QuoteReplyTopic: If not great lengths, then what?? Posted: September 19 2008 at 7:26pm
Hi all!!
I am new to hair extensions and desperately in need of information. I was planning on getting great lengths because I heard they were a good brand but now I see many negative comments on these boards. I am planning on going to a professional salon to get them done- so no DIY here. But if not Great Lengths- then what would you recommend from a professional? I want to get long, wavy, full hair. Currently my hair is short- although I am going to grow it longer before I get extensions I think. I would add a pic on here if I knew how. (It is only like 3 inches.) Also- my hair is rather fine and when it is long it is always flat, with no volume, and doesn't hold a wave or curl well. Hence why I want to get extensions. Price is not that big of a concern- but obviously I would rather pay less. Quality is my number one priorty. what is the best for me do you think? at a salon?
Please please help me if you can!! also- if you want pics of my hair now and can tell me how to put them up i could try that.
any advice is MUCH appreciated!!
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3 inches is pretty short, if you can add pics that would be great..
Do you have any images online already? If you do adding them shouldnt be hard...
If not you'll need to upload them to a host, you could try photobucket.
GL would be okay I think, as long as you don't mind paying alot, anything is fine, its all about the stylist. The thing that worries me is your hair is 3 inches, that's kinda short for extensions, but not impossible.
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Yeah- that's why I was saying I am going to grow it longer. I was thinking maybe another 9 months or so of growing. How long do you think is a decent length of hair to get them?
Eventually I wanna get extensions to resemble hair like Kat Von D or Miley Cyrus but I figure my hair will have to be pretty long before I could do that. I've never had extensions before and I just don't know much about how it works or what is best.
You could probably get a look like Kat with pretty short hair since hers is short on top. Any number of brands could be good. It is really a crap shoot I think anymore. I would try to find someone in your area that comes recommended or that has some sort of portfolio.
Some people have loved GL, some have hated it. If I were ever going to a professional again, I would search for someone that does sew-ins and would allow me to bring my own hair so that I could be sure of what I was getting. I am a student though and money is an issue.
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Sew ins huh? I have never seen extensions up close in person. With something like that- if someone were running their hands through your hair wouldn't they be able to tell? Is there any place that shows the different methods at the scalp? To show you how it looks where it is attached?
I want something that is natural looking (don't we all?) and I understand that you get what you pay for, etc. I just don't know how *much* of a difference there is exactly in terms of natural. I am willing to pay quite a bit- I am just not sure what is best :-/
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You might check Craig's List in the Beauty section. Lots of extensionists seem to be advertising there lately. As far as how natural extensions look or feel, it depends on so many factors mostly related to the skill of the stylist if you are going to a professional.
As far as how extensions look at the scalp, I would suggest just looking through the archives or checking out tutorials on extension sites. You are definitely going to be able to feel the extensions almost no matter what method you use.
Fusion, like Great Lengths, creates a small hard piece of keratin where the extension hair is fused to your real hair. How large it is depends on the brand and whether you use a whole tip or cut them in half. I have had So Cap twice before (similar to Great Lengths) and the hard piece was about 1/2 inch long by about a 1/16 wide. You will have like 125-175 of those running through your hair! You will definitely be able to feel them.
Renee Pieper
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Your hair should be long enough to at least hide the first row then of course all under would be easily hidden. A good stylist will be able to perform "blend magic!" Be sure whether you go to a salon or the net, ask for referrals, research them online and of course ask to see the license and certification. I say this as if you are paying a lot of money at a salon, its your right to request this material. As long as the hair is remy, you will be fine. The lesser quality brands come with a lot of maintenance to keep it looking great.
If your hair is that short you should consider skin wefts/invisable wefts. There is a post a couple down with a tutorial. My hair is super fine so it is the only method I can do where you cant see the application. you can feel them - but there isnt a method you cant. And they can be placed higher on the head which will help with the mushroom top look
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