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3 simple rules to prevent hair dissasters at home

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Forum Name: General Hair Talk
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Printed Date: June 15 2024 at 4:45pm

Topic: 3 simple rules to prevent hair dissasters at home
Posted By: claribuzz
Subject: 3 simple rules to prevent hair dissasters at home
Date Posted: May 26 2003 at 4:45am
1st rule
Go to a salon
2nd rule
If you screwed up your hair at home don't try to fix it yourself. You might end up with even more screwed hair
3rd Rule
Remember the first rule

Ok that is all
Say what was rule number 3 again


Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: May 26 2003 at 9:18am
After you Find a Great Salon Or Stylist, someone you can trust!!

Sophie -

Posted By: claribuzz
Date Posted: May 26 2003 at 12:11pm


Posted By: LiliBeach
Date Posted: May 26 2003 at 9:18pm
Great Rules!!!!!!

Is everyone listening?

I am a professional Hairstylist/Haircolorist with 19 years experience. I have traveled all over the country for my advanced education. I am also a salon owner.:)........and I LOVE Redken!!!

Posted By: Orc
Date Posted: June 05 2003 at 8:02am
I just had to comment on this one
My hair was relaxed at home and it came out better than I thought or expected except for the very front of it.
Now it has been 5 weeks and the front part is starting to look more obvious that it is not as straight as the rest so yesterday I went to a salon JUST to fix the front part since I was not sure I could only apply it on the new growth; so away I went.
This woman has fried my hair
It looks so strange and feels even stranger! Not to mention the burning scalp
I would have cut it off if it were not stuck on my head like it has been glowed!
Today it looks a bit better and I am really hoping it will pick up.
The rule is if you are happy with what you did at home, just @#$* stick with it.
Did I mention I had to pay for this?

Blijf luisteren naar je lichaam en haar!

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: June 05 2003 at 5:56pm
I Repeat !!

After you Find a Great Salon Or Stylist, someone you can trust!!

Find A Stylist you can Trust.

Sophie -

Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: June 05 2003 at 10:51pm
Orc, I agree completely! You know the saying, "If it ain''t broke, don''t fix it!"

Salons can screw up, just like we can.

Posted By: Orc
Date Posted: June 06 2003 at 1:53am
Thanks to Phytospecific products, my hair is starting to recover
The burning feeling is almost gone but the hair is a little bit still stuck on the scalp.
I have been intensely using Phytospecific products; Restructuring Milk, Revitalizing Scalp Treatment, Intense Nutrition Shampoo, Hydra-Repairing Shampoo and I must say that it is doing a bloody good job.
And as you said Jennifer, "If it ain't broke, don’t fix it!"
It has been a horrifying experience NEVER AGAIN.
Honestly don’t know where that women (at the salon) learnt her tactics?
Some people choose to be stupid
Claribuzz, what is happening with your hair now? I believe you had an accident too.

Blijf luisteren naar je lichaam en haar!

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: June 06 2003 at 6:20am
So, Never Again Chemical Straightening? Never again going to a Salon? Never Again going to that particular Stylist?
Never Again will I go to a Stylist/Salon, without doing my homework first?

I am certainly NOT defending the Stylist that damaged your hair, Orc, nor am I defending any other Salon/Stylist that is the cause of suffering, and I know, unfortunately Stylist mistakes happen a lot. I correct Just as many Stylist mess-up as I do Client hair mutilations.

Please don't write off the whole Industry because you had a bad experience. I can't stress enough, how important it is to do your homework before allowing someone ... anyone to lay their hands on your person.

Sophie -

Posted By: Orc
Date Posted: June 07 2003 at 11:43am
Sophie, I am not writing off the whole Industry because I had a bad experience. This is actually my second
But when I tell a person that what I need is just (I cannot stress enough on JUST) the middle of the front of my hair done when she can see clearly that my hair is in a bloody excellent condition and all straight accept for the front part and she goes and puts the salutation all over my hair. How stupid can a person be?
When I saw it after it had been washed, I nearly fainted
When I said: what have you done to my hair? She said what is wrong with it!!
It has no life, my scalp’s burnt and it is stuck on my head, cannot you see?
So, never again going to a salon, never again going to that particular stylist.
But I cannot say, never again to chemical straightening
The number of success that I had at home better than what I had in salons!
My partner does it for me at home and it always comes out straight with little to no damage and against little cost.
I had my hair cut today but not too short.
I am still in a shock and so is my hair but I cannot wait to have it done at home
And I tell you, no-one will be allowed to lay their hands on my hair with any Chemical Straightening other than my other half.
Still not over it ..

