doing hair extensions for a year now and absolutely love doing them!! I have 2 children, 5 years & 20 mths, old,( they're My World!!). I dont wear extensions any more as my hair is at a nice length now, and i'm quite happy with it at the moment, i do add clip ins when i go out just to look a bit different and am always adding the odd colour here and there, i like to have a change, but not the full head thing anymore. uh oh, my little ones awake must go! finish my intro another time

hope to speak to ypu all soon.


Date Posted: June 15 2005 at 7:25pm

Hi My name is Malai, was looking for a site that I could get good advice from and I believe I have found it. I have been reading alot and have gained alot of knowledge. I am grateful that this site exist. Thanks to everyone and I am glad to be here.

The love you give is the love you will recieve.

Posted By: Pokahontas
Date Posted: June 16 2005 at 9:41am

Hello everyone!  This site is so great.  I love to talk about hair and learn new things.  I am new to this site as of today and I would like to tell a little about  myself.  I am a 25 year old african-american female.  I have very long, (like waist length) black hair that is naturally curly. I normally wear my hair flat ironed straight becuase it's easier but now i am wearing it curlier because I want to give it a rest and because the humidity of the summer won't allow me to go straight.  My hair always goes curly in humid or wet weather.

I used to have a relaxer like five years ago but I grew it out and I will never go back to one.  My hair has been so much healthier and grown so much longer.  When my hair is in it's curly state it looks much like Tracee Ellis Ross on the show girlfriends (Diana Ross's daughter).  Do you all know her?  My hair is so like hers except longer.  When I wear it straight it looks like Aaliyah's hair did.  I am obsessed with celebrity hair!

I love to try out new products also.  I have a lot of products that are really good if anyone is interested.  One of my favorite shampoo's is creme of nature.  I swear by that stuff.  It makes my hair so silky and easier to comb through and you don't even need a conditioner but I still use one.

Well, I'm gonna go now.  I could probably talk about this stuff all day but I guess i'll save some for later.

Posted By: Paulbob
Date Posted: June 21 2005 at 9:29pm

Hi everybody on the Hair Talk Board

My name is Paul D I am from the Northeastern part of the United States and my user-name on here is paulbob the reason why I have this user-name is because I really love any type of bob haircuts especially short bobs, lip length bob cuts and shoulder length bob cuts too and I would love to chat with anybody about my interest in bob haircuts or any thing else related to hair and thank you

ps I also LOVE LONG HAIR too



Posted By: Tricey
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 12:24am
Hello everyone. I'm Trice and I am so happy to have found these hair boards. I've learned so much and can't wait to help others.


Posted By: fullxdiva
Date Posted: June 26 2005 at 8:02am

Hello my name is DaVona, I'm a soldier stationed in Korea, I think it was God intended for me to find this site. I have never seen a message board set up so structured and user friendly at the same time.

I've always had the natural skill to do hair, but due to my military obligations I've never been in one place long enough to attend school. I've only taken comprehensive classes online. However, every time I go into a hair salon, I not only get hair service, I get knowledge as well. I observe everything I see, from customer care, to styles, products, you name it, I'll even go so far as to ask a stylist questions and I take those lessons learned and store them away for future use.

I'm currently working on drafting a project thats geared to helping women in the military address hair issues and concerns that most hair magazines don't focus on. I think this site will help me reach out to others that can also help give me insight to issues and concern I may not be familiar with or completely understand. Thanks HB!   

"Not Lucky Just Blessed"

Posted By: Pamela85
Date Posted: June 28 2005 at 11:05am

Hi everyone,

It's great to have found this place.  I am in hair hell.  I was growing my hair out for two years.  I went to a new place for a trim since my current stylist was stagnant with my hair and it was looking limp.  I have thick, course hair.  Well this new person, I won't even call her a stylist, started to razor my hair after I told her it couldn't be razor cut.  She told me it has to do with the stylist not using a sharp razor.  Well this made my hair look like a frayed mess.  I tried having it fixed and eventually thought highlights would help.  No, they didn't.  The stylist used bleach and kept me under the dryer while she was working on a friend of hers.  My own dark hair came out bleached blonde and felt like straw.  Long story short (like my hair now) I ended up trying to correct the color and the damage.  My hair was cut down to nothing in order to grow it back out in a healthy way.  I could not tolerate the damage.  I these mistakes will never happen again.  I'm now suffering the awkward stages.  The hair looks to me awful.  My husband says it looks good and so do a lot of other people.  I know it doesn't.  It's been four weeks since the drastic cut.  I know I have a way to go.  Any advice for tolerating and getting through this?  It's made me physically and mentally sick.  I eat a lot of protein based foods, drink soy milk and take hair supplements.  I'm working on improving my sleep.  I know in a month I'll have improvement.  It's living through this nightmare.  






Posted By: Mohair
Date Posted: July 02 2005 at 4:10pm

Hi Y'all

  I'm Eric from Nashville, Tennessee. I haven't been by here in a couple of weeks, so I have some catching up to do. You can find my introduction on the previous page of threads.  Basically, I enjoy doing hair and I got started by rolling and styling my girlfriends hair back years ago in High School. I hope you all find the information and support that you need here.


Take care,




Posted By: HollyKin
Date Posted: July 04 2005 at 1:14pm

This is a great site--so many interesting people and so much info on
Jane B. Fraser's article on trendy hairstyles for my age group (over 40)
was great. It mentioned two new haircuts, the "versatile cut" and the
'dimensional shag" that sound interesting. I'd like to see what the
Versatile Cut looks like. The short-underneath, longer on top sounds like
it might fit my hair type.
Is there a link to a site or someplace on this site that has an image of
these cuts?

