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On having short hair.....

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Ingrid16 View Drop Down

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    Posted: November 22 2002 at 1:37am
Hey everyone! There`s been a bunch of posts on here regarding long hair & its symbolism and the reactions of different parts of society to long hair. Now, I`m wondering about short hair (on girls mostly, but I guess on guys too)- what to people take it to mean? Is there any kind of symbolism attached to a female with short hair? I know that there are some people who seem to prefer short hair (and one or two who seem to like it TOO much- some of you know who I`m talking about :) ) For those who do prefer it, what are some of the reasons for it?
And what about the women out there who have short hair? Why do you wear it short? And if you have long hair, why do you prefer that?
I`m just wondering about these things because I`ve recently cut my hair short (not cropped, but definitely short), and I`ve encountered quite a few reactions to it. Some of them have been pretty negative- a guy at my school asked me "So what, you`re a dyke now or somethin`?" (Ok, that`s not really bad, but there`s nothing to make him draw that conclusion other than my hair) , and a girl said to me (partly in reference to a recent break-up with my b/f) "So it looks like you`re giving up on ever getting another guy" A few cruel souls at my school have taken to calling me boy`s names and asking me stupid things like "How`s it hangin`?" & "You gonna sign up for football now?". Also, a couple of adult men (not teenagers but adults, who I didn`t know at all) called me "Butch" and "C**tlicker" right to my face. :( :( :(
These were the worst, but not the only, negative comments I`ve gotten. I know that these are stupid assumptions made by small-minded people, but I`m wondering how much of this is going around? I thought in our "enlightened" & "tolerant" world we were supposed to be past this kind of foolishness.
I very much like having short hair & I won`t let it grow or change it or anything just because of this, but it made me curious. Is having short hair some kind of taboo? Am I supposed to be less of a girl if my hair`s not long anymore? If long hair is a sign of femininity, then is lack of it masculine in some way? So, I was just wondering what everyone else out there thought.

Lotsa Love,
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Jennifer View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Jennifer Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 22 2002 at 10:55pm
Hello Ingrid!

First of all, I am SO sorry to hear the nasty comments you received. Personally, that`s why I think ANY comment about someone`s appearance should be socially taboo. Of course what`s on the inside is what counts most of all. But some of those comments you received were EXTRAORDINARILY rude. It makes me angry that someone would say those things to you.

About the subject of short hair on women in general, I will give you my very honest feelings. I am but one person, and opinions about hair really are just preferences. Which is a "better" color -- blue or green?! It all boils down to preferences.

So, here goes. In NO way do I wish to hurt your feelings, but yes, I do feel that long hair is the most feminine on women. I certainly don`t think that waist-length hair suits everyone, but long doesn`t have to be extraordinarily long. I don`t think short hair on a woman is "masculine," but in general, I feel that longer hair is simply more feminine. Also, I feel that short hair on women has one or two looks -- either a little bit butchy or matronly. Obviously, Janet Reno, Hillary Clinton, and the like are of the more "matronly" variety.

I certainly don`t think short hair is taboo on women at all. In fact, most women wear short hair! I`ve worn both short hair and long hair, and I have to tell you that I felt extremely unattractive and unfeminine with short hair, although I certainly realize that it isn`t that way with everyone at all. And I very much support those who truly love short hair! I just happen not to be one of them.

I think when a girl goes from long to short, then people can make a direct comparison, and to many, it really is like "cutting" off a part of her beauty, femininity, and even youth. However, I would NEVER say that to anyone`s face.

Oh, and if anyone ever asks WHY you cut your hair, just answer, "Because I love all the attention you`re giving me!"

