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Cardiologist Help For Your Heart

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Topic: Cardiologist Help For Your Heart
Posted By: Sunduster
Subject: Cardiologist Help For Your Heart
Date Posted: April 16 2006 at 2:33pm

The cardiologist said :

If your driving home after a hard days work, tired , stressed, and frustrated. All of a sudden you feel severe pain in your chest. It radiates out into your arm, then up into your jaw. Your five miles from the hospital nearest your home, but not sure if your going to make it. No one has trained you how to use CPR on yourself. You need to know how to survive.


So many people are alone when a heart attack occurs. If your heart is beating improperly, and you begin to feel faint, you have 10 seconds before you start to lose consciousness.

You can help yourself by coughing repeatedly, and very vigorously. A deep breathe should be taken before each cough. The cough needs to be deep , and prolonged. As when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breathe and a cough must be repeated every two seconds, with no let up. This is to be done until help arrives. Or until the heart appears to be breathing normal again.

Deep breathes get oxygen into the lungs. Coughing squeezes the heart, and gets blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it to regain normal rhythm.

This way all heart attack victims do have a chance to make it to the hospital.



Posted By: Sharyg11
Date Posted: August 31 2006 at 6:30pm
Thanks so much for sharing this.

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: September 01 2006 at 11:19am
This is something that needed airing for the world. Never know when one will need it.

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: February 17 2007 at 1:35pm


 Doc says:


 This  is a viral infection that causes the larynx or trachea to narrow during swelling. The larynx goes into spasms, and the sufferer experiences difficulty breathing. A harsh barking cough, hoarseness, tightness in the lungs, and feelings of suffocation.  Mucus production may also increase, further clogging airways.


At first you may think it’s just a common cold. It starts off with congestion, a runny nose. And a cough that develops into a barking cough, associated with the croup. Or it could even sound like harsh wheezing noise that is made, when air is breathed in through the constricted windpipe , and over inflamed vocal cords.


Croup mostly occurs in young children and babies between the age of three months and three years. Their airways are much narrower than the adults.


Croup attacks frequently occur at night.


The virus usually runs its course in five or six days.


Eucalyptus Oil

Put a few drops of  eucalyptus oil in a vaporizer and let him  inhale the steam. It makes it much easier for the child to breathe if the air is kept humidified.


Fenu- Thyme

This thyme is good for congestion.



Give your child  very warm ginger herb baths. Then immediately wrap him in a heavy  towel or blanket, and put him to bed to perspire. This helps to loosen the mucus and rid the body of toxins. Or just let him stay in a steam -  filled bathroom for 10 – 15 minutes.

The moisture will help with the breathing.



Make sure your child gets plenty of fluids. This helps thin out the mucus. Herbal teas, and homemade soup are good sources.


Onion Packs

Apply hot onion packs over the chest and back three times a day. Slice onions and place them in between cloths, and apply the pack, then cover it with a heating pad.  The onion packs open the pores, and relieve congestion.


Croup is a viral infection, so antibiotics will not help.


Fresh cold air . It could help with breathing by reducing the swelling of the trachea, and larynx.







Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: February 17 2007 at 1:38pm



Doc Says


It’s one of those – it is problems that make you cringe and reach for aspirins. A common condition, bursitis rarely causes serious damage if recognized early, and treated.


Bursitis occurs when the bursae – small sliding pouches that allow parts of the body to move smoothly- become inflamed. It can happen for several reasons. Maybe you bumped your elbow, or spent too many hours on your knees in the garden.


Or it can be caused by infections or gout.


First signs of bursitis are swelling and pain. The skin is soft and it feels like fluid inside.

But the joint pain can also be a symptom of arthritis. This is a condition that requires long term treatment. So first thing to do is see doc, find out what is causing the problems.


Here Are Some Ways To Give Arthritis Some Help



Some people like using a sling or a splinter to immobilize the area. But for the most part, it just needs time to rest


Find Relief With Non prescription Medications

Aspirin or anything with ibuprofen in it. Ex Advil  - will decrease the swelling and hopefully the pain.

Remember that not all pain killers are always painless.


