QuoteReplyTopic: New today... got some questions! Posted: September 04 2008 at 11:23am
Hey everyone! Just joined today,
my name is Lara, im from the UK.
I LOVE hair extensions, i am only 18 but have become so good at installing them that i have started my own buisness.
Just thought i would let you all know about my techniques as its always good to share.
I do micro-wefts. I buy my own wefts and sew silicone micro rings every 2cm along the weft with weaving thread, however before this i cut them to the correct lengths. The outcome is great! They stay in for 2-3 months at a time.
(also i buy all my tools from extensions 101!)
The problem i am facing however is hair... i really want to buy some hair that will last alot longer
I have been looking at Bohyme, and want to know peoples experience with this product... probably the silky straight option.
How long does the hair stay soft and new looking and how much does it tangle and shed?
As it is so expensive i dont want to buy it until i know for sure its right for me!
Anyway i have included some pics of hair extension styles i have had over the last 3 years...
me with no extensions
clip ins
synthetic hair for fancy dress party
glued wefts
strand by strand micro-links
and todays style :) micro-wefts!
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Joined: September 04 2008
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So pretty! It looks like you are doing a great job! As far as the Bohyme, I have not used the silky straight, but, it consistently gets excellent reviews. I have used the Bohyme French Refined and *loved* it. It was soft and beautiful, no issues with shedding or tangles. Comparing it to So Cap (a far more expensive hair), the Bohyme was literally ten times the quality.
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Joined: September 04 2008
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Hey, love all your different styles with extensions! Love your eyes too! Good for you doing your own business with a hobby you love.
I don't think you can go wrong with Bohyme. It just gets way too many rave reviews to think otherwise. Especially if you choose silky straight, you should have no problems. There's been a few complaints about it drying out and shedding but those are few and far between! It will definitely last you six months.
Love clip-ins and tape!
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another issue im having... i can order the bohyme from ebonyline as they do cheap postage to the uk, however just discovered a uk website selling "uk bohyme"..... it looks really wierd though... the pics sorta look like cheap synthetic wigs.... im very worried to buy from here.... however reading something on an english forum and it said that uk bohyme was WAY better than US and that the US version gets really matty and tangled!
heres a link though, would be interesting to see if anyone agrees with me
UK Bohyme definitely used the wrong pics for their website.
You are right Larisa, those pics are awful.
Although the hair isn't necessarily bad, it's just some pics that are bad. I doubt if they are pics of extensions, they look like some old wig photos that were handy.
another issue im having... i can order the bohyme from ebonyline as they do cheap postage to the uk, however just discovered a uk website selling "uk bohyme"..... it looks really wierd though... the pics sorta look like cheap synthetic wigs.... im very worried to buy from here.... however reading something on an english forum and it said that uk bohyme was WAY better than US and that the US version gets really matty and tangled!
heres a link though, would be interesting to see if anyone agrees with me
Yikes! Those aren't very good shots of the UK Bohyme Remi. I've worn this brand in silky straight and bodywave and found it to be exceptional. I wish I could buy it here in the U.S. The VAT for importing is enormous. Anyway, this Bohyme has nice color shades and a great machine weft that didn't shed. It's sold here
http://www.afrocare.com/catalog/Remy_Hair_Extensions_394.html and Amanda in the UK uses it quite a bit. The fantastic gallery of her work featuring this hair is here http://www.hairextensionsbyamanda.co.uk/
I'm in the UK and have used both UK and US Bohyme and in my personal opinion, they're both as gorgeous as each other. I honestly don't think theres any difference.
Obviously its cheaper to buy from the UK if thats where you are.
I order from Sharps Global Trading for UK Bohyme...happy to give you a number.
Oooh, I LIIIIKE the US packaging though...
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Unfortunately, I ordered over $1000 worth of stuff from ebonyline over the last month, equivalent of around £600 worth of goods, but that was 2 different orders....
Anyway I had a letter in the post yesterday telling me to pay VAT, £75.... So that means another will be on its way for well over 100GBP
Which means, I thought I made £60 on each client, where in fact i have only made about £10, for 6 hours work!!!!
I thought ebonyline included VAT!
Anyway I shall have to get over it, but I was going to stop ordering from there anyway because the pound has falllen against the dollar so it wasnt cheap anymore.
I have been looking at UK bohyme now, and its actually just as cheap :(
I am such an idiot!
SammyJB, if you could give me a number for Sharps that would be amazing!
Thanks guys! x
Laura x x x
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Joined: October 26 2008
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Hi, im in the uk & I buy my hair from celebrity elite. The pics are awful on the website, but the hair isnt! Its very silky and has good volume to it. I have the silky straight in and if you look after properly it can last along time. I usually have the hair in for around 4 months, but you can go longer than that, its just I have normally got fed up with the colour and decided to have a change! I get it from sharps, the number for them is 020 84690026. Good luck!, let me knowhow you get on! xx
Laura x x x
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Oh and amm, i agree amandas work is brill!! Shes a good advert for this hair! I go to her to havre mine done, shes been such a help to me, shes got me onto your shrinkies too, lol xx
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