All my best,

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Christina View Drop Down

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It all depends on your features. Some women have better features for short hair than other women do.
I know one thing short hair is probably more popular than ever for women and it has actually been popular since the short perms and bob haircuts on women in the 1920s , the "roaring twenties" jazz age, when women starting wearing very short dresses and the short haircuts to go with it. That was the beginning of "short hair chic" for women.
I am 52 years old, I wear my hair short, so does my oldest daughter who is 24, and no Ingrid, it doesn`t make you less feminine. Are actresses Sharon Stone or Halle Berry with their short crops less feminine than other women? I think you know the answer to that Ingrid ! ! !
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Klaatu48 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Klaatu48 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2002 at 1:24pm
Okay... so I`m wondering what part of the world you live in where people actually say stuff like that to a girl`s face. I can see a few of the lighter jokes, but the extreme stuff... sheez.
At any rate, I find nothing unfeminine about short hair. Some style, yes, can be rather butchy or manly, but, frankly, so can certain types of buns or braids styles with long hair.
To repeat oft stated comments: Short hair can bring out a girl`s eyes, and shows off her ears and neck. Those are places I like, so obviously I like them being shown off.
Wouldn`t it be lovely if we could all just let people look how they want to look and leave it at that? Why can`t people just shut up if they don`t like something?
Ah well. I`ll leave off with: No, I don`t think cutting your hair makes you un-feminine. At least you`re weeding out guys you shouldn`t be talking to in the first place.
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uzma View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote uzma Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 25 2002 at 1:31pm
Hi Ingrid

Interesting questions.

I had short hair (very short) imposed on me from childhood onwards. Part of that imposition involved de-feminization i.e wearing traditionally masculine clothes, taking on the stereotypical masculine attitudes in order to "survive" in the big bad world of men.
I won`t go bore you with the reasons this happened but the impact was a woman who was in denial of her feminine soul. Every aspect of my womanhood was swallowed up - the overt propoganda I was fed covered all aspects of life from "professional women have short hair and wear trouser-suits, otherwise they are not taken seriously" to "Girls who show their legs/cleavage/look pretty/wear clingy tops/loose hair/make-up are an evil temptation to men &/or ******s".
I had a fun time growing up - NOT.

Now the comments I am about to make come from having the warped background I have described, so please don`t take offence.
Like you, I have been called names. Lesbian and man-hater were typical. This happened so often I started wondering if I was.......(I`m actually happily heterosexual and love men).
All the time the whisper in my head got louder and louder until it was a screaming voice that tore through me.
I dropped the whole pretense and stopped living through the eyes of others. I have embraced what I believe to be the essence of myself and part of that involved liberating myself from the “short hair syndrome”.
Symbolically, short hair was a double-edged sword.
On the one hand I had rejected femininity and that meant not allowing “beautiful” long hair to share my life (I have eastern origins and long hair is considered an intrinsic and part of a woman’s physiology and has unlimited erotic possibilities – by contrast, the shorn woman is rejecting her erotic potential). My role models as a teenager were short-haired Joan of Arc and the one-breasted Greek amazons.
On the other hand I defended myself with short-hair, because any man who was attracted to me in this de-feminized state would truly love me for myself - that was my logic.
Now what society does – and I believe this is a natural part of both the biological and cultural impulses – is have clear indicators of gender differentiation. In parts of the western world, these are getting increasingly blurred and women dress like men, men grow long hair and get waxed etc, etc. I will not pass judgement on that at all. Note, however, that the birth rate is also falling, the divorce rate is at an unprecedented high and marriage is second choice to co-habitation. Sorry, I’m getting off-subject, but maybe nature is trying to control the human population through a de-sexualisation process…..who knows?

Very long hair has typically – though not always – been an indicator of a fertile and healthy woman.
Short hair has typically – though not always – been an indicator of a woman not comfortable with the cultural idea of femininity or not happy to be defined as sexually or maternally available/desirable.

Anyway, the point is, right now, anything goes. The old archetypes are either being distorted or are being buried. Nothing is certain and no one can say x is feminine and y is masculine. With reference to western mythology, well Medusa had a head of writhing snakes, Dionysus cultivated wild flowing locks and the spartan warriors had long, well-groomed hair while their bride’s head was shaved off on their wedding nights. Draw your own conclusions……

It all boils down to this: Let your spirit talk to your soul and your soul knock on your heart and your heart whisper to your mind. Live your own truth.
Liberate yourself from the symbols created by others – they are traps.
Create symbols that mean something to you and give birth to your own dream vision of yourself.
Trust me – it’s potent and it works!!!

Lots of love to you Inga.