I'm an artist and gardener with a very casual lifestyle. I want to have a
good-looking, relatively easy care hairstyle that is not super short.

For decades I've worn my hair very short, gelled up and spiky. I am
growing it out now, but it's covering my ears, growing in weird directions,
and flipping up at the bottom. It's very thick, and it won't lie down and
be smooth. Yet it's not curly either. To flatten it a bit, I have to wear a hat
after I shampoo. I have an oval face, wear glasses. I think it would look
good chin length, smooth & off the face, or even tousled and textury. I
don't want puffy, frizzy hair that takes forever to control. Are there any
hairstyles for interim, growing-out periods, or is it always hell?

My hair has some layers in it. Also some gray which I've been covering,
coloring at home with Nice& Easy, which fades ASAP. I am thinking about
switching to henna, to reduce toxins and ---possibly? get better texture.

Before I do anything dramatic like coloring with henna, I really need a new
Any ideas?



Posted By: MichelleD
Date Posted: July 04 2005 at 11:16pm

Hello!  I am Michelle, currently in Texas but will be moving to Michigan here in September.  My husband is in the Military and will be an Army Recruiter in Michigan.  I had a chin length bob, but cut it to a short sort of pixie cut.  I have naturally curly hair and straightened my hair everyday with a flat iron, so needless to say, I had alot of damage.  I have been reading the posts on extensions religiously this weekend and have learned alot.  I would like extensions similar to the ones that Halle Berry is wearing now.  I would like the past my shoulder and decided to get them done when we relocate to Michigan.  Any info would be greatly appreciated.  I want to grow my hair out, but everytime I cut it this short it gets hard to do, as I am always going to get it cut when the back starts to grow out. 


Michelle D

Posted By: Janicebobanis
Date Posted: July 06 2005 at 9:10am
Hi my name is Janice.  I am so glad I found this sight.  I don't have a major problem, just a question about my color treated hair.  I plan on posting soon. 

I am a stay at home mom of 3.  Trying to decide when to go back to school and what to study? 



Posted By: Penny1
Date Posted: July 08 2005 at 8:22am

Hi My name is Penny

I am from currently in Maryland. I have read alot on this web site on alot of different topics and it has been very informative. I have a short layered look like Lisa Rinna and would like to get extensions. I thought GL or Hairlocs were a possiblity but after reading the comments today I just don't know. I have thick healthy hair but does not grow fast. Any suggestions would be great.


Posted By: smarusin
Date Posted: July 09 2005 at 10:17am


My name is Staci.  I have worn extensions continuously for 11 years due to very fine and thin hair.  I am in the process of moving to Orange County and am looking for a new method and new extensionist.  I really appreciate this board as the information is very informative.  I am a little nervous leaving my current extensionist and trying to find a new one; however, I have been having some problems in the last couple of years.  I have fusion, Monkey Barrz, and lately have been having tons of shedding.  I don't know if it is the hair, products or what.  I did not have this problem before.  My extensionist switched hair companies around the same time my problems started.  Anyway, I appreciate the board.  If anybody has any advise on extensionists or methods, please let me know.


Posted By: Pixie Dra
Date Posted: July 10 2005 at 12:53pm
I'm Pixie, and I live in London.  I have naturally straight (wish it wasn't..) purple hair at the moment.  I love dying it, but I'm afraid to bleach.  I'm about to put black streaks in underneath.  I also love wearing synthetic falls.  I buy some and make some from wool, foam, paper and other materials.

Posted By: Jzaeiy_sweet
Date Posted: July 13 2005 at 6:44pm

Hey everyone,

This is my first time here so i haven't really looked at what this website is all about yet so i'm praying that it's help for me. I am African American, French, and Cree Native American, But for some reason I am the only one in my family who got stuck with this really thick course, nappy hair. Now once in my lifetime(when i was younger) i had long and curly hair, well tragic story, it fell out. Now it seems as if i can't get my hair to grow back and it's not even damaged. It's just really short.It's crazy because it don't even curl anymore. when it's wet it just kind of frizz up at the top, and in the back underneath it gets wavy. So i would love it if this website was a big help to me.


PLEASE HELP!        (Jzaeiy'llh)

God Bless, and have a wonderful day.

Posted By: CatFanatik
Date Posted: July 13 2005 at 7:57pm

Hi. My name is Carol. I'm glad i found this site. 

I'm 42 and for the first time ever, I colored my hair (I've had it highlighted professionally before). 

Something came over me last weekend, I just got sick and tired of my greys and roots and now that I am making less money than I used to I thought I'd try Clairol Nice 'n Easy 106A.

I started out with either dark blonde or light brown hair (hard to tell after highlights, roots, etc), but with leftover highlights and lots of roots.

It turned out reddish, I should have done more research before doing it.  I left it on for the maximum time (40 minutes).  Silly me.    Also, it's a little thinner than it was.  My scalp did 'sting' slightly toward the end of the coloring (before rinsing).

Red wasn't something I desired!  Someone called it red, (very light red though), someone said it had orange but warm color, it's not shocking and I dont' HATE it, but I'm afraid with the summer it will get lighter/redder  and I certainly don't want that.

SO I'm looking through your forum, trying to learn as much as possible, before making my first formal inquiry.

I do see lots of references to products I can't even find on the web.  Clairol Hair Gloss - couldn't find it on the Clairol web site.  I am aiming to find something for my hair that isn't permanent ... that I can just apply weekly or even daily without harm to my hair, to hide the orange. From what I've red I'd need something violet based.