Blijf luisteren naar je lichaam en haar!

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: June 07 2003 at 2:46pm
And Orc I can certainly understand that your not over it....It must be terribly frustrating. I hear and see it everyday in what I do, and of course here on this board. I call it client abuse.

But another thing that is especially prevelant, everywhere.... is the many many people who will walk into a Salon and allow the first available Stylist to do their hair. Just because they have a licence, stand behind a chair and have a great coupon deal, doesn't, as you well know, make them good at what they do. (maybe it should, but it doesn't!) And for that matter many of us who are great at doing hair, still make mistakes.....Those of us who are REALLY GREAT at doing hair, just try not to make mistakes we can't fix.

Can you at least acknowledge, that the Stylist you trusted to chemically straighten your hair was a complete stranger to you.
And if you had it to do over again, you would have done some serious investagative work to find a Stylist with excellent Chemical experience, and a Stylist that came with good recommendations from people who have been in his/her chair??

I don't mean to beleager this point....well, yes I do. But I'm not picking on you. And please don't take it that way. It's just that I've said it so many times at work and on this board, and sometimes I feel like it's not heard. (and anyway I know if you had a free do over, I can guess you would get it done at home.)

gtg...I'll come back Cheers.

Sophie -

Posted By: Orc
Date Posted: June 08 2003 at 8:21am
Sophie, you just don’t know how many time I sat on that chair and asked the Stylist to do this or that but they don’t like it at all and it sounds as if I am telling them how they should do their job.
It is a fact that they are the ones with the knowledge and the experience but at the end of the day, it is my hair and I know it better than anyone else.
Once I asked a Stylist not to applied the solution directly on the scalp and leave a few millimeters. She did not like it at all and when my scalp got burnt the only thing that I got was sorry!
Sorry doesn’t do me anything.
Another one, once after a whole weekend of doing my home work for which brand I would like and what is best for my hair. I went to many salons to find that particular brand and I found it. Talked to the stylist that was going to do it and I asked her so many question and decided to make an appointment and two weeks later I showed up. Started with the stylist was sick today. Why wasn’t I phoned?
I was sent to another salon (the same chain), then I was shown another product which the stylist swore that this product was better than they one I originally wanted. Everything was going wrong and everything in me was screaming to leave but I decided to stay. I ended up with broken hair and split ends. Shaved my hair all of after three weeks only!
There is only one stylist that I trust and she did everything that I asked for and I discovered at the end that I did not have to ask her to do anything, she knew what she was doing and took my demands without any questions. Unfortunately I no longer live in the country when she is!
As much as I am regretting my last experience with the breakage of hair and burnt scalp, I am in away glad that it has happened so I will learn. At the end of the day, it is only the old hair that has been damage and it will grow back.
I can image the frustration of a woman when she gets her hair damaged and has to cut it short. I am a guy and it doesn’t matter how short I cut my hair.
It will recover and I will have it my way.

Blijf luisteren naar je lichaam en haar!

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: June 08 2003 at 12:44pm
What happened to you should never happen.

I'm in the US, and I 'm not familiar with other countries.

I know, Stylist's making awful mistakes happens WAY WAY to often. And in the US it's too easy to get a license. In my state all it takes is 10 months and a morning of out dated testing at a state office.
And POUF! your a hair stylist for life, nothing else required.:(

Now, of course, as a Stylist, if you want to be successful and give people/clients what they want and better....It takes many more hours of diligence, more money, hours of practical experience (unfortunately, at paying clients, expense in most cases), and hopefully a great mentor or two..... or ten!

Unfortunately, it's clients beware. And I don't see it changing any time soon.

Don't get me wrong, there are just as many, or hopefully many more, wonderful Stylists/Salons with very happy clients. Finding one of those Stylists is key if you are going to have a wonderful Salon experience. And I guess that's my only point after all of this yammering on I've been doing at you. >sigh< Forgive me. It's a "thing" of mine. I need to do a thread on it and I will soon.


