QuoteReplyTopic: Chrissy V glue update Posted: March 04 2006 at 2:22pm
Sherrie and I had been discussing my problem with the top wefts showing
and coming out too easily, using Pro-Tac. Sherrie said she uses LG for
her top wefts but says the LG shows in dark hair. She referred me to
Chrissy V bonding glue.
I went to the website at www.chrissyv.com and saw that they use a
different kind of glue that comes in dark brown and black. Unlike latex
glue, it removes easily with acetone. The website suggested that this
method is specifically for people trying to install wefts into very fine, thin
hair. The downside is that it is expensive - $49.99 for 4 oz. plus 10.00
for shipping. The customer service was great -- I ordered online and had
my product two days later!
I did a trial install of just the very top small piece in the back which is the
one most likely to slip and show in my hair. The installation was a cinch,
and I can say that by using the glue and sandwiching my fine hair over it,
I have almost completely hidden the weft! The problem for me with the
Pro-Tac showing is that it looks white, shiny and like a straight line in the
top of my hair. With the Chrissy V, I can sandwich the hair over the weft
using a blob of dark glue that seems to just blend the weft into the
overall look of the hair. It dries dark, and flat rather than shiny.
I've had the bond in two days and haven't shampooed yet, but it is
holding well so far. I like that I can touch up a little corner that might lift
without having to take the whole weft out. I'll post more after I've done a
full install using Chrissy V on all my top wefts. I think I may have found
the solution to the last glitch in getting wefts into my hair and meeting
my very picky standards for how it looks. I love the Pro-Tac but it just
wasn't working for those top wefts.
Thank you, Sherrie, for a GREAT recommendation...and your new intall
pics are fabulous! Anyone who might think that a DIYer can't do
extensions as well as a pro needs to look at those pictures. Your hair is
beautiful, and you are gorgeous!
Kristie, I like Chrissy v too because i wear black hair. But be
careful, it doesn't last long; so use it quick. I've wasted '2' over
half full bottles because they dried up in bottle on me quick and
I had to order more. Bummer! I kept in fridge too.
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Hmmm...has ChrissyV changed the packaging? Are they now putting it in bottles? It used to be in a small aluminum can with a screw top lid, that would keep for ages in the fridge. It never dried out and usually never got too thick either, and you could add just a drop of the remover to thin it if necessary.
Glad its working out for you Kristie. I liked ChrissyV glue alot but for the price difference I can use LG without the color being an issue!
Wait til you remove the ChrissyV glue...its so easy! (thats the one thing that LG doesnt compare to CV)
Edited by sherrie215
kristie m
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Chrissy V now comes in a plastic 4 oz. bottle with a pointy screw-cap
applicator. Thanks for the heads-up, Koffee--I won't try to stretch it out
to make it last. In spite of the cost, and even if it dries up rather quickly,
I'm sold on this stuff for my top wefts. Sherrie, I'm thrilled to find a
product I like that actually removes easily. Pro-tac and shrinkies are
great, but that extra amount of stickiness you deal with on take-down
still stresses me out. I'm sure I'll get over it with time.
Speaking of new products, I got my extra Elite Remy today and it is soooo
pretty. I got some silicon microrings as well, and couldn't wait to stick a
few in my hair. They went in in an instant and lie so much flatter than the
shrinkies. They don't feel like they're going to slip at all, either. It was
Christmas at my house today! Nothing more exciting than the arrival of a
package from shrinkies.net!!!
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According to Sherrie, the glue comes out almost instantaneously with a
little acetone. As long as you wash the acetone out of your hair, there is
no damage whatsoever. Amazing.
Jenny I would use the blonde/light brown since my roots are darker. I tried the clear and did not like it at all.Looked white and highly visable in my hair. But for someone who is white blonde or platinum it may be fine.
ChrissyV is a very gentle glue. And shouldnt cause any damage when removing. Its the easiest removal of any bonding glue Ive ever used.
But with any glue or any method, the biggest cause for damage isnt the glue or the method itself, its improper installation or removal that causes damage.
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I emailed Chrissy suggesting that she package the glue in 1 oz bottles
, in a set of 4 bottles. That way pricing could stay same ($49); but
u'd be able to use one bottle and be done w/ it, rather than opening
and closing same bottle and having it dry up.
Edited by Koffee Brown
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great idea KB. I wonder why she switched from the aluminum/tin can that it used to be in. It kept forever in the fridge. It used to come in the can, and you got a small plastic applicator bottle in the package to pour the glue into as you needed it, and she recommended that you always pour the unused glue back into the can for storage.
Sherrie, well if she doesn't take my suggestion.. I'd advise anyone who
purchases it to transfer it to some type of aluminum can. Since that
seems to be best way to store it. I wonder if u could just put plastic
bottle inside a big can...
As for me, i doubt i'll purchase anymore unless it's in smaller sized bottles. Tho it IS a great product.
Kinda like the Ultra Hold lace front glue. It's awesome glue and holds
your wig forever... but MAN is it messy to use and it dries up quick
too. And quite pricey. So rather than waste another half bottle of
it, i sought out another glue. ha! .
Buti'm still on the hunt for Ultra Hold in smaller bottle.. if anybody knows .. holla
ETA: Sherrie, maybe my suggestion to Chrissy should have been that she resume using the aluminum cans
It used to come in the can, and you got a small
plastic applicator bottle in the package to pour the glue into as you
needed it, and she recommended that you always pour the unused glue
back into the can for storage.
U know what Sherrie, I think i did see in the instructions somewhere
about 'keep can in fridge' and i wondered : WHAT CAN, this is a bottle?
But i guess she hadn't reprinted her instructions yet. I ordered the
glue for first time about 1 1/2 yrs ago, the did another order about 5
months later.
kristie m
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A Ball jar is a glass jar used for canning. It has a tightly sealed metal lid
that allows a good seal for preservation. You can find them at your local
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Chrissy V hair Extension glue sucks and she is a complete scam artist and a horrible person. Try getting your money back. She is rude and a bitch! Google her past. Iyt will surprise you.
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