I also see a bunch of references to Sally's.  Who/where is that?  Again, looked on the web.  Can someone point me to a particular website for Sally's?   Is it 


Posted By: Mohair
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 1:45pm

Hi Carol

That is the correct website. I would imagine you could find a location near you on there. They sell professional line hair products. You might want to get some more advice before going there to buy some more color, though.


Take care,




Posted By: crewcutqt
Date Posted: July 14 2005 at 6:22pm

I joined yesterday and it took only a few posts before myself and my boyfriend (hairitgoes) was unceremonioulsy banned.  I don't know why??? 

  *pouty lips*


I am in my own little world, but it is ok...they know me here.

Posted By: SRELL
Date Posted: July 15 2005 at 12:35pm

I am a newbie. I am a 25 year old african american. I read this site before on how to do the microring hair, which I tried and loved.  This site is great for showing you websites for all kinds of different styles to do to your hair.

I had a question for Pokahontas: What kind of hair products do you use for your hair? I have above the shoulder length hair and would like to grow it out, but I cannot seem to find the right kind of product for my hair.

Live everyday blessed

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 3:28pm
Greetings to all newcomers! 

Staci - good to hear you are finding these boards to be informative.

Pixie Dra - sounds like you have lots of fun experimenting with your hair. rock on

Jzaeiy'llh - have you been finding the board(s) with the answers to the questions you have?  There are several here which might be helpful.

Janis and Carol - have you found the - Hair Color board?

Mohair - good to see you, Eric.

Srell - what kind of effect are you looking for the product to have on your hair?  Maybe you can find what you're looking for - here .

Michelle and Penny - have you found the - Hair Extensions board?

Hollykin - have you checked out the "hairstyles" link on the - home page ?

I'd like to issue a hearty "Welcome!" to all newcomers.  I hope you enjoy visiting the site and participating in - hair talk .


Posted By: Jzaeiy_sweet
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 9:30pm
Thanks DaveDecker. yes, i'm finding the answers i need.

God Bless, and have a wonderful day.

Posted By: MmeduKrue
Date Posted: July 16 2005 at 10:20pm
Hi everybody...I am a newbie and I am from germany so please excuse my funny english...  but I am willingly to learn...  I am in love with long hair and I discovered here how to become a DIY... In my my country most people don`t want  hand on informations about their craft. Okay, about my person?I studied musics and I am married, no children, two cats,and a noisy life...because of my job.But - main theme - I changing my (Hair)style about every six weeks and this board  was already a great inspiration.And it is yet... and please don`t hesitate to correct my writings. I am glad to found you all with your Know- how and sharing it with  other people. Greets Kristin

Posted By: Pokahontas
Date Posted: July 17 2005 at 7:06am
Originally posted by SRELL SRELL wrote:

I am a newbie. I am a 25 year old african american. I read this site before on how to do the microring hair, which I tried and loved.  This site is great for showing you websites for all kinds of different styles to do to your hair.

I had a question for Pokahontas: What kind of hair products do you use for your hair? I have above the shoulder length hair and would like to grow it out, but I cannot seem to find the right kind of product for my hair.


Hello Srell,

I use soooo many products...LOL.  I am the biggest product junkie, but I'm trying to work on that.  The main products I use now are Dove shampoo and conditioner, Pantene relaxed and natural,  or Creme of Nature Shampoo and I do a deep conditioning treatment once a month with Lekair cholesterol plus.  For oils I use Doo gro growth oil, shea butter or olive oil.  For styling when I wear my hair natural I use a curl activator mixed with aloe vera gel.


Posted By: Norman
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 2:42am


I'm Norm from the U.K. Some of you will know me from the various long hair boards and sites on the net. I'm 48, married with a young family. I've had a life long interest in the topic of long hair and like to contribute to its positive image worldwide whenever possible.

Thanks to dave for sorting out my registration problems. Hope to contribute messages in the near future.



Posted By: rosie52
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 10:22am

Hello To All

My name is Rosie, and I am from Southern California, where at the moment, we are roasting from the heat.  I am a grandmother and loving every bit of it!!

I lucked up on this website, which I would have loved to found years ago, but it's relieving that you all are there for us!

Nice meeting everyone



Posted By: SRELL
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 11:39am

I am a newbie. I am a 25 year old african american. I read this site before on how to do the microring hair, which I tried and loved.  This site is great for showing you websites for all kinds of different styles to do to your hair.

I had a question for Pokahontas: What kind of hair products do you use for your hair? I have above the shoulder length hair and would like to grow it out, but I cannot seem to find the right kind of product for my hair.



Hello Srell,

I use soooo many products...LOL.  I am the biggest product junkie, but I'm trying to work on that.  The main products I use now are Dove shampoo and conditioner, Pantene relaxed and natural,  or Creme of Nature Shampoo and I do a deep conditioning treatment once a month with Lekair cholesterol plus.  For oils I use Doo gro growth oil, shea butter or olive oil.  For styling when I wear my hair natural I use a curl activator mixed with aloe vera gel.

Hello Pokahontas,

     Yes, you do use quite a bit of products...LOL.

I usually use Pantene intensive moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, I have used the Lekair cholesterol conditioner as well. I wasn't using any type of oil treatment and my cousin (who has very long hair) told me that it is needed. But since the last time I wrote I have got my hair cut  it is right under my ears. Maybe this will be a fresh start for my hair , I had so many dead  ends I knew it had to go I just wanted the length dead hair or not.


Live everyday blessed

Posted By: aseya
Date Posted: July 20 2005 at 2:40pm
Hello everyone!
I've already made a couple of posts, but I thought I might as well introduce myself properly and hopefully make a few friends :)

I'm 21 years old and I currently live in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. My mom's Japanese American from Southern California and my dad's a whole mix of things including Arab, Kenyan and Persian. So my hair is a little, well, confused :) Actually I'm lying. I love my hair.

