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Aoecean View Drop Down

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    Posted: May 20 2003 at 8:19pm, one of the definitive sites for people who like short hair...Your thoughts on the site?
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Rod View Drop Down

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They do a lot of headshaving and some short haircuts. It isn't for everyone. I like sexy hairstyles, so I don't quite get bald.

They've been selling videos for years and are still around. They must be giving their regulars exactly what they want, so they're doing something right. There should be a place on the web for all kinds.
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Sarah Beth View Drop Down
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Unfortunately they also have been known to "borrow" copyrighted photos from the Web w/out permission and other media and are hard core fetish folks. Shave fanatics.

Yes, a place for everyone but definitely you need to know what you are getting in before you go there since it is not anything like a site for people that just enjoy short hair.

Just my opinion.

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Hal View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hal Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 21 2003 at 8:20am
I have to agree with Rob and Beth. I don't really think it can be called a short hair site... more of a buzz and bald site... JMO. Though I do enjoy short hair for me the whole point is to make a pretty woman prettier not just cut hair for the sake of cutting it.
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tina m View Drop Down

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I actually stumbled on to that website one day just surfing.
It isn't a haircut site or short haired site per se, it is essentially a shaved head site, a "bald look" site.
What it consists of is young woman,( the majority of them with long hair, at least shoulder length) who get their heads shaved bald, even lathered smooth.

It's not for the faint of heart, it is very dramatic. .....(-Which I would assume is part of it's great appeal, one extreme to the other, a dramatic change in look-).

Most women wouldn't dare go to that extreme, though I've noticed the shaven head style for women has become a bit more common.
I wear my hair short to an extreme but even a woman as fashion-liberated as myself would have difficulty having my head shaved and lathered bald.

I'm not suggesting there is anything wrong with doing that and I know full well there is an active community of men and women who are very into being totally bald but the title of this website is a bit misleading, you should know that. It is a website designed for the bald community not for short haired lovers as such.
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KathyAnn View Drop Down

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Out of curiosity I looked up the website.
Some of the women actually looked good bald, others didn't.
Surely it's not for every woman.
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demodoll View Drop Down

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I found that site several years ago and sometimes I look to see if they have anything new. They do actually occasionally have good long to short stories and some cute styles but you have to be willing to go through the bald/buzz stuff to find it. The thing I liked is that the people are real and don't look so much like perfect models whose hair probably never looks as good as it does in the "mug shot" pictures that we see.
"It is better to look marvelous than to feel marvelous" Billy Crystal
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Jennifer View Drop Down

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Personally, I don't think of a tiny bit of stubble as a "haircut." It certainly looks like a fetish site for people who love bald and nearly bald-headed women. Don't kid yourself if you think it's really about short hair "styles."
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Jennifer View Drop Down

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PS -- I saw the site years ago and took another peek just now. Apparently, they're against ALL hair. All the women on the page were shaved completely bald. Obviously the site isn't about displaying different hairstyles; it's for people who get their jollies out of seeing women shaved bald.
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hairguy00 View Drop Down

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when i first saw thier site a few years ago it was a mix inbetween long to short makeovers and head shaves. at one time there was even more of the makeovers than the shaves. Now however it seems as though it has gone totally to the shaven community. its to bad, they had some good makeovers in thier day...
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Rod View Drop Down

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They sell videos and I've heard the bald videos outsell the long-to-short videos dramatically. I agree it's too bad. Some of their makeovers were very good. If you like gorgeous haircuts, as I do, then no hair isn't attractive. But they're running a business there. You make what sells.

All the women get their hair cut willingly and they're over 18. It is definitely a fetish site, but there's no harm in this fetish.
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duke View Drop Down

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Originally posted by Jennifer Jennifer wrote:

PS -- I saw the site years ago and took another peek just now. Apparently, they're against ALL hair. All the women on the page were shaved completely bald. Obviously the site isn't about displaying different hairstyles; it's for people who get their jollies out of seeing women shaved bald.

That's right. I've seen the site and there is
definitely a predominance of having these girls
go from long(ish) hair to either being shaven
clean or to something like a buzz cut or (in one
case) a VERY flat topped high and tight-type
haircut. Since I realized it's a site for fetish
satisfaction (thus akin to porn), I've had
absolutely nothing to do with it. On
one of these hair talk boards, there was a
discussion about this website last year - I
think they pay the models a pretty penny,
maybe like $1000, to allow them to do it.
already been
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duke View Drop Down

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Originally posted by Jennifer Jennifer wrote:

PS -- I saw the site years ago and took another peek just now. Apparently, they're against ALL hair. All the women on the page were shaved completely bald. Obviously the site isn't about displaying different hairstyles; it's for people who get their jollies out of seeing women shaved bald.

