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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: June 15 2024 at 7:33pm

Topic: Introduction
Posted By: Karen26
Subject: Introduction
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 4:21pm

I've been reading on here for about a week or so now. 

Unfortunately, I found this place a little too late so save my hair.  I had a hairdresser nightmare.  I admit, I brought it on myself with my constant love/hate relationship with my bra-length hair.  I kept saying I was going to cut it, I was tired of it, it was such a headache but I chickened out at the last moment (because in truth my long hair made me feel feminine, beautiful and sexy).  Course, that didn't matter to my the lady standing behind me.  HER mind had already been made up. She razored off my hair to my shoulders.  And I got a bad dye job out of the mix as well.  Her one shot turned out to be her last.  I will never return to her, and probably shouldn't have trusted her in the first place.  *sigh*

I was devistate for over a week.  I never knew how emotional losing that much hair could be for a person. 

So, I've vowed to grow it out, yet again.  Even more discouraging was the fact that it took me 7 years to get my hair bra length.  It just grows sooooo slow.  But I also had a history of coloring it, so I think if I let it go natural I can see improved growth times with less breakage and damage (which was probably the true culprit for the slow growth).

And it does feel much healthier now with those inches gone.  I just miss them terribly.

I'm giving Hairtopia a try and trying to quit smoking soon so I can be as good to my body as possible and in turn good to my hair.  And will probably try to cover up the bad dye job with henna (NO MORE DYE JOBS!!).  I've used it in the past, and missrini (I think it is) I love your henna job! It's just a beautiful color on you.  I'm going to aim more for a brownish red since I've done the red in the past (looked similar to yours) but want something closer to my natural color. 

I'll quit babbling now! LOL! But I just wanted to say hello and let my presence be known since I'll undoubetly be hanging around on here for quite a while!


Posted By: caramel
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 4:35pm
i'm very hot-tempered, that lady is lucky i wasn't the one in ur place lol... but don't worry, it'll grow back, just take good care of it

Posted By: Karen26
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 5:43pm

There are sooo many things looking back that I wish I had taken into consideration more. 

The fact that she was saying she'd just dyed her hair red and the red was already gone (and yes indeed it was).  That should've been one of my biggest clues.

The fact that I'd been taking my 10 year old son there to get his hair cut and never once saw another woman there.....that's a biggie in retrospect. 

I was just too shocked to say anything really.  And truthfully, I kind of liked it at that moment.  It wasn't until a few days later that it totally over-whelmed me.  Just the depth of what I'd done and what I'd lost, all in the blink of an eye.  Foolish.  It really was. 

I'd been saying for three years that I would NEVER cut my hair short again and on a whim I did.  I mean I'd been thinking about it, dreaming about it, but the realization was always there in the back of my mind that I've never liked my hair short.  I've cried every time I've ever cut it short.  But I guess I'm a slow learner

Well, it will indeed grow back.  And I've got the plan on how to do it better this time than last.  I'm even keeping a hair diary.  Let's just hope this diary will be better than my others....I usually end up forgetting about them and never get past about 4 posts! LOL!!

Posted By: caramel
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 6:35pm
i know, i've done that before.. every once in a while i go crazy and opt for a "new look".. so i go get my hair cut, love it for some days, then just freak out and regret committing that crime.... i've done it a couple of times, so i know how ya feel  lol

next time, when u feel bored of ur look, just go for a new hair color.. or highlights even.. maybe a stylish trim... it'll satisfy ur urge to change and won't do much damage to ur hair

Posted By: caramel
Date Posted: March 23 2006 at 6:53pm
btw, u can always formulate ur diet to accelerate hair growth.. also try not to shampoo ur hair daily, and keep styling products and appliances to a minimum... u might wanna try pantene's full and thick system.. my sister uses it and she loves it!

Posted By: trophywife
Date Posted: March 24 2006 at 2:54am
Sorry to hear about your experience.  Good luck with giving up smoking; it won't be easy, but it will be rewarding and you should feel extremely proud when you've achieved it.  Maybe you can twiddle with your hair as a replacement for the cancer sticks!

Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.

Posted By: missrini
Date Posted: March 24 2006 at 5:17am

Karen...welcome   I am so sorry to hear about your hair disaster.  Unfortunately it's a common story around here :(  I've had so many bad hairdressing experiences, that I've vowed never to return to one.  All dyeing (henna) and cutting is now done by yours truly

Good on you for going down the natural dyes path.  Henna truly rocks, and it's not just me...but others around here that love the stuff too   Thanks for the colour compliment btw  

If you're looking for something browner, then there are a few ways to achieve that: cloves, coffee, amla, walnut powder and of course indigo.  I"ve mentioned elsewhere that I'm helping my best friend at the moment with her hair colour. She wants chocolate brown, so I've just sent her some Indigo and will ship up some henna and amla to her next week.  We are going to devise a mix for her hair that should give her the results she wants.  I promise that I will post here (with pics) after her first application.

Anyway, nice to meet you and I hope you'll hang around here for a good while


25 inches as at 1st Nov 06

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: March 24 2006 at 5:46pm

Welcome to the board, Karen.

I'm sorry to hear about your hairstylist experience. The thing now is to enjoy every step of your growing out journey.. there were times and lengths I hated, but when I thought about it, it wasn't quite so bad. It just took some adjusting, learning how to manage it at whatever particular length, feeling it tickle new body markings. The other thing you could do is take photos and save them for yourself along the way. 

I hope to see more of you. Spend time with us, pick up new hobbies, go on adventures, and your long hair will sneak up on you in no time.

Brightest blessings

edited to change paragraph break

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: Karen26
Date Posted: March 24 2006 at 6:19pm

aww, thanks everyone!