I believe my hair is a 3a or a 3b. I have loads of it, but the individual strands are medium to fine in texture except for the odd really coarse hair that seems to pop up. It's just above my shoulders now and I'm hoping to grow it out for new years eve (yes I really do plan THAT far ahead:) )

Dubai is great except that I only get to go back to the states every couple of years. And it gets quite frustrating that we don't have a big selection of professional products. My mom's flying out for some seminars in a couple weeks and I've already started my shopping list for her MWAHAHAH.

Ok appologies for the long post:) It was great reading about you all!
Take care!

Posted By: rubystarr
Date Posted: July 23 2005 at 12:00pm

hi everyone!

My name is Ruby, im from texas. I am sooo glad i found this website!! My hair is bsl, grows fairly fast, but is damaged, dry right now. i have been trying hard to get it to be long, healthy and beautiful like i have always wanted. i have dyed it waaay too many times and i am severely regretting it now!!  it is naturally curly, which i usually HATE,  i want straight hair, but if i could just figure out how to style it curly, i think it would be ok. anyways, looking foward to gettin lots of great advice here!!



Posted By: mrsjoolie
Date Posted: July 29 2005 at 4:48pm

Hi. I'm new to the forum. I did post a query to the long hair support, but maybe someone on here would be able to help. I've been growing my hair for 2.5 years (went from the nape of my neck to my waist now). It's naturally red and tends to be dry and frizzy without product in it. My children are all redheads too and theirs gets the same way. We also notice that in the winter, our hair color is very dull. So, the million dollar question is...are there any opinions about the products that are geared specifically for redheads? We don't want to make our hair more dry and frizzy. Thanks so much!


Posted By: sessa
Date Posted: July 29 2005 at 6:05pm
hello everyone!!! just found the sight and am liking it.  

Posted By: justntyme
Date Posted: August 01 2005 at 1:25pm

Hey guys,

I'm so happy to be here! I will be contacting many members to get their expertise.


Debra from North Carolina

"Sexy Hair for You"

Posted By: Porpoise
Date Posted: August 02 2005 at 1:11pm

I just joined today. My real name is Valerie. I'm from Texas. I have thick, frizzy, naturally wavy hair. I used to straighten it but now I blow dry it with a diffuser and make it curlier!

DANGER! I drive like you do.

Posted By: southerndixie17
Date Posted: August 02 2005 at 2:44pm

Hi! I just joined today and in a major crisis! I went to the salon to have a body wave (something I could still brush & have volume) and she put an extremely curly perm in my hair!  Not only did she cut off a lot of the length, but it looks fried!  What can I do to get some of this curl out of my hair without ruining it? Please help!!!!


Posted By: aseya
Date Posted: August 02 2005 at 4:16pm
Hello SouthernDixie!
If I'm remembering correctly, you're not supposed to shampoo a perm for either 48 or 72 hours after getting it done so that the curl can lock in. I remember when I was training a girl shampooed her perm client and the perm flopped almost immediatly. So maybe try that. Do you remember if the stylist told you how long to wait before shampooing?
Anyway good luck, I hope it works out for you!

Posted By: Cindy2652
Date Posted: August 02 2005 at 8:38pm
Hi! My name is Cindy. I'm very glad to have found this site. I have fairly long blonde hair. This summer I decided to get it cut and layered, which did come out nice. Then I had a body wave. The girl used the biggest rods and left them in for less time than recommended. The perm came out beautiful, but only lasted two months. So now I just went back thinking to myself, Cindy, your last perm came out really nice so tell her to do the same thing again. Well with all the talking, and the beautician thought we could go a rod smaller, I said go ahead. Well now, it came out WAY too wavy and curly for me. I knew better than to wash it the first couple of days, but did so any way. I was so frustrated I just wanted to wash it all out. Well now I'm stuck with a head full of FRIZZ!! It's beautiful !!!! Any body got any ideas on how I can live with this until it fades away? PLEASE
HELP!!!!! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Posted By: southerndixie17
Date Posted: August 03 2005 at 7:59am

Thanks for your advice - but, I did wash it as soon as I got home & still had more than enough curl - more than I originally wanted! I'm trying  to deal w/ what I paid for, but it is very hard. It is so curly, it really looks natural - but, I hate it! 

Cindy, if you want to get rid of the curl all together, you can get another perm. When you apply the first step, just get a fine tooth comb & comb through it continuously for approx. 1/2 the time specified. Then apply the neutralizer (step 2) & comb again continuously. Then rinse your hair thoroughly w/ cool water (not hot) and then use the conditioner that came w/ the perm. Believe it or not, you can even shampoo & condition yoru hair - the perm/curl will be completely gone!  Just make sure the next time you wash your hair, use a hot oil treatment & conditioner! I even bought some Infusium Treatment & my hair was extremely soft!  (I've straightened my hair before when I got a bad perm!) I'm trying not to straighten it this time, but I am very tempted!!!  Good Luck!


Posted By: MillieBelle
Date Posted: August 04 2005 at 2:58pm


My name is Belle and I have been growing my hair out from a chin length cut since January 2004.

Currently my hair is layered and cut like Jennifer Aniston's. It is bra strap length and a light golden brown. I need help and advice on how to style my side swept bangs. I like the way Jennifer Aniston styles hers and also Hilary Duff's.

Talk to everyone soon!!

Posted By: quarrelsw/curls
Date Posted: August 06 2005 at 1:09pm

Hi all!

