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My story

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Loss
Forum Description: Support group for those suffering from hair loss.
Printed Date: June 17 2024 at 4:48am

Topic: My story
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: My story
Date Posted: October 21 2002 at 5:43pm
hi, my name is marie and i`m 18 years old from Ontario Canada, last winter (2002) i was diagnosed with a sarcoma which is a really rare case of cancer, i had a lump on my cheek, to be cancer free i went through chemotheraphy, radiation, and surgery...the chemotheraphy made me lose my hair within a month and the radiotherapy caused a hair loss later in june but only at one big spot at the back of my head, although my hair is now about 2 inches long i relaized the impact hair loss has on ppl. i had long blond hair down to the middle of my back u can check out my pic that was taken in february b4 all of this happened - if u would like you can e-mail me at and i will take a pic soon after x-mas! i am looking forward to getting hair extensions
My hair loss has made my self esteem take a big down, because my cancer was located on my cheek i was really self conscious, in about a year i will be getting plastic surgery. To all of you out there who would like to conctact me, that are going through hair loss, that needs support, or answers, i am her to listen and support, i will be glad to help someone from my personnal experience

Posted By: Albert
Date Posted: October 21 2002 at 7:50pm
Marie, I think you are a strong and beautiful lady, and I am very glad you got your cancer treated and are having plastic surgery on your cheek. Don`t worry about the hair, many beautiful women have short hair or are even bald becuse they have alopecia, and they have people and guys that love them and believe they are beautiful! Hair is the least important thing right now for you, you have to take care of your health, just do what the medical experts tell you, and you are in my prayers and sure many others who read this!
Love to you and best of luck!