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Hal View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hal Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 26 2002 at 7:35am
I don`t think it`s so much having short hair itself that draws that sort of reaction... but maybe the style of short hair. Take Rosie O for example, she has had short hair in the past but not the short hair she has now! Ingrid... without going back and looking I think I remember you saying you got a fairly blunt, very square cut. I guess most people, right or wrong, tend to judge that sort of cut as less feminine than some other cuts. Does that mean you should change it if you like, never.
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Ingrid16 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ingrid16 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 27 2002 at 9:30am
Hey! Thanks for your replies & especially to Uzma (Hey, Girlie-girl!) & Jennifer for your honesty. Don`t worry, Jennifer, you didn`t hurt my feelings :) And thanks to Klaatu and Christina for being supportive. As for what part of the world do I live in, I`m from a surburb in the Midwestern USA; I think that there are a lot of rude and savage people out there, here and everywhere else. I was kinda hurt by those comments, but not really surprised.
Hal- I think you got me confused with someone else (S`Ok); my hair`s actually very layered and textured and curly and has, at least what I think, a very soft and feminine look. Also, altho I only dress `girlie` some of the time (OK, I have a wierd habit of wearing guy`s shirts and jackets), I`m an absolute junkie for jewelry and makeup, particularly eyeshadow, eye liner, etc, and choker-type necklaces, which are not at all masculine. Ugh.
I guess you guys are right about the traditional associations of long hair with femininity and freedom and short hair with masculinity and repression. Oh, well. I love my hair short, and to me it`s a sort of freedom. Until pretty recently, I kept my hair long (not super-long, but past my shoulders), and had tried to bleach it blond it order to catch and keep the attention of a certain guy, who hated it when I cut it short. Now we`re broken up (I don`t think it was because of my hair, but that might have been one of the factors), and my hair`s short and I dyed it black, and altho its maybe not `feminine` or attractive enough for other people`s tastes, it feels a lot more like `me`- I`m happy with it. I`m resolved to never again change myself to please someone else, especially not some stupid boy (No offense, guys :))
Anway, thanks to you guys for your responses. Anybody else have any thoughts on this?

Lotsa Love and bright, sunny days,
Ingrid (or Inga, if you like) :)
If I had wings then I could take you in
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Ingrid16 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ingrid16 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 27 2002 at 9:38am
P.S. I`d like to add that altho I have short hair, I`ve nothing at all against those who prefer long hair. I think that long hair, especially when healthy and well-kept is absolutely gorgeous, and very complimentary to those who wear it.
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Hal View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Hal Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 27 2002 at 10:48am
I guess I did make a ofence taken I hope... 2 other possible reasons... 1st teenagers can be just plain mean some times... 2nd Maybe these guys really like you and teasing you is away to get your attention
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phil View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote phil Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 30 2002 at 9:39am
Dear Uzma,
Your reply to Ingrid was one of the most moving pieces I have ever read on the internet. I have printed & enlarged it and stuck it on my wall for inspiration. Like you I was forced to have really short hair at a time (late 60s-early70s) when every kid around me had flowing locks, and it gave me something of a warped, isolationist view of life and a bit of a short hair fetish to boot. (There were other things but this is not the place) How you have emerged through it all whilst keeping a sense of perspective and remaining non-judgmental is truly inspiring. I`d just be interested to know how you feel about hair now, what your preferred style is and whether it is still an important part of your life. I`ve been happily married for 2 decades now but still find myself obsessing about hair - mine, colleagues, friends - I even run a Yahoo group with 800 pictures on it just to satisfy my `addiction`, which although completely harmless probably means I need help - any ideas?

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Ingrid16 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ingrid16 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 03 2002 at 7:10pm
Well, here`s the latest....
I was at a local mall today, doing a little Christmas shopping & enjoying a mocha at Starbucks, when this guy, maybe early twenties or so and a total stranger, sitting at the next table says to me, "So, hey, why do you want to be a guy?" I said, "What?" and got kinda nervous. So he says, "Well, you`re wearing guy`s clothes and you have a guy`s haircut. Are you a dyke or somethin`?" He didn`t say it rudely or forcefully, but matter of fact-like, as if he was trying to settle a bet or something. I didn`t know what to say...true, I was wearing a unisex-type turtleneck and baggy carg pants and a demin jacket, but I don`t think I looked like a guy (Hello! Black eyeliner! I guess that doesn`t mean anything anymore tho). I was really nervous, so I just mumbled "No." "Oh," he says. "`Cause you look like a guy. You should dress more like a chick if you`re not a dyke. Guys don`t like chicks that look like guys" (or something like that- I was so shocked that I don`t remember exactly what it was) Then he turns back to his friend, they snicker, and a minute later they take off, leaving me feeling like....well, I dunno, but its not good. What was up with this? I said it before and I`ll say it again; so much for being `civilized`. I`m not really insulted....but what in the world would posess him (or anyone) to say stuff like that to a stranger? I don`t understand.
It`s my belief that we should love all people despite their human failings because we all have failings of our own (that doesn`t mean that we have to agree with them or stand by what they do- love is bigger than that). But sometimes, its really hard.
Anyway, I guess there`s my answer...apparently short hair IS perceived as masculine or at least the absence of feminininty, cuz I wore these same clothes when my hair was long and didn`t get any kinda looks or comments. Oh well, I like it anyway.