* Background - 44 year old single mom w/2 kids,  currently dating terrific man *

I'm Mary, and I have curly hair I've been fighting with for years.  In the past year I've taken to straightening it with a flat iron, and I generally like the straight look on me, but I've ruined my hair!  My boyfriend has encouraged me to let the hair go curly and stop torturing it, so I've been looking for ways to get it to behave without frizzing out and looking like a bird's nest. 

I think the best it looked was after we took a half hour ride in his mg roadster when I forgot my scarf - the wind wound it up in segments and blew it into great curled sections.  No way to duplicate that with a blow dryer though - and I'm trying to keep it away from heat.

I'll be looking for all the tips and tricks I can get my hands on for curly hair.  I also want to find out about not using shampoo.  A friend of mine once told me that her sister stopped using shampoo entirely and her hair looks so good now it's unbelievable.  I saw something posted about Co-washing, or washing with conditioner.  Not sure that's what she was doing, but I'm intrigued.

Hope to make some friends and learn some new tricks.

My mom never thought I was an ugly duckling.

Posted By: southerndixie17
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 8:09am

Hi Mary - Welcome!

About your curls - USE a good (most good ones are expensive) shampoo & conditioner. Use Infusium Leave-In Treatment (for frizz control) also to help repair the damage. Then, towel dry your hair & use an anti-frizz serum all over your hair (I use Frizz-Ease). Depending on how long your hair is, you usually have to use about two handfuls to manage the frizz like you want.  Then pick through your hair & let it dry naturally!  DO NOT blow-dry!!!  This causes more frizz & that is what you don't want!  Try this & see if this works for you!  I have curly hair & my best friend's hair is naturally curl too. She gave me this advcie & I couldn't thank her more!!!!



Posted By: MBurney218
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 10:49am
hi everyone. I am a newbie.  I am here mostly because i need opinions and advice on hair care.

Posted By: southerndixie17
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 12:19pm


Tell us your problem or concern & between all of us here - we'll see if we can help or at least give some advice!

Southern Dixie



Posted By: MBurney218
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 12:49pm
ok here's the problem:  All my life my hair has been healthy and long (to my elbows) then one day when i was still in high school (senior year) I decided to be cute and cut it all off Halle Berry style.  Ever since then my hair has grown just down to my neck and it wont grow anymore. The back grows to my neck but the front and sides dont get any longer than my jaw line.  I know it might impossible to get it at its original length but what can i do to make all ends grow back faster?  I get my ends clipped regularly too but nothing seems to work.

Posted By: southerndixie17
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 1:29pm

First of all, it is a myth that you must get your ends trimmed every 6-8 weeks for your hair to grow - wrong!  Your hair grows anyways - the only reason to trim frequent is to do away w/ split ends.  Try using "Mane & Tail" Shampoo - you can find this in Walmart!  When I cut my hair off short, I used this & my hair grew so quickly and also thickened!  Try it & see what you think!

Something else that is excellent for hair is beer!  Yes, I said beer!  NOT to drink it!! Pour it on your hair & leave for about 10-15 minutes, then wash & condition!  It helps w/ any damage!!


Posted By: MBurney218
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 1:36pm


Beer, huh? hmmm....might have to try that too thanks

Posted By: southerndixie17
Date Posted: August 08 2005 at 1:46pm



Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 10:32am
Welcome everyone!

Quarrelsw/curls:  Mine is straight, but my curly haired friends swear by the following, using shampoos and conditioners that don't have quite as  much silicone in them (things in the ingredients ending in 'cone).  Using a wide toothed comb to comb hair after washing, while its still wet.  Never brushing.  Using a little jojoba oil in it to tame the frizz and bring out the curl and shine.  (like a drop or two, not too much).  Many swear by the conditioner only method too.  Good luck!

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: merci
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 4:20pm
Hi there.

I am a 54 year old woman with very silver hair which I have never dyed. People tell me they love the colour and say they would grow their grey out too if they knew their color would look like mine... so I am ok with the colour.

BUT the texture is another story! This forum is where I have come for guidance! My hair is very wavy and dry and it needs a lot of conditioning. I usually wear it closer to my shoulders but was recently the victim of a very distracted hairdresser. (Not only is it shorter than I wanted, it is not terribly even at the bottoms either - but that is another story!)Thus, my hair is just at my neck level - which I ordinarily wouldn't mind, but since I also experience hot flashes and it is summer, my neck and my hair at my neck get damp and right now my hair is not quite long enough to keep up
sucessfully. The hair getting damp and then drying 5 times or more a day is contributing to the dryness - at least on the ends.

Any advice out there for silkier hair would be much appreciated (and any suggestions for growing hair faster of course!).

Finally, thank goodness for flatirons! Mine is my life saver especially after this last hair cut. It makes me feel like my hair is a little longer and it contributes to making it look a little better... but that can't be helping the dryness either.


Posted By: dolcecasa
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 10:27pm
Hi Merci,
welcome! First off I have graying hair also,and also am growing it! Number one, I would have to say NO to the
flat iron! Heat is very bad for hair,but I think gray hair especially! I let mine air dry and if I must dry its on the cool setting of my blow dryer. I use Natures Gate Jojoba shampoo and the matching conditioner at the moment and love them. Sometimes I let the conditioner stay on for 10 minutes with my hair wrapped in a towel,its great. Also, try to use minimal hair products,ie,hair spray,mousse,gel,etc. All this is hard to do, but your grown out hair will thank you, just remember, less is best! IMO
Gray hair can be beatiful if treated gently!
fellow gray grower!


Posted By: dolcecasa
Date Posted: August 09 2005 at 10:33pm
Ps. Dont fight the texture! and, as far as sweating goes, I dont know how much that will contribute to your dryness. I have the same problem, not because of hot flashes, but my hair is nape/collar length also,and it makes me sweat at night because I cant put it up also.
what a pain eh? Hang in there, dont cut it and soon you will be able to maybee put it in ponytail with a small soft scrunchie at night!


