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Hair Care Tips-make it a routine

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Topic: Hair Care Tips-make it a routine
Posted By: beautymaddy
Subject: Hair Care Tips-make it a routine
Date Posted: December 27 2010 at 4:36am
1.A diet rich in zinc should be followed, as the main cause of dry hair is the lack of mineral zinc.
2.Brush your hair regularly before going to bed each night.

3.Rosemary is an useful hair tonic and conditioner. Rosemary also aids retain color especially in dark hair.

4.Chamomile and lemon juice have a soft bleaching effect on hair. Mix chamomile tea with lemon juice and use as a clean to lighten hair. One of the good home remedies for hair care.

5. For troubles with dandruff, add rosemary and/or patchouli essential oils to your shampoo or mix with almond oil as a hair treatment for your scalp.

6.Wash hair with peppermint or spearmint tea to support hair growth.One of the best home remedies for hair care.
7.Avoid brushing wet hair. This will cause the hair to stretch and finally break. Finger-dry, or use a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush to gently remove the knots.

8. Make a conditioner by mixing one tablespoon of castor oil, one tablespoon of glycerin, a teaspoon of cider vinegar, a teaspoon of protein to a tablespoon of soft herbal shampoo. Apply it on scalp and leave it on for 20-25 minutes and then wash the hair. One of the simple but useful home remedies for hair care.

9. Add a teaspoon of lavender oil to the coconut oil and heat it for a few seconds. Massage the scalp at night and then shampoo the hair in next morning. Follow this method twice a week for soft and shiny hair.

10. For hair growth apply coconut milk with aspirin and leave in hair for 2 hours then wash and wash hair.

11. A tea and beer rinse is one of the oldest habits to bring shine to your hair. Boil used tea leaves in sufficient water, let it cool and then use this liquid as the last rinse.

12. In the parallel fashion you can use flat beer (i.e. after letting the bubble out). This is a immense conditioner to be used for your hair.

13. To get that shine one can use honey to keep your scalp moisturized. You can make honey lotion for your hair by adding 3 teaspoons of honey for pint of water. One of the popular home remedies for hair care.

14. The use of henna as a natural conditioner proves to be very helpful for your hair. It helps to bring back the bounce and flair of your hair which has been deficient for quite a while. 15. For a enormous hair treatment/conditioner try 1 egg yoke, 1-2 Tbsp Olive Oil, and 2-3 drops Vitamin E. Merge these, wet hair, mix combination into hair. Let set for 3-5 minutes, feels/looks/smell strange but it works so fine and then wash out with shampoo.

15. Restrict blow-drying your hair. The process of blow-drying is harsh on hair as it robs it of moisture.
16 Avoid dyes. Use mehandi (henna) instead as a conditioner and colouring agent.
* Take a calcium supplement or drink two glasses of milk a day.
* Always hold hair dryer away from your hair. Direct air from the hair dryer down hair shaft and not directly into the roots and keep it moving.
* After a perm, never brush your hair. Instead comb hair gently.
* Trim your hair once in 7 weeks to avoid split ends.
* Avoid pulling back your hair tightly.
* Never use a rubber band on your hair as it can pull and damage hair considerably.
* Never go out in the sun without having your head covered.
* Stimulate circulation by massaging your head with oil to which some vitamin E has been added. This will make hair soft and silky.
* Never wash your hair with very hot or very cold water.
* Learn to relax. Hair loss can happen because of stress. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin B, C and E.
* Add iron and minerals in the natural form in your deyes.
* If your hair is oily, cut down on fried food and fat. Drink plenty of water.

Posted By: lardpan
Date Posted: April 20 2011 at 5:02am
This is the good hair care tips for the lengthening of the hair I am totally agree with you. I an really worry about me hair it give me the more help.

Posted By: martincrandall
Date Posted: April 30 2011 at 2:32am
Here I am also giving some tips. Just follow these:
1. Drink plenty of water. 12 glass of waters a day.
2. Take good diet. It must include healthy and nutritious food like green vegetables, fruits like apple, orange and papayas.
3. Do not use many products. Use only herbals products for the hairs.
4. Wash hair properly and regularly.

------------- - Debt Help

Posted By: barbz
Date Posted: May 07 2011 at 12:15pm
Good tips for growing hair. Could learn alot from these tips
Here are some extra:
Dont not pile hair on head when shampooing it will cause knots instead apply shampoo to the roots of the hair and gradually apply shampoo till the end of the hair.
Get some exercise in.
Sleep for 8 hours daily


Posted By: albertswoods
Date Posted: August 27 2011 at 8:44am
Tip to take care of hair are :
1 Take sufficient sleep
2 Drink more water
3 Wash hair with conditioner and shampoo
4 Massage hair with coconut oil regularly
5 Avoid pulling back your hair tightly
6 Avoid stress
7 Protect hair from sun exposure.


Posted By: christinadepth
Date Posted: December 07 2011 at 9:01am
Hair make a person beautiful and attractive, it is as a person, your hair care routine and make it necessary, they can properly take care of washing your hair, use the right conditioner, pollution prevention and the dust.


Posted By: citytreats
Date Posted: December 30 2011 at 10:55am
Thanks for sharing this great tips to take care of our hair. I would like to add that getting hair cut regularly can also help you to avoid hair fall.


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