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Kintaro View Drop Down

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My possibly biased opinion is that hair is linked to personallity. Good or bad, but if it`s short, usually, there`s none.
I hate all of the following and lots more : Fundamentalists, racists, sexists, fascists, ageists (people saying seniors = senile , kids = stupid , 18 = immature or a combo of them), and bigots for causes yet to receive their own designation.
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hairalways View Drop Down
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Hey ingrid _ I bet you looked absolutely cute and the guy couldn`t take it. Next time a guy tells you that guys don`t like girls who look like guys, look at him with sexy eyes and tell him..."oh, you`d be surprised".....Calvin Klein ads with Stella Tenant would in them would not be so popular if the unisex look wasn`t sexy. Don`t take those insults lying down. Next time an older guy comments about you - do the same thing. A comment like "are you a dyke now?" from a guy could easily be returned with "well, if I have to be with a person like you, I might just be" or something.
What Uzma said - and quite beautifully I might add, is that your hair defines YOU- your spirit and soul. Let it do that. For those long hair lovers - I AM ALSO ONE - long hair defines me, so don`t start attacking me. I am supporting Ingrid in her wish to be herself.
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Ingrid16 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ingrid16 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2002 at 2:45am
Hey! Thanks so much, Jacqui. I dunno if I`d have the nerve to say those kinds of things (I`m pretty crazy shy), but you put a smile on my face anyway.
Bless ya, girl! :) :) :)

Love & flowers & warm sunshine,
If I had wings then I could take you in
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uzma View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote uzma Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 08 2002 at 1:53pm
Dear Phil

Thank you for your kind words.
However, I am not as well-balanced as you imagine.
Trying to make sense of who I am, without reference to the distorted world-views I inherited, has been, and continues to be a struggle.
Sorry if I sound obtuse here, but here is how I deal with things:
I break the problem into pieces.
I identify the root cause and test it’s truth (too long to explain how on this board).
If it fails the test than I have destroyed it with the Sword of Truth.
This process is intensive, transformative and final.
It may take hours, days or weeks, but once it is complete, I am like a snake that has shed it’s skin – renewed, re-born and un-bound.
The foundation of power/control that anyone had over me, has been cut-off permanantly.
The philosophical basis for this is simple: Anything that has been done – can be un-done.
I have in each instance, through energy and will-power, emptied myself of poison and created a pure space.
The space is waiting to receive something. And something always comes. And it is the right thing.

Hair symbolises transformation. It is a body made up of individual parts, each having a slightly different lifespan and colour. Each strand has a lifecycle and lifespan. Each strand dies and is re-born. On some level, depending on how intimate our relationship with ourselves, we acknowledge this microcosm or replica of the natural cycles of the earth, planets and living creatures. We take initiatives in forming and re-forming it to conform to our tribal/class/religious/group allegiances, to express our creativity or fantasies, to seduce, to announce our differences/state-of-mind, to gain or avoid attention, etc.

In it’s positioning at the highest point of our bodies, hair is precious. In my culture, it is “radiance of the mind in physical form”. In it’s abundance, hair is fertile, a cornucopia of regenerative potential.

