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Wave Nouveau

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Category: African American Hair
Forum Name: African American Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of African Americans.
Printed Date: May 22 2024 at 9:39am

Topic: Wave Nouveau
Posted By: rozz
Subject: Wave Nouveau
Date Posted: July 03 2006 at 3:59pm
Hello All,
I just joined the board today and I've really enjoyed the wonderful tips from all of you.  I really loved the home recipes for hair treatments. 
I noticed a lot of posting are about natural hair and perms but I haven't seen anything specifically on wave nouveau type styles.  I have been wearing my hair in this style for over 3 yrs. and I love it!  I would love to get a hair regiment for my style.  Does anybody have any suggestions?
I have hair to my down to my shoulders, it's pretty thick and I wear it more on the wavy side, not curly.

Why not go out on a limb, isn't that where the fruit is?

Posted By: ladyflash
Date Posted: July 03 2006 at 4:16pm
Can you tell me a bit about this style choice? Is it a chemical? What is your natural texture? What do you like about this option, (i.e. stying options)?


Posted By: rozz
Date Posted: July 04 2006 at 3:07am
Hello Lady Flash,
Six years ago I had a really, really bad perm.    The stylist left it on way to long, trying to do work on too many heads at the same time.  The back of my head looked like I had been in a fire!  The hair was matted down and stuck to my head.  It hurt soooo bad, I couldn't really comb the back for several days! Then when the scabs started to heal my hair started to fall out! Truly a nightmare!   Anyway...that really scared me away from perms.  My hair was very damaged and my scalp was so tender.  I had problems keeping it moist, it was always dry and flaky.    I had to cut most of it off and I started wearing braids & extensions.  I liked the style but I didn't like the long time it took to braid.  Also, because my scalp was always flaky, I had the hardest time keeping my scalp clean. I used all kinds of braid spray, and used a cotton pad to clean my scalp with sea breeze and/or listerine.  That worked for a few days but my hair always felt itchy after awhile.    So I stopped getting it braided and just washed it myself and wore it in twists or cornrows going straight back. 
I did that for 4 years and my hair was finally on its way back to healthy.  I liked not having a perm but I wanted a different style.  I liked the way the Wave Nouveau looked and it is very little upkeep.  I'm not sure what you call it, but its not a relaxer.  My stylist says it's not as harsh as a relaxer and that must be true because it doesn't burn or make my scalp tingle at all.  It's similar to the curls of years passed minus all the goop and drippy mess. No plastic caps or greasy pillows and no super tight curls.   The size rods you get it rolled on determines the size of curls.  I like it more wavy then curly.  Also, you can just wash, spritz and go!  Air drying works great!  That is the best part for me, I'm a single mom of 2, I work full-time and go to school.  Soooo...I don't have a lot of time.  All I have to do is keep it moisturized, ends clipped and I get it retouched every 3 months.  {another plus}  I could also blow dry my hair and wear it straight for a different look.  But I don't like to use heat if I don't have to, so I have only done that a few times.  The other plus for me is now that my hair is always moisturized I no longer have a dry, flaky scalp.   
I am really interested in natural hair care recipes and I'm looking for a hair care regiment that uses those concepts.  I have problems with split ends and tangles.  I use the wave nouveau moisturizer products but I'm still looking for a great shampoo & conditioner to compliment this style. 
Not to mention any type of moisturizer is always a plus!
Any suggestions would be great! this website!

Why not go out on a limb, isn't that where the fruit is?

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: July 04 2006 at 8:00am
Welcome Rozz
 I'm sorry that happened to your hair...that is pretty serious.  It sounds like you have a texturizer, which is still considered a relaxer but a bit milder. 
You can include any of the homemade recipes that you wish at anytime.  What is your regimen now?  What products do you use and how often?

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: rozz
Date Posted: July 06 2006 at 9:15am
I don't really have a hair routine as silly as that sounds.  I have learned a lot from this website.  Things I am almost embarrassed to say I didn't know.  Like....alcohol is a no-no in hair products.  I should have know that but didn't.  As far as products go, I have bought everything, without ever looking at the ingredients!  Can you believe that?  I usually bought what was on sale.  {except I always use the wave nouveau products} 
After finding this website I went through all my hair care products and I was amazed at some of the junk I had.  Gels were a biggie for me.  I had a ton of different types of gel that never worked to well.  I hadn't figured out why some worked better than others.  Now,  I know, it's what's in them, not necessarily the brand.  I know that sounds stupid but I bet a lot of people don't know to check that.  We know to check ingredients for food, but not for hair care. 
Over the weekend I tried one of the home made recipes left on this website.  It was great!  {honey & sweet almond oil}  I can't believe how soft it made my hair!   Normally, when I wash my hair it takes my hair a few days to look right.  This is the first time EVER that my hair looked great right after I washed it.  I can't believe it.  It's almost time for me to get a retouch and this smoothed out my hair, even the edges.  Usually I have to use a lot of gel on the sides to get it to look smooth, but not this time. I didn't use any gel!  I really can't believe it!
I would like to find a great shampoo & conditioner that's not harsh.  A home made one would be great.  I had such great results with the first one I tried.  I would love to try some others.  I guess basically, I'm trying to find a daily routine, and a monthly deep conditioning treatment.  I know I will use this honey/sweet almond as a weekly treatment.   
Any suggestions would be great!

Why not go out on a limb, isn't that where the fruit is?

Posted By: rozz
Date Posted: July 06 2006 at 9:51am
I went back to the "home recipe" topic section to thank a person for a great recipe I tried this weekend.  As I was typing a thanks, I realized it was you that submitted the recipe.  I tried your honey & olive oil treatment.  {except I used sweet almond oil} and it did wonders for my hair!  I still can't believe what a difference it made.  I just wanted to thank you for such a great and simple recipe.  I loved it!  

Why not go out on a limb, isn't that where the fruit is?

Posted By: cmesweet
Date Posted: July 06 2006 at 10:33am


 It's good to hear that you found something that you like and have learned alot. That is what we are hear are also welcome for the honey/oil recipe...It worked wonders for me when I was relaxed and also natural too. Keep up the good work.

BC May 9, 2004

Posted By: Vanity3
Date Posted: July 06 2006 at 9:59pm
thanks for sharing your story Rozz.  It sounds very similar to many of the reasons why others on the forum stop relaxing.  I know a bit about the WN.  It's more closely related to a PERM, as in curly perm. 

Natural since March 2006

No "heat" challenge for Winter 08-09

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