Try Ice

Ice reduces inflammation and pain by decreasing  swelling.  But remember to place a towel between the ice pack and the treating area. If the skin gets too cold it could burn  and blister.


Warm It Up If It Feels Better

Warm compresses may make it feel even better. You decide. Place a damp hot, but not too hot towel on the area. Leave it on only while it feels comfortable. We do not want to burn the skin.


Go Combo

Ice 15 mins, and then warmth  15 mins. 


Eliminate The Cause

What ever you’ve been doing over and over, may have to come to a halt.  Bowling, painting  whatever. Just stop for a while. You’ll know if and when you want to resume.


Staying limber through stretching is one of the best ways, to stay comfortable through your entire life.


So if you have access to a Jacuzzi or whirlpool jump in for a world of good.

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: February 17 2007 at 1:39pm

Cuts and Scrapes


Life Is Full Of Ups And Downs.


Doc says :


You slice a finger instead of a cucumber. Or your dog gets too affectionate and scratches your arm. Or your hand slip while doing home repairs. Well welcome to cuts and scrapes.


Bandage Busters

All is fine until time to remove it. So try and use a tiny pair of scissors to separate the bandage part from the adhesive sections. Pull it gently away from your scrape. Then remove the adhesive strips.


Now if the scab is stuck to the bandage, soak the area in a salt mixture of warm water and salt. Take a tsp of salt and mix it into a gallon of warm water. Have patience, it works.


If a bandage is stuck on the forearm, leg, or chest hair- pull in the direction of the hair growth. Use a q tip saturated in baby oil or rubbing alcohol to moisten the adhesive fully, before pulling away from the skin.


Stop The Bleeding.

The fastest way to stop it is to apply direct pressure. Place a clean absorbent cloth – a bandage or a towel over the cut, then press your hand against it firmly. If you don’t have a cloth, use your fingers The bleeding should stop in one or two minutes. If the blood soaks through the first bandage, use two and press steadily. Add new bandages over the old ones. Because removing the cloth may tear off coagulating blood cells.

If applying pressure doesn’t stop the bleeding, elevate the limb above the level of the heart, to reduce the pressure of  blood on the cut. Continue applying pressure for a while.

This should stem the bleeding.


Choosing Over The Counter Ointments  Can Be A Nightmare.

Try to find an antibacterial ointment. Perhaps something labeled “First Aid Cream”

Polysporin, Neosporin, Bacitracin are also good.


Clean The Wound


Wash the area with soap and water, or just water. The object is to dilute the bacteria in the wound, and remove the debris. Also if stones, or sand isn’t removed from a cut, they can leave pigment under the skin. This acts like a tattoo. Gently clean cuts twice a day.


Strap It Up.

When the bleeding stops or slows, tie the wound firmly in a cloth, or wrap, with elastic bandage- so there is pressure against the cut. DO NOT CUT OFF THE CIRCULATION.


If the cut is on a leg or arm, you can check circulation to the area by squeezing a fingernail or toenail. The nail should turn white, then when you release it, pink again. If necessary loosen the bandage a little.



With most everyday cuts and scrapes first aid is plenty. Tourniquets are extreme and dangerous. To easy to cut off all circulation, then the person could end up losing a limb.


Go For Extra Pressure.

If the cut continues to bleed,  then it is much more serious, - seek a doc.


Keep It Under Cover

When exposed to air, cuts form scabs which slow down new cell growth. Recommended is a plastic bandage similar to food wrap. They come in all sizes. Or look for gauze impregnated with petroleum jelly. Both are good, and allow only a little air to pass through.


Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: February 17 2007 at 1:42pm

Great Health Knowledge and old tips


 The color of an orange does not necessarily indicate its quality. Oranges are usually dyed to improve their appearance. Brown spots indicate a good quality orange. Sweet oranges will have a large naval. Oranges that look green are very sweet, and excellent to eat.

The bloods are very sweet and juicy. The Hamlin is best for juicing. The Jaffa is sweet. The naval that has his belly button sticking out , is seedless and sweet.

The pineapple orange is very  flavorful and juicy. The temple is sweet and good for juicing.