Posted By: merci
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 1:16am
Thanks for the kind words, suggetsions and encouragement!


Posted By: MBurney218
Date Posted: August 10 2005 at 8:25am

Merci, I hope everything works out for you.


I did glue in wefts the other day and they look great I guess. Instead of keeping it flat and straight the traditional way, I used my 1 inch 3 barrel crimp iron.  Now it looks great.  I do not look forward to all the sticky glue residue thats left afterwards.  Any suggestions on how to minimize that icky stuff?  Does the hair glue damage your hair? thats the last thing I want since Im trying to re grow my hair.

Posted By: farewelltheme
Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 10:51am

Hello everyone. Yay! I'm a newbie!

I'm 13 and I love hair. A few years ago, I grew out my bangs and since trimming and such, they're about shoulder length. Until about six weeks ago, I had it layered/tapered so that the longest bits were midway down my back and my bangs were about shoulder length. I cut off about six inches from the back, so not it's all more even with my bangs. Now I want to grow it back out. My hair grows pretty fast (since I cut it it's grown nearly an inch). I just need support and such on growing it back out because I have urges to cut it again.



Posted By: BrooKiki
Date Posted: August 12 2005 at 11:49pm

Hi,  I'm Brooke.  I'm 24 and my hair is just past my shoulder blades, brown and very, very thick.  I measured the circumference in a ponytail and it's six inches.  I have a hard time finding hair accessories that will work with my hair. It's healthy and, for now, I'm letting it grow.  When I finally do cut it, I think I'll donate it to Locks of Love for a wig.  My biggest hope with this forum is to find hair accessories I can use, like barrettes.  I love the look of the hair just being pinned up with a barrette, but I can't find one that will fit my hair. 

edited after remeasuring hair thickness

Posted By: Verb8tim
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 12:36pm


I'm a new member so I hope that I'm doing this the correct way.

I found this site because I'm trying to figure out what to do about my hair.  I had it cut on Wednesday and I am so depressed.  I can't bear the thought of having to live with this hair for another five years or so until it grows out.

I am on my way to see a psychologist for the first time, and I'm desperately hoping that he can help me because at this point I am literally suicidal.  I can't believe I was stupid enough to let a hairdresser cut my hair.

I am interested in hearing from those of you are trying to grow out your hair and have gone the route of extensions.  Please let me know if there is a way to get extensions without hindering regrowth of your hair.

I am located in Orange County, California and would be interested in knowing if there are any competent hairdressers in my area that do extensions.  Needless to say, when it comes to hairdressers, I am very gun shy.

I can't believe I paid someone $107 to ruin my hair.  I could have gone to a barbershop, had my head shaved, saved a lot of time and money, and had a similar result.

Help!!  I'm desperate.  I'll let you know how the counseling session goes.  Thanks!!  


Posted By: Jon Valentine
Date Posted: August 13 2005 at 4:54pm

Hi everyone. My name is Jon, I'm 16 and I live in Ireland, I love to try new things with my hair but I'm a bit indecisive, I have almost shoulder lenght,thick,dark brown hair(well for the moment anyway) . I came here really to look for advice on my hair and how to achieve styles and to help others when I can.To the owners and moderators I'd just like to say I really love your site and it has a very refreshing atmosphere and the people here are really great too ,you're all very understanding, open and have great personalities (and hair of course). Thanks for listening

Posted By: MBurney218
Date Posted: August 14 2005 at 4:30pm


My name is Monique.  I read your post and hoped you dont mind if I responded.  Like you I had my hair cut.  I was trying to be cute my senior year in high school.  That was like 5 years ago and my hair sucks right now. The sides of my hair WILL NOT grow past my jawbones and the back of my hair is stuck neck length. It has been like that the past 3 or so years.  I just recently wrote here to ask for advice on how to grow your hair hair out quicker and I was referred to Mane and Tail Shampoo.  It supposedly grows your hair pretty fast.  Currently I am wearing bonded weft extensions that I did myself.  The process is easy if you have the patience.  The outcome is also good when the worl you put it your hair makes it look like your own thick and long hair.  it is currenly day 7 and my hair still looks great. The next project I am going to try is Shrinkies.  As long as you manage your carefully when you have extensions I dont believe that you will damage the chance of it growing back.


Posted By: Hair Goddess
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 3:05pm
Hello.  I'm a newbie.  I just joined yesterday.  I posted someplace here, but I can't seem to find it.  So just in case I want to say hello to everyone.

Posted By: southerndixie17
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 3:16pm

To Verb8tim & MBurney218-

I believe I recommended the Mane & Tail Shampoo - have you tried it?  As for extensions, I honestly do not recommend it!  I, personally, have never had them; but everyone I know who has had them hated them & had them removed within a two week period of getting it done.  They DO damage your hair and cause an extensive amount of breakage!  This is why I do not recommend them!  The key to success with your hair is to find that "perfect" hair stylist!  (Which sometimes seems impossible!)  Talk to different people in your area and get their opinions.  Go TALK to different stylists in your area & get their opinions - remember, advice is FREE!!!  Also, look through magazines & find hair styles you like that are the length of your hair now.  This will help ease the pain, because there are several adorable & sexy hair styles for short hair!  Do sweat - IT WILL GROW!!!



