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medication putting on weight

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Category: Beauty Talk
Forum Name: Diet Days
Forum Description: A place for sharing ideas, tips and our daily struggles
Printed Date: May 18 2024 at 6:23am

Topic: medication putting on weight
Posted By: ragdollragdoll
Subject: medication putting on weight
Date Posted: November 12 2005 at 2:55pm

I am on meds for different problems zI have and it put on close to 120 lbs more than what I originally weight. I was 100 lbs before my meds. I can't seam to lose the weight that I gained. I lost some weight around 15 lbs in 2 years. All I do is walk every day 3 miles a day.I eat 5 small meals a day.All my weight is in my stomach. I am working with a dietiton.


Posted By: gunnie71
Date Posted: January 23 2006 at 4:53am

Hey, It sounds like You're on the right path!

 First of all, I know the problems with weight gain due to RX Meds!

 That was back in 2001, I started to eat healthy foods(like alot of fish, poultry, spinach salads, and vituraly no sugar,etc. Plus I've always loved (fast) walking for as little as 20 mins to 2 hours, which ever I prefer due to the weather. I love dancing, always have.

 Now, I'm enjoying Bowling, I even have my own Bowling Ball(Pink swirled with sparkles) and bag and Bowling shoes(which are Pink and whit and a bit of grey) which look like Sketchers!

 So needless to say, I believe You're doing great! Also having a dietician helps.

 Take care, and May God Bless You Too!

Katie ;)

Posted By: skibumps
Date Posted: February 14 2006 at 10:40pm
Personal trainer!!!!!!  If you can find (and afford) a trainer that has a degree in biology, anatomy/chemistry, kinesiology, or some sort of biological/life science, that is who you want to look for.  There are many people out there who take these "certification" classes to be personal trainers, but all they've learned is a crash course in the major muscle groups and what exercises work on which muscle group.  They don't understand how the muscles work and the why behind what they are recommending, nor do they typically have a strong understanding of nutrition.  A good personal trainer will develop a program just for you and what you want to accomplish.  They should take a BMI reading, get baseline body measurements, and then closely monitor them, paying particular attn to your problem areas.  I got a personal trainer through 24 Hr Fitness, and now she's one of my best friends (an added bonus) but I still pay for her services.  However, she worked miracles with me.  She put me on a diet that enabled me to lose 10 pds in 2 wks (and she told me up front that if I followed the diet I would), and got me very toned.  Prior to meeting her, I had dieted unsuccessfully, excercised but it never seemed to do anything, and kept gaining wgt, much of it from meds.  The key is to speed up your metabolism, and put yourself in a caloric deficit.  It sounds worse than it is.  Basically, if you follow this diet, it's only so many calories.  When you exercise, your goal is to exercise off more calories than you're taking in,thus putting you in a caloric deficit, and therefore, causing a healthy wgt loss, which is easy to keep off as well.  You will be amazed at how toned your body, esp your abs!  If you can afford it, look into a personal trainer!  

Posted By: malibu
Date Posted: March 06 2006 at 3:30pm
Hey Skibumps, funny because I found my personal trainer to be my best friend too! Once I couldn't afford her she stopped calling me and never called me back. Isn't that something!

Posted By: Miffny
Date Posted: April 06 2006 at 11:22am
Here is a great site & makes sense.I never touch fried food of any sort the past 2 years & cut out salt & sugars espicially the hidden sugars, use only extra virgin olive oil to cook & for salads with balsamic vinegar & or lemon juice (lemon juice believe it or not is quite high in sugar)cut out high natural sugar fruits unless I know I am going to work it off example grapes-watermelon-no friut juice ice blocks  I make my own ice blocks with nearly all water & a splash of mango juice for flavour I drink only plain water & tea to drink with 99% non fat milk.I am so used to it now it's second nature.I also am on 2 medications with the side effects of weight gain I simply have to really push the excercise more & keep my eating as a way of life kilojues in kilojules out is my life if I eat I have to make sure I will burn it off.I also take deep sea kelp & a liver tonic to help flush the  meds out so no build up occurs.I only eat Tuna/Salmon & skinless grilled Chicken breast fillets marinated in a little olive oil fresh herbs & a touch of chilli or simply tossed on a bbq-red meat makes me feel sick.

Get to know your fruits & vegetables & the kilojules (calories) & carbs they have in them as in all food it is quite a shock as I found out from a dietician , easily found on the net just google carbs plus friut & veg.
Same goes for all food in general.My best tip is learning to read food labels sugar-fats (trans-saturated -unsaturated etc) sodium as in diet yogurts & "lite" foods the sugar can be so high it's scary & sugar turns to fat if not worked off.

I also eat a 1 cup of bran with 1/2 cup skim milk every morning
All the best of luck & you Will get there

edited as I don't know why the links don't go straight to the sites as on other forums


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