If you roll your oranges, lemons and limes on the counter with your hand, you’ll get more juice. Even more if put them  in the microwave 10 seconds.

The orange has been used for asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, and to reduce blood pressure. The desire for alcohol is reduced by drinking orange juice.


Papayas are yellow when ripe. It will take 3  5 days to ripen at room temp.Papayas are used as a digestive aid. This is due to the papin content in them. Also as an intestinal cleanser. The juice has been used to relieve infections in the colon, and has a tendency to break down mucous.


Peaches ripen by putting them in a box covered with newspapers. Will take 2-3 days to ripen. Peaches have been used to reduce high blood pressure, asthma, bronchitis, bladder and kidney stones, as well as de – worming.


The skins of pears are and excellent source of fiber. The majority of the Vit C in the the pear is concentrated in the skin. Canned pears are not a good source.

 Pears are excellent for constipation, and as a digestive aid. 


 Persimmons are smooth, shiny ,bright orange skinned. These skins need to be removed before eating. Otherwise they will taste very sour. Been used to increase energy levels, and treat stomach ulcers. Also  colitis. Even sore throats, and pleurisy.


Pineapples buy as big and heavy as possible. Best time is March through June. Also the leaves should be deep green. You do need to refrigerate as soon as possible.

They have been known to assist in gland regulation, and as and aid to digestion and relieve arthritic systems.


Plums are available from June through Sept. Buy firm to only slightly soft. The hard plums will not ripen very well.  Plums are used for liver disorders, constipation, to relieve flatulence, and bronchitis.  


Apples have been used as a stress reliever. The fragrance from the apple will relax a person.


Apricots will ripen at room temp. However they do bruise easy, and don’t last very long once ripened. They have been used for anemia, T B, asthma, and blood impurities,  since they contain a high level of iron. They  may also be effective in destroying intestinal worms, relieving diarrhea, and pimples.


To ripen avocados, put them in a woolen sock and place them in the back of a dark closet for 2 days. They been used for inflammations of the mucous membranes, especially in the intestines.`






Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: February 17 2007 at 1:43pm

How We  Can Cope with Menapause


 Do You Have P M Z?


Doc Says:


I said P M Z , not P M S. P M Z stands for Postmenopausal Zest. I mean women need to seize this stage of life, and live to the fullest.


No more pregnancies, or once a month cycle that slowed you down. You are now free. Go really explore what it feels like to be a woman. Not just someone who raises children. This is your time, so go and enjoy.


You will feel some of the traditional symptoms such as hot flashes, sudden chills, low sexual desire,vaginal dryness, emotional upset, and sleeping problems. But your doc can advice you with these problems/

Menopause begins when your ovaries no longer function, when estrogen  secretion slows, then stops, and monthly menstruation becomes irregular, then ceases.


Ususally menopause is reached by age 51. this is the time to make life an adventure. Go back to school. Change careers, find a new hobby. You decide.


You’ll have mood swings, ups and downs, but adjust slow.  Take your time.


Exercise Daily

Walking, jogging, bicycling, jumping rope, dancing, swimming . Exercise will help reduce night sweats,   any emotional problems. Or even vaginal problems.

Physical fitness of course is the most obvious result of exercise.


I recommend aerobics , and stretching, for flexibility, muscle strengthening, and relaxation. It improves diaphragmatic breathing, which includes relaxation and reduces stress.


Away Hot flashes

Hot flashes are the body’s response to lowered estrogen levels. There’s a dysfunction in the temperature – regulating portion of the brain until the body gets used to the missed estrogen. A typical hot flash lasts about 2.7 minutes. During this time your face and upper body feel like they’ve been shoved into a hot oven.  You’ll return to normal in about 30 mins, after the skin’s temperature has gone back down.


Look cool

Have a positive out look on life. It can help combat hot flashes, and make them more bearable.



Women who relax have better control. Practice daily sitting quiet. Learn meditation, yoga, or just sit quiet with your eyes closed.


Control Triggers

Determine what triggers the flashes. Some women say emotional upset. Others say hot meals, spicy foods, warm room, or even a warm bed.


Go for that Layered Look

Wear sweaters and vests. Then peel a layer off when a flash hits.