Posted By: MBurney218
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 3:34pm
Thanks Dixie

Posted By: southerndixie17
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 3:46pm

I am human too - I have made numerous "Hair" mistakes too - I am dealing w/ one now (Seriously Bd Perm!). So, I now how frustrating it can be!!!  I am seriously thinking about straightening mine back & cutting it shorter!  My hair is mid-length (right above bra strap). This so-called "body wave" I got (turned out to be very curly), has curled my hair to be above-shoulder length - UGH!!!!  Anyways...any advice is appreciated - it can't get any worse!

Your welcome for the advice - but, like I said....your hair will grow back!


Posted By: Hair Goddess
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 6:39pm
Originally posted by Verb8tim Verb8tim wrote:


I'm a new member so I hope that I'm doing this the correct way.

I found this site because I'm trying to figure out what to do about my hair.  I had it cut on Wednesday and I am so depressed.  I can't bear the thought of having to live with this hair for another five years or so until it grows out.

I am on my way to see a psychologist for the first time, and I'm desperately hoping that he can help me because at this point I am literally suicidal.  I can't believe I was stupid enough to let a hairdresser cut my hair.

I am interested in hearing from those of you are trying to grow out your hair and have gone the route of extensions.  Please let me know if there is a way to get extensions without hindering regrowth of your hair.

I am located in Orange County, California and would be interested in knowing if there are any competent hairdressers in my area that do extensions.  Needless to say, when it comes to hairdressers, I am very gun shy.

I can't believe I paid someone $107 to ruin my hair.  I could have gone to a barbershop, had my head shaved, saved a lot of time and money, and had a similar result.

Help!!  I'm desperate.  I'll let you know how the counseling session goes.  Thanks!!  

Hello.  I'm a newbie to this forum also.  I've had my share also of bad hairdressers, their sissors, chemicals, extensions, etc.  I've had many negative experiences in the past.  However after many years, I've learned that the only competent hairdresser is me, myself, and I.  I know what's best for my hair.  I've been to people who would not honor my wishes and as a result, I lost a lot of hair.  My husband would be in a rage because of it...I would be so upset.  And even 12 years before I knew him, I was going around in circles with the same issues.  I've finally got it!  I had to re-evaluate this whole "hair" thing along with trying to fit in.  I will ((NEVER)) trust anyone to my hair again.  It's been a few years now and I am doing just fine.  My hair is growing faster and healthier.  Tips from forums like these are the "BEST" way to go.  I had to stop thinking that someone else had the answer and take matters into my own hands.  It may take more work...but hey, aren't you worth it.

Your hair will grow back, and when it does, you will find more satisfaction.  No one will care more about your hair than yourself.  I'm sorry about your depression...I've been there many times.  I wish you the best.

Posted By: bangxbang
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 7:46pm
I just recently got a new obsession over my hair, after dyeing it jet black, I love it. Just thought ill sign up here for some tips and stuff, cause im as newbie as it goes with hair. So yea hey.

D: <3

Posted By: glwitt
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 10:39pm
Originally posted by Halo Halo wrote:

HI I just found this site thanks to Jenny.  I am in love with it.

I do not do extensions professionally.  I am a mother of three and I go to school for nursing part time.  I have also worked at different part time jobs but none of them have ever had anything to do with hair.

I have had extensions for a few years now and have tried a few different types.  I do not do them for anyone else, only on myself because I don't know what I'm doing as it is.

I started getting them because I damaged my hair bleaching it and had to cut it very short.  I have very fine thin hair that is naturally a dark blond color that I lighten. It grows very slowly and it took me about 20 years to finally get it to the length I liked while also looking healthy with blond highlights.  Then I bleached my hair myself and had to cut it all off. Very dumb and sad. I wasn't about to wait another 20 years for my own hair to grow back long so I started getting extensions.  Eventually I learned to do them on myself through trial and error.  Still I have not had any success in growing my own hair back so I am doing something wrong.  Which is why I am so glad to have found this board.

Meanwhile I have had a whole lotta fun playing with my hair over these last few years.  And I have discovered how much fun crazy colors and changing my hairstyle from short to long overnight can be.  Living in a very conservative neighborhood makes it that much more fun to confuse my neighbors.  And when I need inspiration I can go downtown into Chicago where I have seen some really amazing gorgeous creative hair extensions.

Nice to meet you all (oh and by the way my real name is Heather)  Halo is a nickname that I've given up trying to shake.

Posted By: glwitt
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 10:48pm
Help, where do you go for extension or what is the lingo to use when shopping for extensions.  I am a 30+ short haired and well thin hair I am desperate, I had grown it for about three years and then I wanted a "change" so then got a "trim" and now well still waiting for the growth.  I am finsihed waiting for the last four months no growth so any information would be great....oln extensions for straight then hair on a native german female Thanks, Glo

Posted By: dolcecasa
Date Posted: August 17 2005 at 11:33pm
interesting post glwitt. Dont know anything about extensions, but Im sure others here will help you out there.


Posted By: Lacey
Date Posted: August 18 2005 at 6:21pm

Hey, My name's Lacey and i'm 17 years old.  I bought my first extensions EVER a couple days ago.  I had been lurking here for awhile but finally decided to join.  I have blonde hair w/ a major red tint due to my jet black hair dying experience.  But I just joined and thot i would introduce myself!!

Posted By: MBurney218
Date Posted: August 19 2005 at 8:01am
Nice to meet you Lacey

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: August 23 2005 at 1:04am

Hi guys! My name is deb,  I'm 23, and I'm sooo happy I found this sight.  I'm actually looking for a advice on the easiest way to grow my hair out.  I'm a natural blond (think jessica simpson blond) but over the last few years it's been every color I could think! The problem is that I currently have black hair (really, it's not as scary as it sounds) and about two inches of blond root, which in certain lights either reflect the black and look purple, or just make me look like I'm going bald. So yeah, I'm going to look around, and if anybody has any suggestions I'd really appreciate some help.  thanks!


