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A few more questions....

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Bambilee View Drop Down

Joined: December 18 2004
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    Posted: September 15 2008 at 4:28pm
I think I've picked my METHOD of hair extensions and now I must choose between who I want to do them.
Here is the deal-o:
I'm going to do the link method, I don't want glue and it seems the link method is the way to go from what I've READ. The salon here in town does the link method and I am going to book a consultation with the hairdresser to see prices and what not.
There is a woman also that does it as her own business, she too does what she calls MICROBEADS, which I read is merely another word for microlinks, a tube, I think metal, the natural and extension hair pulled through and clamped shut... (shrink is the plastic ones.) I think this is the way to go cause I can reuse the hair if I baby it and keep it in good condition. Which is cool with me, so they can only charge me an hourly rate when re-doing them.
The only problem I think I may have with the woman who does it outta her home, (I'm yet to get teh FULL DETAILS from her, I'm waiting on a reply) is that if they slip out etc. a few days in I can't just run out and have her fix it, since she lives about 3 hrs away. But with the salon it's only an hour, so I have to make my choice here...haha.
And also a question, if you have layers in your hair can you succesfully blend really really long hair? I want the longest possible, so 24' maybe 22... I'm going to post a pic of my hair now. I had it cut about 4 months ago from the past teh shoulder lenght I had when I went from Platinum blonde to brown. It's now at teh shoulders and has about three layers in it... and I have side swept bangs. Anyways, will it be quite easy to blend using the link methods?
If this all goes well I think I will attempt the DIY, it seems doable... :)

Thank you everyone! I'm so excited, I can't wait to have long long sexhay hair. I need it, when you feel like a fat cow, it's nice to feel sexhay for a while. HAHA :) Here is my hair now. It's not as dark as the picture anymore but I'm gettin perm. dye to make it that way since right now I'm using semi. :) :)
~* Bambi Lee *~
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