Sophie -

Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: June 08 2003 at 12:51pm
Poor Orc - I'm so sorry about your horrific experiences.

Sophie - I agree it is not fair to write off a whole industry due to a couple of bad experiences, however, these aren't uncommon experiences in my circle.

Unfortunately, in my experience, it is a RARE stylist that listens to the client and cares about their happiness with the outcome of the cut/colour/perm/style.

How is one supposed to find these rare and precious people except on personal recommendation?
And if you have just moved to another country, forget that avenue.

Basically, its trial and error - or pot luck - when it comes to finding someone who treats you as an individual and a paying customer.
That is just not good enough, I'm afraid.

A close friend of mine went to a very expensive London salon and paid to have a celebrity stylist cut her hair.
She had very specific requests (written down + photos) and took along another friend to the consultation to make sure that she explained her hair goals clearly to the stylist.
The stylist gave all indications that the message was clear and understood...and then proceeded to "do his own thing".
Both women were shocked and the hefty bill added insult to injury.

Having said that, three years ago I found a wonderful and incredibly talented stylist - the only one in 37 years - who paid attention to my desires, gave good advice, treated hair gently and consistently provided excellent service.
I have recommended him to everyone I know and not a single person that has gone to him has come back disappointed.

Why does it have to be so difficult?
There should be some kind of customer rating system for stylists like the have for books on Amazon.




Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: June 08 2003 at 12:57pm
And P.S., My Dear Orc; Never forget...It's your hair and your money, if you ever feel a stylist is not listening to you...and is simply doing what THEY want to YOUR HAIR, (I don't care if they think your trying to tell them their job or not) Simply ask them to rinse your hair and calmly leave, wthout paying.

Sophie -

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: June 08 2003 at 1:06pm
I hear what your saying Uzma...and I don't disagree. I think a rating system would be a great thing!

On our local city page there is a place you can rate local businesses.....unfortunately it's not well known and a little hard to find. Maybe we can change that.

Sophie -

Posted By: Orc
Date Posted: June 09 2003 at 2:16am
Sophie, you are right in everything that you are saying and I understand that we are all humans and we all make mistakes but there are only a number of people that would admit it.
My nightmare experience is behind me although I am reminded with it every time I look in the mirror
Thanks uzma for your sympathy, you almost made me cry
Can I ask for some advice, Sophie? Talk about using the situation to get free advice
The front line of my scalp that runs to the sides is where I had the burn. The hair is looking frizzy and some is broken.
How long before it is strong enough to cut off? And why does this part of the hair look and feel frizzy when I have wavy / curly hair?
Thanks alot of the posts. it helped getting it out of my chest.

Blijf luisteren naar je lichaam en haar!

Posted By: Sophie
Date Posted: June 09 2003 at 9:17am
Well of course you can get it cut anytime. Although I surely understand if you don't want to.

Do take really good care with that skin, chemical burns are really weird. Did it blister?

There really isn't much you can do about the frizzy damaged hair aside from re-conditioning.

I would recommend protein along with some moisture. The protein will give the hair strength and hopefully help prevent more breakage.

And I know what your talking about with that front hairline being a different texture than the rest of your hair. That's really common on wavy or curly hair. It can be really anoying. But, it also seems to be more delicate (as you found out the hard way) on a lot of people. It's the most common place for breakage...the front hairline...Figures.

Be careful of it when it's wet. It's softer and weaker when its wet, try not to streach it, use a good detangler, so you aren't pulling on it.

Styling products, something that will artificially fill the damaged cuticle, might help with the way it looks after it's dry. You already know what a blow dryer does to your hair so, letting it dry naturally, with a shine product on it is your best bet. I hope this helps....Sophie.

Sophie -

Posted By: Gally3d
Date Posted: June 09 2003 at 10:23am
I have some advice for finding a stylist...

With any occupation, there are 2 types of successful people. The 1st is the natural talent. They don't have to try hard and can produce some of the most beautiful results. The second is the person who works their ass off to succeed.

It's hard to spot the first, but very easy to spot the second. I usually go straight to the most clear-headed, confident, and organized person. They may not be the most talented, but they are less likely to do a bad job and even less likely to let a bad job walk out uncorrected. ^_^ just a thought.


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