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I need help,.....

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: June 15 2024 at 5:29pm

Topic: I need help,.....
Posted By: katay
Subject: I need help,.....
Date Posted: March 18 2006 at 9:08am


 Ok I need help(support).

 I really want to continue to grow out my hair, which is about 2 inches above my shoulders.

 My hair is healthy, and medium fine, naturally auburn red, and naturally straight too.

 I rarely get any slight wave, except in humid weather.

 I vasalate(change my mind alot). Sometimes, I want to try some lowlights, sometimes I want an inverted Bob style, other times, I'm very happy with my growing hair.

 Basically if people, could help me to stay focused on NOT CUTTING, unless it's a slight trim, I'd appeciate that alot!!!;)

 Thanks, Everyone!

 Love, Katie

God Bless,...

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: March 18 2006 at 11:40am
Okay, Katay, sounds like you've made up your mind that you want to keep growing your hair for you are hereby invited to join our "NO CUT" support group. Hide your scissors, take a deep cleansing breath and repeat frequently the mantra "My hair is beautiful, I will NOT cut my hair." Now, every time you feel the urge to cut, post a message on this board asking for help!! I'm sure your hair looks great in a bob, but if you really want it longer, you just have to stop cutting it. Your hair sounds lovely, and it will look lovely longer as well. Oh, also congratulations on your marriage!!!


Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: March 18 2006 at 7:56pm

Katay, I was just on the Long Hair Community board and they have a great thread on how to fake a short bob when you have long hair. I though of you! Here is the link: -

You may have to grow your hair longer to do this, but it's a way you can have both long hair as well as your lovely bob!!!


Posted By: katay
Date Posted: March 19 2006 at 8:33am

 Hi SpecialKitty!;)

 I Thank You soooo much for the support. I also like the fake bob style. By end of summer I'll be able to try that(I hope).

 I really do have patience in many ways. It's just been a few years since I've had really long hair.

 I love all of You. First because You are all helpful, and I love imagining my hair as long and pretty as Yours too.;)

 HUGS to all of You here!

 Love, Katie

God Bless,...

Posted By: letmecount123
Date Posted: March 19 2006 at 9:26pm
I just tried's the outcome.

It's a little uneven, but it was hard to put in and I just did it quick. I also used a can hardly tell it's even in my hair cuz it's brown.

Looks neat anyway!


Posted By: katay
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 5:24am

Hi Letmecount123,

  I Love your hair!!!;)

 I also love the progress pics of your hair. How long do you want your hair to be?

 I still just want my hair at my shoulders for now. I'm sure by July my hair will be shoulder length, and then I'll post a pic of my hair.

                              Keep up the awesome hair to You!

 Love, Katie

God Bless,...

Posted By: ataraxy
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 9:29am
that's an awesome idea, a fake bob! i'll have to try this, i recently came close to cutting mine into a bob. good luck katay, you're not alone in the "keep me away from the scissors" category

LMC, looks good. it doesn't look like the easiest thing to do.


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 9:41am
WOW!  I'm so impressed with the fake bob!  That looks exactly like a short haircut!  Not that I'm ever tempted to cut it, but what fun to be able to do both short and long styles at once! 

And katay, why do highlights?  You are so blessed to have a natural auburn red color, it will look just gorgeous when its very long!

Forgot to add:  I used to do fake short hair with a hat, just pinning it all up under a hat and letting only wisps of the ends hang out.  You can make it look any length you want, or make it look like bangs hanging over your forehead.  The only problem is if your hair's very long you need a kind of hat that looks okay big.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: katay
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 3:47pm

 Thank You Susan W,

 I know my natural haircolor is Beautiful.

 I've dyed it brunette, and violet red lowlights, and twice Fushia Pink.

 I have tried enough coloring.

 I really am Happy, I like to share, and I'm very Happy that You and others share your support.

 Love, Katie;)

God Bless,...

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: March 20 2006 at 8:01pm
The best advice I can give in this situation would be to not concentrate on really long lengths. It's great to have a goal length of waist or longer but if you have trouble just getting below the shoulders or to BSL then you should make some in between or short term goals too. Make plans like, "I'll grow until ______ and see how I feel then."

We know that hair averages 6 inches per year. So look at your current length and see where you think you'll be 4-6 inches from now. Then do everything you can do to care for and enjoy your hair during that time. Or some people have an easier time if they ignore their hair for a while. Find what works for you.

Start a journal if you think that will help you. It can be online or offline or both.
Think about certain styles or updos that you might like to try as you grow longer. Or perhaps there are hair toys you'd like to try but can't use until you have longer lengths. Perhaps those can inspire you to stick with it?

Another idea is to get a bulletin board or folder and collect inspirational pictures. It doesn't have to necessarily be your goal hair but rather hair that inspires you.
If you're going to use pictures from online it would be nice if you PM or email the person and ask if you can use their picture. I know some people are flattered when their pictures are used for that purpose but I also know there are those who would appreciate being asked first.

There's something I call a daily hair affirmation where everyday or whenever you think of it, you think of at least one thing that you can say good about your hair.

Another thing is pretend your hair is on someone else and think of what you would say to that person. Would you tell them it was pretty? Or getting longer? Or something positive?

I hope that helps.

------------- - My Journal

Posted By: katay
Date Posted: March 21 2006 at 5:31am

Thanks PurpleBubba!!!

 I love all your suggestions!

 I will try some.

 I truly appreciate all of your support!

 I have finally made up my mind as of Monday(March 20th 2006) that I really do want longer hair.

 Love, Katie

God Bless,...

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