When someone other than yourself, imposes change on your hair, they are taking ownership, possession and control over a very deep part of you. If this control is repeated over a period of time, especially during the formative years, it is enslavement expressed as mutilation and destruction.
Unnecessarily strong words perhaps, but this is my opinion and experience.
The response of the “slave” is
(a) Fight against it, rebel, run away, do the opposite of what was done to you, take back your power and gain more power from experiencing the counter-balance.
(b) Absorb it, join the enslaver in their mutilation of yourself, beautify the experience in order to deal with it, sexualise the experience in order to push it into the psyche and overcome the loss of power by masking it with the primal power of sex.
(c) Punish yourself for letting others rule you, expressing this through rejection of anything other than, very specific, marginal “ideal” – a false ideal (in my opinion) as it is an escape created out of a situation of powerlessness. This can get very comfortable.

I have gone the round with all the above. There are, of course, many other routes of which I am ignorant.

My relationship with my own hair is to let it fully express itself for what it is.
In practical terms, this means letting it go. Letting it grow. Nurturing it. Not having a style. Letting it be wild. Marvelling at it’s beauty and mystery. Protecting and cherishing it from the bad energy of vicious tongues, looks and thoughts. Freeing it of all internal and external constraints.
It is mine and no one elses – I feel it is a significant part of my essence.
I am territorial, admittedly obsessive and very curious as to where this adventure will lead to next.

Phil – you have to find your own path(s) – only the one(s) you find for yourself, or pick up and make your own, are meaningful and potent. If you are in pain, don’t cut off the limb that hurts, cut out the arrow that has pierced it, destroy your enemy, tramp their entrails into the dust and wash your feet in their blood – symbolically and psychologically because it is the mind that conquers.
The energy of liberation will hit you like a storm and after the storm…..peace…..and after peace….magnetism and magic.
If you go looking for it, you will find it’s always been looking for you, to bring you face-to-face with your unknown highest potential/ true desire/freed destiny.
Go find it.

Love and best wishes (and hope some of the above has helped/connected with someone out there)

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ingrid16 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 13 2002 at 10:23am
Hey! Just got my hair cut super-short last night...can`t wait to hear what they`ll say now. And people thought I looked like a boy before!

Phil- I agree with my (limited) wisdom, it would seem to me that the best way to conquer your `addiction` would be to completely knock it out of your life (assuming, of course, that you want to get rid of it). I can see how having someone else`s will enforced on your hair can be psychologically damaging-hair is a part of you & a part of your individual expression, and being forced to cut it or whatever is a serious imposition on your person. It`s not as bad as being beaten or the like, but it is a form of abuse (my best friend`s mom forced her to cut her hair, and it hurt her a lot; it was like part of her was just stripped away). I think part of it is that its so quick & sudden- just about anything else that can drastically change your body & appearance takes time (weight loss or gain, surgery, etc.), while cutting off hair takes a simple swipe of the scissors. Hair is a lifestyle, and when its quickly and drastically changed, suddenly your life is different. I think most addictions are probably born out of pain- they`re a sign of a larger and deeper problem. I don`t know what your cicumstances are, but I think Uzma was right; don`t just fight the addiction- fight the things that caused it. This`ll probably be more painful, but the best things usually come with some pain. Anyway, all the best of luck and blessings to you dealing with this. I don`t know what you believe, and I`m not trying to be pushy at all, but if you`d like, I`ll pray for you...its my belief that it works. :)

Uzma- all of the things you said struck home with me...not so much about hair, but about other things as well. So much of what I`ve done in the last four or five years has been an attempt to attract boys, get them to like me, etc. I put a lot of my self-worth on this; I thought that I had to be `attractive` in order to be happy. When I was younger, I watched `Cinderella` and `Snow White` and lots of other fairy tales where the ultimate goal of the girl is to get the guy...could Cinderella ever have been happy if she didn`t land Prince Charming? I was really shy & awkward in junior high school (plus I had some other problems, but I won`t get into that here), and I felt for a long time that I was a failure as a person because I couldn`t keep up with a lot of the other girls. So much emphasis is put on attracting others in our culture that its so easy to think that that determines your worth and success. After a finally got a boyfriend I started discovering that it didn`t make me happier on a personal level...sure, I liked him a lot, loved him even (if that`s possible at my age), but it didn`t make me feel any better about ME. What does is the other things that I do, the things I do for myself- dancing, writing poems, etc. When he broke up with me (I`m sure you`ve all heard me whining about that on other boards) it was these things that kept me going...I`m still kinda sad, but the heartbreak faded much quicker than I had thought, cuz I know that I`m worth more than that. I still want to be attractive and all of that, but I`m not going to go to any great lengths for it- since you were talking about being a `slave`, I guess I was a slave to my own delusion that being `desired` = happiness. Back to the hair topic (finally), I think that having my hair short is sort of symbolic of this; I like it short (altho now that I chopped it all off I`m not so sure- it`ll grow back, right?).
Anyway, I`ve rambled for far too long here. I have to get to school. Thanks again, Uzma, for all of your good advice & thoughtful comments :) Yur a pal! And thanks to you, Phil, for sharing; I know this is sort of an anonymous forum, but it was still brave of you to do so.