Posted By: collie99
Date Posted: August 26 2005 at 7:46pm

Hola!  I'm 52 years old with long - and ever longer - hair that's all grey/white except for blonde "highlights."  I emphasize that last word with a smile, knowing the grey/white is often lighter than the  streaks!  No matter, my hair is about 3 inches below the shoulder at this writing and I have what apparently is referred to as wavy hair with broad S-curves.  I'm really interested in talking with folks with this same kind of hair and to find out how they care for it, how they dry it and how they go about air-drying/diffusing it for the best look!

This HairBoutique site, by the way, is truly wonderful and I've enjoyed many of the articles on a variety of subjects.  Nice people, all of you!


Posted By: loralynn
Date Posted: August 27 2005 at 3:33pm

Hi, my name is Loralynn, from OHio, I am 35 yrs.    I have 3 kids, all under 4 yrs, I have diar, diar, hair problems, from style to color, its funny because growing up I was the popular one with the awesome hair, Hu, they should see it now, train wreck, anyway, I have found a lot of this advice on this boad very helpful! 

I look forward to posting my problems, no one seems to be able to help, I have tried from fancy places all the way to high school classes! Thank you...             



Posted By: loralynn
Date Posted: August 27 2005 at 3:45pm

My hair is bright "p" yellow from our water, nothing works, not even a new tank.

Is there any advice there?

should I color it darker?  except for the yellow I like the blond color I have going.                           

Is this the spot to ask Help questions, if not where do I go?



Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: August 27 2005 at 5:10pm
Is it yellow from something in your water effecting hair color?  Or is that your natural color that is going yellow?  If its hair color, try the "hair color" board and they can help you chose a way to eliminate the yellow...and after you fix it I'd probably only wash it with bottled water.  Do you know what's in the water?

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: loralynn
Date Posted: August 27 2005 at 7:57pm

Originally posted by Susan W Susan W wrote:

Is it yellow from something in your water effecting hair color?  Or is that your natural color that is going yellow?  If its hair color, try the "hair color" board and they can help you chose a way to eliminate the yellow...and after you fix it I'd probably only wash it with bottled water.  Do you know what's in the water?

Hi, it is yellow from to much Iron in our water, and my husband put in a new softner tank for salt and it does not help.

I am using bottled water now, but it is still yellow.. Thanks....


Posted By: loralynn
Date Posted: August 27 2005 at 7:59pm


It is yellow from to much Iron in our water, my husband bought a new softner tank and it does not help, (the salt?) anyway I use bottle water now but the yellow is still there, and I tried Malibu and it does not help, should I cut it out, or can I color over it?


Posted By: Kimbers
Date Posted: August 29 2005 at 1:44pm
hi there,
i had great lengths extensions done while i was on holiday in South Africa,, because it was half the cost of what it is here in the USA. I live in Seattle, and googled a search for info on extension choices, and came across this wonderful site,,, I have been reading everything on here for 3 days, and I have learnt an enormous amount,, I am still trying to decide what method I am going to use for my next lot of extensions,, and I am also trying to find someone locally that is not going to rip me off,,, a local salon wanted $300 for 25 bundles of great lengths hair,, and i would need about 5 bundles,, my hair is very fine, and I don't have a lot of it, so I continue my search to find the best method for my hair,,
I am very happy to have found this forum, thank you for all the great info,, I did find someone on there called boogiemama, that looks like she knows what she is doing,,
all the best

Carpe dieme

Posted By: Chamomilebetty
Date Posted: August 30 2005 at 2:04pm
Hi everyone.

I have been a vistor of the HB since 1999 and a lurker on message boards for the last 3 years.
I spend most my time on the Long Hair Care boards and thought it was finally time to introduce myself here.

My hair is right below BS and is a med blonde naturally but I color a light golden color. I also have long layers. My long term goal I have is to hit Waist length sometime this comming Spring.

Light Golden Blonde
20 1/2 - 26 1/4 - 30

Posted By: Rekal
Date Posted: August 31 2005 at 7:00am

Hi everyone

I've just caught on to this site and look forward to checking it out , the whole hairstyling thing is a nightmare to me especially a visit to the hairdressers wich usually leaves me depressed and not very happy as they never do my hair the way I want it, even if I take pics for them to see what I want, my hair still ends up a shorter version of what it was like when I came in - so depressing . I end up having to try and get it the way I want myself so hoping to pick up a few tips here unless anyone in London UK knows a really really good hairdresser ?




Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: August 31 2005 at 8:16am

Originally posted by Chamomilebetty Chamomilebetty wrote:

Hi everyone.

I have been a vistor of the HB since 1999 and a lurker on message boards for the last 3 years.
I spend most my time on the Long Hair Care boards and thought it was finally time to introduce myself here.

My hair is right below BS and is a med blonde naturally but I color a light golden color. I also have long layers. My long term goal I have is to hit Waist length sometime this comming Spring.

Hi Chamomilebetty,

Thanks for your long time visits to  We appreciate it very much.  And thanks for introducing yourself here in this forum.  I am sure the Long Hair forum board folks here at HairTalk will enjoy hearing about your growing out process.  Please keep us informed of your progress.

Best wishes & welcome,

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: NIKKI 2
Date Posted: August 31 2005 at 2:21pm

Hi everyone!


My name is Nikki and I am a newbie here. I came across this site while I was trying to look up the products Tracee Ellis Ross uses.

Of course, I coundn't find it ANYWHERE on the web. It must be top secret.

Anyway, I am of African American, Asian, Irish and Native decent.

My hair is long and full. I fiqured that this would be a great site to get some good advice on how to tame this nest!