QuoteReplyTopic: Clips-Ins Posted: August 16 2008 at 3:47pm
Usually I use LG but I'm out now and would like to try something new.... I've tried clips (the ones from Sally's) and sewed them onto the weft but they never stayed in... I was able to pull them right out of my hair? A friend said I needed to backcomb those areas before putting them in but seriously...I might as well put glue on my head if I had to do that. What about tape? I have an oily scalp and glue seems to only last me about a week and a half at most...
I'm selfish, impatient, & a little insecure, I make mistakes, I am out of control, & at times, hard to handle. But if you cant handle me at my worst, then you sure as HELL dont deserve me at my best
I wear clip ins almost all the time for my preferred hair extension method on myself. Yes, backcombing the hair is the trick to make them stay in.
Here's what works very well on my baby fine, thin hair:
*make a horizontal parting where you want to place the weft
*backcomb tightly all around that parting, making the backcombing very compact very close to the head
*spray the back combed area with a sticky hair spray like Aqua Net. Use a blow dryer for a few seconds on that area to harden the hair spray.
When you want to take the clip ins out, just comb out the back combed areas with a soft bristle brush. No damage is done. I have worn extensions this way for about 9 years and my hair is not any worse off for it.
I know what you mean about clip-ins sliding out. They used to do that to me too, since I have fine hair naturally.
I don't backcomb because I don't want that damage to my hair. What works is spray Got2BE FReeze Spray on the parted area. If you use that, your clip-ins won't go anywhere until you want them to!
I wear tape on top/crown and clip-ins below --- works for me!
Love clip-ins and tape!
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I know what you mean about clip-ins sliding out. They used to do that to me too, since I have fine hair naturally.
I don't backcomb because I don't want that damage to my hair. What works is spray Got2BE FReeze Spray on the parted area. If you use that, your clip-ins won't go anywhere until you want them to! [IMG]http://talk.hairboutique.com/smileys/smiley36.gif" height="17" width="17" align="absmiddle" alt="LOL" />
I wear tape on top/crown and clip-ins below --- works for me!
I have never worn any thing but clip ins. What do you mean when you say you wear tap on crown/top? What kind of tape and how do you do this. My clips in seem to be popping out through my very thin/fine hair and starting to really bother me and make me paranoid. Thanks so much
It really all boils down to what you like personally. For me, I didn't like clip-ins. I liked being able to remove them to really wash and condition my hair more easily, but, I hated the bulkiness of the clips (even the smallest ones).
My favorite methods to date are LG and fusion (although I haven't been able to do an entire DIY fusion install). Tape was not bad either, but if I did it again I would go with a tape that is thinner width than the blue tape I have used before, the one with the air holes that a lot of people use.
I personally like to not be able to feel the extensions by touch. It seems thusfar that wefts with liquid gold fits best with what I like. In the future, I would probably try skin wefts with the sandwiching method. That might be an option for you too if you want something to last longer and not slip like clip-ins can.
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It really all boils down to what you like personally. For me, I didn't like clip-ins. I liked being able to remove them to really wash and condition my hair more easily, but, I hated the bulkiness of the clips (even the smallest ones).
My favorite methods to date are LG and fusion (although I haven't been able to do an entire DIY fusion install). Tape was not bad either, but if I did it again I would go with a tape that is thinner width than the blue tape I have used before, the one with the air holes that a lot of people use.
I personally like to not be able to feel the extensions by touch. It seems thusfar that wefts with liquid gold fits best with what I like. In the future, I would probably try skin wefts with the sandwiching method. That might be an option for you too if you want something to last longer and not slip like clip-ins can.
Can you just use the tape without actually gluing anything? Also how do you remove them if you just use tape and not glue? Do you still have to use a solvent or something on the tape. I realize that if you would use tape and glue that they might stay in longer and you would have to use a solvent to dissolve the glue. Thanks for your help
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You can probably find some tutorials in the archives if you search back through old posts. There are other ladies here with far more experience on DIY installs than me. The tape people use I think is really made for toupees. There are several versions sold on multiple websites.
I have used the blue one, I think it is technically called blue liner tape. I like it okay, but, the width I got was a little too wide. I think it comes in different widths though. There is also one called super tape I think. Almost all of the extensions websites sell versions of these tapes and many also sell liquid gold. You can do tape alone, LG alone, or a combo of both. I think it is just a matter of what you like best once you have tried them.
For removal, I have used the C-22 citrus remover (also available on several sites) and then sometimes Goo-Gone for further cleanup. I have had to use a combination of removal methods. It is still a challenge for me to get all the residue of glue/tape out, but, other girls with more practice might have better advice on that. I think it might be something you just need to practice over and over to find what works for you personally.
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You can probably find some tutorials in the archives if you search back through old posts. There are other ladies here with far more experience on DIY installs than me. The tape people use I think is really made for toupees. There are several versions sold on multiple websites.
I have used the blue one, I think it is technically called blue liner tape. I like it okay, but, the width I got was a little too wide. I think it comes in different widths though. There is also one called super tape I think. Almost all of the extensions websites sell versions of these tapes and many also sell liquid gold. You can do tape alone, LG alone, or a combo of both. I think it is just a matter of what you like best once you have tried them.
For removal, I have used the C-22 citrus remover (also available on several sites) and then sometimes Goo-Gone for further cleanup. I have had to use a combination of removal methods. It is still a challenge for me to get all the residue of glue/tape out, but, other girls with more practice might have better advice on that. I think it might be something you just need to practice over and over to find what works for you personally.
ok thanks so much
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I've have gotten so cap and dreamcatcher extensions and neither looked so so hot on me. But I also wore j. simpson and various other names of clip in whole hair pieces that were much cheaper and looked a lot better.
I chopped my ahir again and want it back. my hair is very thick , short bob, and if not straightned wavy. I need extensions but can only do wefts i believe and hate that glue from sallys. My moms stylist does extensions that are clip ins and i have a consult with her on Sunday. But neway she says these clip ins are semi-permanent. someting to that efffect. BC I remember saying u dont take them out evry nite and she said no?
Anyone heard of this?
Ne tips for blending a short asynertical bob with prolly 14 inch exts of any brand and method? Thanks!
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wvulovely - have you ever tried a sew in? I used to get Great Lengths and after trying a weave, I would never go back to fusion. It is so gentle on my hair and I only need 3 rows for Victoria's Secret hair, as my friends like to call it. I, too, chopped my hair off to my chin and now I have hair past my chest that was razor cut to blend and it looks flawless. Just a suggestion. :) GL
wvulovely - have you ever tried a sew in? I used to get Great Lengths and after trying a weave, I would never go back to fusion. It is so gentle on my hair and I only need 3 rows for Victoria's Secret hair, as my friends like to call it. I, too, chopped my hair off to my chin and now I have hair past my chest that was razor cut to blend and it looks flawless. Just a suggestion. :) GL
Mintmocha- what type of weave do you wear? sewins or glue/tape wefts?
I tried a sewin before and lost a ton of hair. it looked great while it was in but it was super heavy on my hair and it really pulled on it.
my preferred method for my fine hair is skin wefts or fusion. Either give me great natural looking hair with minimal shedding.
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