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Help chosing which extensions?!

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rococo View Drop Down

Joined: March 31 2009
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    Posted: March 31 2009 at 7:49pm
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what hair extensions I ought to buy. Im preferebly looking for 18 INCH CUTICLE CORRECT WEFTED HAIR (not virgin as its too pricey!). Preferebly under £60. The thickness isn't that much of an issue but mine is fairly thin so I don't want super coarse hair if it can be avoided.

I've been wearing C grade hair from ebay for a while after I bleached my hair a few times and my hair and my 1b virgin hair I bought in america no longer matched ]:

I need enough for about 3 rows of clip ins and 2 short bits at the front sides (does that make sense?) so maybe...3ft? I'm also, ideally, looking to order it in 2 colours. Normally I've been buying colour 33 which is a light auburn from the seller on ebay ive been using but ive also seen it advertised as colour 30.  I also order a yellowish-honey blonde as I have highlights. I'm not sure what colour I'm currently wearing as I threw the package out but heres a (rather unladylike) pic:

ANyone recommend any good websites? Im finding it hard to find legit sellers on ebay who arent doing ridiculous things like cutting the weft in half and making it thin or marketing 2.5 ft of hair as a "full head". I'd like to get your advice and find either a highly recommended ebay seller or a recommended website.

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