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Alana De La Garza -- Short

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Category: Beautiful People, Beautiful Hair
Forum Name: Celebrity Hair Talk
Forum Description: The hair trials and tribulations of Celebrities
Printed Date: June 01 2024 at 3:34pm

Topic: Alana De La Garza -- Short
Posted By: natasha
Subject: Alana De La Garza -- Short
Date Posted: June 30 2006 at 10:53pm
April 2006:

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June 2006:

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Her long hair looked gorgeous, no doubt about it. But I like the short cut as well. It's a nice change -- and quite classy.

Posted By: shorthairissexy
Date Posted: June 30 2006 at 11:21pm
Very Sexy - Me, Like it a lot!!!
(Not that I know who this is)

Posted By: Klaatu48
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 12:34am
That's really gorgeous... Looks like she's gonna be in a Dick Wolf L&O show this year, so that might be worth watching.

Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 3:52am
"That's really gorgeous"
You mean Hair 1, Hair 2, or the lady hereself Klaatu? Anyway, I agree with all three. Looks like the short is temporary as this cut is going to get long again very quickly.

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 4:40am
What an improvement!
She is beautiful regardless of hair length, but the plain long hair style makes her look somewhat ordinary.
With the short bobbed hair she is exceptionally pretty, and she looks more stylish and fashionable. She is so beautiful and feminine, she could even wear ultra-short hair.
She does look beautiful in her new style (her dress looks good on her too!).
I hope to see her on shows like Law and Order.
If she can act, she would be a good leading lady in a movie.


Posted By: trout
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 11:08am
The cut takes a huge amount of weight off her face, not like "fat/skinny" weight, just looks lighter somehow.  Big improvement.   

Posted By: natasha
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 11:35am
Originally posted by SanFranBrent SanFranBrent wrote:

[...] she could even wear ultra-short hair.

Somehow I kinda knew you'd say that ... :-/

Posted By: Kramer
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 1:22pm
One word on the change from my perspective: bummer.
Regardless whether you like short hair or long hair, you've got to admit she had gorgeous hair before it was cut. -

Posted By: Klaatu48
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 1:40pm
Originally posted by fatmoogas fatmoogas wrote:

"That's really gorgeous"
You mean Hair 1, Hair 2, or the lady hereself Klaatu? Anyway, I agree with all three. Looks like the short is temporary as this cut is going to get long again very quickly.

I'd have to agree that it could be all three, but my intention was to describe the short look. :-)

I'm going to disagree with you on its temporariness, though. Kind of like how Mariska Hargitay went short and then shorter, I have a feeling this is the proverbial dipping a toe in the pool, and she may wind up with something shorter down the line. But if not... she still won't be hard to look at.

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 2:28pm
Actually Kramer, in that pic of yours, her long hair looks greasy, like she put too much hair gel in it.
And how could anyone find it a "bummer" that she is wearing the style she is now? She looks adorable! Very stylish cut on her!


Posted By: shorthairissexy
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 3:04pm
While I generally like short hair, I find that whether long or short, the hair must be healthy to look good - though shorter hair usually can get away with not being as healthy and still look good.  Oh yea, a nice face and body helps also

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 6:02pm
I agree, hair, regardless of length, needs to be clean.
Thatis another reason she looks better in the short hairstyle, the long hair looks greasy (nothing worse than dirty long hair), and her short hairstyle looks nice and clean.


Posted By: CarolNY
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 9:13pm
She really looks good in the short bob 'do. 

Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 10:46pm
She certainly looked good in the long hair, but also looks good in the bob. I'm guessing that she played the ingenue on "CSI," and Dick Wolf wants to separate this character from that one. He wants a "more professional" look.

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: July 01 2006 at 11:14pm
That's it exactly Rod.
When an actress is playing the part of a sweet innocent 16 year old girl, she has long straight hair. When she plays the role of a grown young adult woman, she gets a shorter, sleeker hairstyle.

This is true in real life too.
I have known many females who wore long straight hair in their teens, but when they got to be in their twenties, they went to the beauty salon and got a short, feminine, stylish hairdo, a short bob cut, or a short pixie, or some other short hairstyle.

A female getting a short, sleek, attractive hairstyle from long hair is almost a rite of passage in modern society, the passage from girlhood to womanhood, from being a teenaged girl to being an attractive and fashionable young adult woman.
That is why many teenaged boys like long hair on girls, but many grown men like short, fashionable, hairstyles on beautiful grown women.
Many of the men I know over the age of 25 or 30, prefer short, attractive hairstyles on women, especially if the woman is very feminine. (But of course the guys I know are dudes like myself, guys who live in major metropolitan areas).

Most women make this transition from wearing long hair to a short, fashionable hairstyle, sometime in their 20's (although some make it sooner while still in their teens, and others later when they are well into their 30s).

There are of course many exceptions to this, and people, men and women, should feel free to wear their hair whatever length they like.


Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 7:49am
Hey Brent you're forgetting that after getting their hair cut short the majority of women grow it out again pretty quickly.
I don't see this gal staying short for very long.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 11:51am
Hey Brent,
That was quite a "hair politics" speech, better discussed in the Hair Politics Forum.  But since it's here...
IMO, media presentations of ingenue-to-sophisticated transformation/rite-of-passage are predictably boring and offensive (because they narrowly categorize behavior).
I also hail from a metro area, and talking with other guys on the topic reveals a different conclusion than yours.  Maybe it also depends on other factors (and the circle in which you run).

Posted By: SanFranBrent
Date Posted: July 02 2006 at 2:40pm
I'm sure it varies from person to person, how people wear their hair, or what styles they prefer on others.
Generally more women than teenaged girls, wear short hairstyles. But I know it varies. Many women stay with short hairstyles. Others don't.


Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: July 04 2006 at 10:40pm
The shorter hair gives her more personality.  It's kind of a noncommited kind of style, though, so I guess she could go either way from here.

More awesome than a manatee!

Posted By: Mike46019
Date Posted: July 05 2006 at 7:40pm
Well I like it the before look. Suprise? I bet not.

Few men are killed by the bayonet;many are scared by it.Bayonets should be fixed when the fire fight starts.General George Patton Jr.,War As I Knew It,1947.

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