That's right. I've seen the site and there is
definitely a predominance of having these girls
go from long(ish) hair to either being shaven
clean or to something like a buzz cut or (in one
case) a VERY flat topped high and tight-type
haircut. Since I realized it's a site for fetish
satisfaction (thus akin to porn), I've had
absolutely nothing to do with it. On
one of these hair talk boards, there was a
discussion about this website last year - I
think they pay the models a pretty penny,
maybe like $1000, to allow them to do it.
already been
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Brent E. View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Brent E. Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 01 2003 at 7:46pm may be considered a "fetish" site and it does feature females in buzzcuts and shaved heads.
It is not a porn site. No sex involved, no nudity that I noticed.
It , by definition, cannot be porn unless it includes sexual activity or nudity.

Some wouldn't even consider it a fetish site.
Certainly men and women in the alopecia community or the bald community would not feel that way about it.

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tina m View Drop Down

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I say to each their own. If some men and women like to shave their head bald that is their business. There is a bald lover community of sorts on the internet and in real life. Just as their is a long haired lover community and a tattoo community and numerous other fashion communities. it is totally their business. At least in America it is a free country and I don't think they need to be judged on their fashion choices.
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Ellestin View Drop Down

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I don't really see the point in condemning these kind of activities.

The people running this are obviously bald fanatics, and the people buying their videos are bald fanatics too, so it's kind of a closed circuit, end of story.

You can't blame every fetish on this earth on pornography. This particular type of fetish is definitely legal and unoffensive, you can't tell the same of many other stuff...

If the girls are willing to be filmed getting a headshave for a high modelling fee, I assume it's their choice. If they mostly do it for fun, everything's fine for everyone. It's a little sadder if their sole motivation is financial needs and they're not basically willing to part with their hair, whereby getting clipper-shorn like a sheep is a brutal and very traumatizing experience - but then again, it's their choice, nothing is being forced on them!
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Ed Cookingham View Drop Down

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The site has been around for about 5 years or so.
Zvi, the owner of the site, used to show photos from other places on the internet that mainly delt with very short haircuts. The vast majority of the photos were not his at that time.
The first person to make and sell haircutting/shaving videos on the internet, is Mike Chapman from North Carolina. Then me and my wife, Linda, made videos as well. There is another guy in Florida, who made shaving videos after us.
Linda and I did well making the videos and selling them, but we sold out to Zvi, who just started making some head shaving videos. We stopped making the videos because of the vast copying of our tapes that went on. People were copying and selling our tapes, or someone would buy a tape and get 2,3,4 or more people to share the costs (which were $ 25. & $ 40. each), or in the case of Zvi, who would copy the tapes and trade with other's for other tapes. There were a few people who I gave free tapes to and Zvi was one of these people.
We did short hair tapes, crew-cut tapes and total head shaving tapes. Yes, the models were paid anywhere from $ 200. to $ 1,000. for their haircuts and liked the fees paid.
Yes, there are people who consider this a fetish, but I perfer to call it (for me anyway) obsessive/compulsive behavior. I like long hair, but ONLY if it looks neat and is not blowing all over the place. I also like crew-cuts and total shaves on women. My personal likes is extremely close clipped haircuts on women, about 3/8th inch on the top and the sides and back clipped to her scalp.
Anyway, that's my 2 centavos worth.

Ed Cookingham
Kingston, NY
Ed Cookingham
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Brent E. View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Brent E. Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 02 2003 at 8:36pm
You and I have similar views Ed , on female hairdos.

I prefer women with short hair,- with hair from short or medium bob length at longest, - to shaved bald women at shortest.

I also really can appreciate other short styles such as pixies, short crops, close to head cuts,etc.

Reading the celebrity board and the short hair board we are not alone in this. Many men like these styles and fortunately some women like wearing these styles including some who write here.
Thanks for Never bought a haircutting video but thanks for the art.
It is beauty in my estimation.
I have a wife with a very short hairdo, ( she wears a very short crop) so I'm am lucky in that way.
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Kuroneko View Drop Down
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*shrugs* I've never bought a video from that site before, but I wouldn't be adverse to it. There have been times I've been through and seen some that looked interesting, just their cost vs. my being poor prevented me from trying any.
I think I might be in an odd place, though, because while I really like the process of cuts, even the really drastic kind in the videos they sell, I don't always like the results pics. The number of super-short crewcuts and headshaves they do is greatly out of proportion from the number of women in the world who actually can pull them off, I'm afraid.
More awesome than a manatee!
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HeadBoy View Drop Down
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I think the site gives you value for the cost, but that's just my opinion.

You may be correct Kuroneko, a majority of people cannot pull off the bald look. But any woman (or man) that wants to sport the bald look is cool in my book. I just find radical change interesting, though if the whole world opted to be bald it would be just as boring if everyone sported the Marcia Brady 'do.

From what I've seen of's videos, the quality is good. The cost vs. poverty issue has prevented me from buying (more than one) also.

Peace to all
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