Well the journey to no cancer sticks hasn't come along yet.  I've "thought" about it, but it just might not happen at this moment.  It will, however, happen. 

I absolutely loathe the length it is right now, Anais.  I'm going to be hard-pressed to find much joy in it. 

Energetically, removing the length was probably a good thing.  I had a lot of bad karma crap going on during the time it was growing out and I hear relieving yourself of the "burden" of it can be good.  I'm just having a hard time finding the good in it right now. 

I still find myself fantasizing that I'm going to wake up and it will be back.  But of course, it's not, and that's not a very positive way to start my days. 


But on a positive note, I am keeping a journal and I will be taking pics of it.  So, I'll keep everyone posted along the way.  Right now I'm too ashamed to even post a picture of it.

But thanks again! I'll be hanging around, taking in all the good energy and information and try to give out some of my own if possible, or at the very least support to those who are in need!!



Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: March 24 2006 at 9:58pm
Ouch.   I hope you are feeling better soon, Karen... and you have a new opportunity for healthier hair.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: March 24 2006 at 10:47pm
Originally posted by Karen26 Karen26 wrote:

I absolutely loathe the length it is right now, Anais.  I'm going to be hard-pressed to find much joy in it. 


But on a positive note, I am keeping a journal and I will be taking pics of it.  So, I'll keep everyone posted along the way.  Right now I'm too ashamed to even post a picture of it


When my hair was between 6 and 8 inches long, I probably hated it just as much. It passes by really quick. Do you use any hair accessories e.g. headscarves, bandanas, clips, etc?


Edited to add: Please don't be ashamed of your hair, even though you've decided not to post photos.

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: Karen26
Date Posted: March 25 2006 at 9:18pm

No, I really don't do anything to it except throw it into an occassional ponytail when I'm hot (and I'm cold natured so that doesn't happen very often).   

I became extremely damage conscious of my hair once it got longer so I'm in the habit of not abusing it. 

And btw, I did henna last night ...I did a chesnut mix from Mountain Light. Came out beautifully!!!  I'm so glad now I did it. 

I took a good look at it today and realized it has grown (tho be it a tiny bit) since the whack. 

Ok I dug up the pictures and decided to post them. 

Here it is right after the whack:

Here it was before the whack:

I have naturally wavy, thick hair.  When it was cut the hairdresser flat ironed it into a flippy bob.  I have only fixed it like one other time since the cut.  It's too much work....I'm lazy for one thing, but also I hate using heat like that on my hair.  Goes back to trying to prevent damaging it. 

So, there ya go!!! Now you see my goal....I want it back down to that length again NOW  but of course I'm realisitically probably looking at over a year.   We'll just have to wait and see how well this Hairtopia works!!  

Posted By: caramel
Date Posted: March 25 2006 at 10:35pm
i don't think it'll take u a year.. just eat well, take good good good care of it, and u'll have it back before u know it! ... and u might as well have fun with it while ur at it, try decorative hair pieces, or cute hair styles that u can't get with long hair

Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: March 26 2006 at 10:33am

Hi Karen, thank you for sharing your story. I know how painful that is because I went through the same thing a few years ago. After my hatchet job (and bad coloring job too), I looked at pictures of my formerly beautiful hair and cried. I knew it would take awhile to achieve that again. The best advice I can give you is to be patient and to look at this hair growing experience as a process of taking better care of yourself. And the shoulder length hair (with the henna you describe) looks very pretty on you as well. Go easy on yourself, do nice things for yourself and your hair. Continue to avoid the heating tools (very damaging, you're right). Also, with your type of hair, conditioning-only washes may work....maybe give that a try. Take some supplements (MSM, calcium, multi-vitamin), adjust your diet, exercise - all those things lead to healthier (and in some cases faster growing) hair. Thanks for posting the photos too - that was brave, and your hair was and STILL IS beautiful.


Posted By: Karen26
Date Posted: March 26 2006 at 5:02pm

Thank you so much SpecialKitty!  That made my day!!!

I noticed that your hair looks a lot like mine.  I have wave in it like that as well.  I tried to do the hair type identifier thingy but my hair is difficult to describe.  As it dries it dries with curly ringlets and then once it's completely dry the weight of my hair pulls the curls out and gives it more of a wavey look.  And then some days it's nearly straight! It can't make up it's mind anymore than I can, I guess.

I've read about the CO and I'm a little concerned it'd be too much for me.  I have been conditioning heavily tho since the cut and have noticed a huge improvement in the feel of my hair.  I only wash it every other day and use very gentle shampoo.  If I go any longer than two days my hair gets oily.  Which is my fear with CO type wash. 

Still it's something I'm keeping in mind as a possibility when it does start to grow out more.  My ends tend to be dry and my scalp oily (after a few days). 

Thanks again for the compliment!!!

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: March 26 2006 at 5:56pm

Karen, your hair is beautiful  I'm glad your henna experience went well. (I'm still saving my pennies to do a full-length henna job) Your new haircut looks beautiful. You should be back to the original length in 12-18 months max. Time really flies when you're hanging out on HairTalk.

SpecialKitty,  your post really struck a chord for me. I started taking much better care of myself after I became "hair conscious". I ate more, ate a more balanced diet, scheduled in more exercise, and overall became more conscious of health. And that definitely makes the time pass!


-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: March 26 2006 at 8:48pm
Hi Karen, welcome to HB LHS
I'm Robert / PurpleBubba.

I agree that it won't take too long to make noticeable progress. I've been around Long Hair forums for 6 years and I've seen lots of people make the journey. Even those who grow slow. :)

I was thinking of suggesting diluted shampoo if you don't want to do CO. I think Dave does that.

------------- - My Journal

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