When the flash passes get the sweater back on. Your body temperature actually falls a few degrees and can leave you feeling chilled.


Wear Natural Fibers

Synthetic fibers trap heat and perspiration during a flash. Making you more uncomfortable.

Cotton and wool will give your body more ventilation, and keep it cool.


Carry A Fan

Flip it on when a flash occurs. I recommend a battery operated. These are better than the purse type.


Eat more meals.

Five or six small meals a day will help your body regulate temperature more easily.


Drink Lots Of Water

This to will help keep the body in check.


Cut Caffeine

Caffeine containing beverage stimulate production of the stress hormones, which trigger the flashes.


Towel Off

Carry a package of moist towels,  to remove perspiration after a flash.


Turn Down The Het

Heat in any form may trigger a flash. Turn your thermostat down, open a window, and avoid hot foods, and beverages.


Get A Humpin

Women that have sex on a regular basis ( once a week, or more ) have fewer or no flashes. While the sporadic have more. Frequent sex helps to moderate dropping estrogen levels, which reduces occurrences of flashes.


Don’t share The Sheets

You don’t have a separate bed to keep from disturbing your husband. So use separate blankets. Or get an electric with dual controls. Then go ahead and kick off those sheets when you need to cool down.


Lubricate Your Honey

You’ve heard  of grease the pig. . Well get busy an lubricate it good. No it won’t bite. You can grease it up with Lubrifax, or K Y jelly, vegetable oils, unscented cream or oil, or you can even break open a couple of capsules of vitamin E and magssage frisco with it.  I’m sure your honey won’t mind.


Get Talking

Talk to your partner about sex and his needs, and likes. Some libido- boosting comes from heart – to – heart talks about each others needs and feelings.


Be Adventuous In the Bedroom

Try out new positions to find the most comfortable. Touching is extremely important. More hugs, kisses, and mutual massages for closeness, and sensual pleasure.


Do The Kegel

Imagine you want to stop urine in midstream. Squeeze the muscles in the vaginal area firmly. Hold to the count of three, then relaxPractice with the rapid alternation between tightening, and letting go.

A great way to strengthen your anal, vaginal, and urinary muscles. Stronger muscles can help you relax and use these muscles with less pain and more pleasure during intercourse.

These are also good for preventing urinary incontinence.





Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: February 17 2007 at 1:44pm

More Health Knowledge tips


Berries should be firm and the color bright.

They should be refrigerated, and not allowed to dry out. For best flavor use 2-3 days after purchase. Always check the bottom of the basket for stain from rotting and mold. Mold will spread quickly.

Blackberries have been used for relieving the symptoms from arthritis, weak kidneys, anemia, gout, and minor skin irritations. Blueberries have been used as a blood cleanser, anti –diarrheal, reduce inflammations, and menstrual disorders.

Strawberries have been used as a skin cleanser, and blood cleanser, as well as relieving the symptoms of asthma, gout, arthritis, and lowering blood pressure.


Cantaloupe has been used to lower high fevers, to reduce blood pressure relieve the symptoms of arthritis, alleviate bladder problems, and stop constipation.


 Cherries are very high in magnesium, iron, and silicon making them valuable in arthritis, a blood cleanser, worms, asthma, and high blood pressure.   Numerous people have reported that   consuming 8- 10 bing cherries per day relieved their symptoms of arthritis.


Cranberries have been used as a urinary tract cleanser for hundreds of years.


Dates have been used in cases of anemia, raising low blood pressure, colitis, and improving sexual potency. Crushed dates have been used in syrups for coughs and sore throats.


Figs have been used for constipation, anemia, asthma, gout, and a number of skin irritations. Fig juice makes an excellent natural laxative, as well as used it poultices for boils.


Grapefruts. The heavier, the juicier. The best are from Jan – May. The white have a stronger flavor than the pink.

They have been used in dissolution of inorganic calcium found in cartilage of the joints

Of arthritis. Freash grapefruit contains organic salicylic. acid which is an active ingredient.


