QuoteReplyTopic: Please help- extension question Posted: September 07 2008 at 5:49pm
Hi all! I am new here and in need of your expertise. I had a baby 14
months ago and as many of you probably know, you can lose alot of hair
after childbirth. Well, I have always had pretty thin hair but it is
hidden well because it happens to be naturally curly. I have lost a lot
of hair in the front or bang area. I'm currently using Rogaine to
battle this but I would like to feel comfortable leaving the house
during the present time. Here is my hair before:
Here is a good picture of my problem area:
my question is I have been debating buying clip ins. Would that work
for this problem? Should I buy the clip in bangs or will I need pieces
to cover the crown of my head? Any help that you can give me is greatly
appreciated. Thank you!
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I am not 100% but if your losing hair I don't think clip ins would be a good idea due to the weighing down on your hair. They wouldn't cover the top of your head anyway, but if clip ins could work, you should buy a skin top, something like this I imagine...
But I'll let someone else take over on the safety of using clip-ins with hair loss. And maybe its hard to tell from the picture of your hair loss doesn't look too bad.
Cute baby BTW!! ^_^
Edited by Poose - September 07 2008 at 8:10pm
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I love your pics! Such a beautiful baby; congratulations! Hope everything is going well.
I agree with Poose's suggestion. A top closure or frontal would be ideal; either with clips or tape. If you don't mind tape, it would be a bit easier in terms of time and length of wear. Clips would be OK I think, as long as you did not sleep in the piece and took it off every day while treating your own natural hair. I think a lot of ladies go through hair loss during and after pregnancy; you're not alone. If it's growing back, then a clip-in top piece would be great.
i also lost a lot of hair in the front of my head/bang area after the
birth of my daughter and my hairdresser said that I shouldn't do any
extensions until i was out of the shedding cycle so I ended up wearing
fat headbands a lot until it started growing back. She said that if I wore clipins/hair extensions it would just pull on my hair more and cause more to fall out. Just remember that
when you are pregnant, your hormones are in full drive and your hair
doesn't shed at all and then a few months after you give birth, your
hormones go back to normal and you will shed all the hair you should have during the 10 months. I started severely shedding about 8 months after my DH was born and thought I was going to go bald.....luckily it does stop and only lasts about 3-6 months and then it does grow back.
Headbands were a lifesaver for me. By the way, I have the same type of hair as you....curly hair that looked fabulous (like yours) during the pregnancy and like crap after. I stopped wearing it curly b/c it looked stringy.....
By the way, you are beautiful and your baby is adorable!!
good luck.
Pretty Sidney
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congratulations on your little one! I'm not a stylist or an extension expert. Have you considered talking to your doctor? If its been on going for 14 months it may be a symptom of a bigger problem called alopecia.
i LOVE your curly hair! mine is stick straight-- good luck to you and your little family :)
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Thank you ladies! I just started losing my hair about 3 months ago, a few months after I quit breastfeeding. I have talked to the doctor about it and she seems to think it's hormonal. I've had a few strangers comment on my hair loss and it's been embarrassing. Ironically, I've always hated my hair and wished I'd been born with stick straight hair
I will be looking at your website! Thanks again!
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.... I've had a few strangers comment on my hair loss and it's been embarrassing. Ironically, I've always hated my hair and wished I'd been born with stick straight hair
I will be looking at your website! Thanks again!
Ummm....can you point me in the direction of those strangers; they're in for an a** kicking!!! Who comments on someone's hair loss? Ugghh.
I know what you mean about hating your hair --- I have naturally curly hair as well and always wanted it straight. Now, that's it's bleached blonde and has straightened out I have it and am not sure it's all what it's cracked up to be!!
I can feel you, girl. You have to just consider the source. Some people have no class and can be so cruel. I was born with a genetic intersex condition that affects my hormone levels. Sometimes people have even thought I was a crossdresser or something and have been hateful to me. Don't let it get to you. It could very possibly be something temporary. You might mention it to your doctor again and ask for blood work to see where your hormones levels are.
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Hi! Your baby and you are both beautiful! I don't post here much because I don't have a lot to contribute most of the time, but I was wondering if your doctor has checked your thyroid levels? It's very common after childbirth and in women in general to have thyroid difficulties. I have had my share of them myself and hair loss is just one of many symtoms. Just a thought, anyway. Good luck to you, I know it's disturbing to say the least to see your hair thinning.
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