Lotsa Love to you guys & everybody else,

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cara View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote cara Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 03 2003 at 1:41pm
Hi all! First off, I have short hair, and have had it for many years. In my life,(55 years now)I`ve had long hair several times, which I enjoyed for a good while while I had it, as it was thick, and the darkest shade of brown before a true black, and very healthy. But I got into the habit of trying to straighten my naturally wavy-curly hair by chemical relaxers, setting it on big rollersand later by blow-drying. After awhile, when I was in my late 20`s I started hearing about a salon in the city where I lived at the time(NYC) that specialized in cutting curly-wavy hair, and they were featured in a magazine with pictures. The models had similar hair to mine, and they had haircuts varying from very short to mid-length, and since the cuts emphasized the natural texture and beauty of the hair, there was a very feminine look, not a severe "helmet-head" look in sight-LOL!There`s short hair, and there`s short hair, if you know what I mean! Short hair does NOT have to look "matronly" - if it does, ditch your haircutter, and check out something wilder-LOL! Needless to say, I was sold, because my long hair was getting to me in terms of maintenance and time spent blowing it dry, etc. With a bit of trepidation about making this change, I went to this salon, and immediately my little bit of apprehension disappeared with the haircutter I had! She started to snip, showing me how my curls sprang to life with the snipping, etc. I left with my hair mid-length to start, and went somewhat shorter later on. From that day on, I ditched my hairdryer and large rollers, etc. that I used to use to make my hair straight, and I can just scrunch with gel or mousse and go. And since then, in the different places I`ve lived, I`ve sought out haircutters who are expert in cutting curly-wavy hair. My hair is not ultra-short, which is in proportion to my small frame, and suits my features, and I get tons of compliments. Also, since I have grey in my hair, I color it a rich reddish-brown which brightens things up. No one has accused me of looking unfeminine either! To the poster above who gets rude comments, those folks have their heads up their you-know-whats, plus they sound like they`re rude.
To all who are thinking of going short, get a consultation with a good haircutter first, and this becomes increasingly important as one gets older, because nothing looks worse on a mature face than a scraggly haircut!
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Lady Maria View Drop Down

Joined: December 31 2002
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Lady Maria Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 03 2003 at 8:35pm
I wrote you a more detailed message on general hair talk about my transition from very long waist length hair to the short pixie I am now wearing. Maybe that will help you.
I agree with everything Cara and the other short haired women have said, short hair on women is not unfeminine, that is an outdated myth from 40 years ago. Women, sexy women who get guys,(I am getting married in a few months), have been wearing short hair for years, in many attractive styles.
It was difficult at first for me to give up my long hair and I had my hair cut initially out of emotional turmoil, depression and frustration. Once I adapted to my new sexy short hairstyle however I made myself look feminine in my mode of dress, jewelry and makeup, and I feel sexier and more feminine than ever!
You are a cool young woman Ingrid, and gutsy, YOU GO GIRL, enjoy your cute short hair style!
Lady Maria
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Metal man View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Metal man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 11 2003 at 12:24pm
Take it from me ladies, if a woman is good lookin, she`s good lookin, don`t much matter how long her hair is, a doll is a doll!!! I`ve seen some mighty fine ladies with all kinda lengths of hair!
Miss Ingrid if you are a hot woman with a hot attitude, then you wear your short hair like the very cool broa d you are. I like what I read too about your many earrings and jewelry! Very sexy!
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Metal man View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Metal man Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 11 2003 at 8:57pm
Lady Maria,
You mentioned on the other thread that you wear your hair like that photo Dic k had of that Spanish model Celeste, in a short pixie style. If you`re half as cute as she is you must be some hot Latin lady! The Metal man likes that stuff, very nice!
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