Mangos are a great source of Vit A and C. Should be eaten soft. They ripen nicely at room temp. They may be beneficial for kidney diseases, and reduce acidity and aid digestion. Also used in reducing fevers, and asthmatic symptoms. When crushed and used as a paste it helps to cleanse the skins pores.


Nectarines taste best from July – August. Their a combination of a peach and a plum. If too hard, they will ripen at room temp in a few days. They have been used as a digestive aid, and to relieve flatulence. Also to lower blood pressure, and relieve arthritis.


Watermelon . whole melons will stay fresh in the frig for two or three days. Once cut cover them with plastic and into the frig. Lets test a good melon. Take a snap your finger against the melon. If you hear Ker – plunk then the melon is ready to eat, and will have lots of seeds. It should be sweet. You can roast the seeds and eat them. sprinkle on a little salt to. Now if you need the refrigeration space, you can place a melon  in a double brown paper bag, for 1 hour after it has been cooled.


Toss salad. It will never be soggy again, if you invert a saucer inside a  bowl.The excess water will drain off down under the saucer.


Painful joints. Don’t eat green potatoes, tomatoes, red or green bell peppers, eggplant, and paprika. Solanine in the vegetables has been associated with this pain. These foods are high in it.


Wrap all your produce loosely. Air must be able to circulate around them.


Eat parsley and it’s best to stay indoors afterwards. The chemical in parsley ,could make your skin sensitive to sunlight.


Iceberg lettuce has  very little nutrition.


Help my celery, carrots and onions got soft and limp. Just put them into ice water in the frig for 45 mins. You could even use a smidget of lemon juice.





Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: February 17 2007 at 1:45pm

Temper Tantrums


These can erupt any time from 14 months on up. Yes even adults throw them. As adults were just better at expressing our displeasures. Two year old are more direct, and challenging.


Those terrible twos people say are hard to deal with.  Not really . 


 Here are some ways that will help you deal with them, so they don’t extend into the terrible twelves.


Recognize and avoid special points.

The kids are more likely to lash out if they’re hungry, tired, or feeling rushed. So watch and see if you can predict those times, and work around them.


Try not to shop when your child is hungry.


If your child is ornery in the morning, then get him up a half hour earlier.


Intervene early

Stop a tantrum just starting, before it escalates into full bloom. Try distraction on another object, toy or game. Or getting silly and tickling even works. You get the point.


Switch From Stop To go

Young children respond better to go instructions, more than stop. For instance if your child is screaming, ask him to come to you, instead of telling him to stop. He’s more likely to obey. At that point maybe you can ask him to retrieve something for you.


Explain Consequences.

We do not act out of control in this house. If you continue, you will go to your room.


Call Some Time Out.

Set timers for preschool children and place them in a chair. Make sure no toys or siblings are around. This is not a game. You set the time limit for the punishment . When time is up, you explain that he made you very sad, and he hurt mommy.  Then  tell him what he should have done.


If  your child still acts up after the timer goes off, then set it again.


Send Your Child To A Time Out Room

If your time out child will not stay in his chair, then take him by his arm and put him in his room. Do not be rough.  Wait by the door holding it if necessary. Listen for any danger signs. After 60 seconds open the door and march the child back to the chair. Tell him to stay there and be quiet. You may have to do this three times before he will stay in the time out chair. If any longer than this seek professional counceling.


Follow Through On Your Warning.

If you tell a child you’re going to do something, then do it. Don’t back down.

Empty warnings accomplish nothing. Children just tune them out.


Count To Ten

Parents need a break to. Especially if there ready to lose control.

Tell your child you’re too upset to talk now. We’ll talk later when things settle down. Do Not Yell. If you do yell you apologize later to your child for losing your cool.

Kids are very forgiving.


Counter Fear With Love

A child who is having a tantrum is likely to be frightened by his own out of control behavior. Rage scares a person who is angry. So parents get in there an express your love and concern


Posted By: huai0592
Date Posted: May 21 2011 at 4:06am
I am a newer here.
Glad to meet u.


Posted By: mannhurst.hurst
Date Posted: February 01 2012 at 12:35am
If your general medical doctor feels that you might have a significant heart or related condition, he or she will often call on a cardiologist for help. Symptoms like


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