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Brunette to Blonde via Highlights - Roots Problem

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lalacolor View Drop Down

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    Posted: January 17 2011 at 4:21pm
If you have natural dark hair this is what I suggest.
Color roots with high lift golden blonde Clarol conditionting hair color.
Do it with 1 portion hair color and 2 portion 40 developer.
**NEVER USE 40 developer with bleach, this is color**
Mix and do your roots.  Let the color stay on for at least an hour.
Then tone with light beigh blonde toner. Wella brand. (10 minutes max)
Do your roots every 3 weeks. 
Do highlights every 6 weeks.
Use purple shampoo twice a week. (15 minutes at least)
You will LOVE.

Edited by lalacolor - January 17 2011 at 4:23pm
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Veronica F. View Drop Down
Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Veronica F. Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 13 2005 at 3:48pm
I was actually thinking of switching to blonde, or a light brownish shade from red becuz i need to touch it up more since black roots w/ auburn hair just looks really unnatural. Atleast a lot of blondes have naturally dark roots. Lol. But its cool that u got a neat color after all that!
Umm i think the reason why ur stylist was hesitant to bleach ur root area is prob becuz her salon uses off-the-scalp bleach, or she was afriad or the roots ending up too light (lighter than the lengths.) But the first reason makes more sense.
Anyways since that matter is irrelevant now..congrats on ur new hair color!
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Stacey2004 View Drop Down

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Just an update.

I used a L'Oreal light brown on my hair on Monday, it looked ok, but not particularly flattering, it didn't have any red to it at all so my hair did look every so very very slightly greeny tinged. Tho apparently no-one else but me could see that tinge

So today I use a golden slightly reddish medium brown ( again L'Oreal ) colour, and it's given it a lovely colour, and looks much better against my complexion ( caucasian, pale skin with a tendency for redness ).

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Kris408 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Kris408 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2005 at 2:13am
u can put some toner in it to remove the reds.. and tell the next lady that u want a part-high/low light u do not want a full highlight.. u must not be going to a color specialist.. make sure u guys c certif.. if there is none that means that they might not no to much about color.. trust me u dont learn to much about color in school color is learned after the fact.. it can be fixed tough.. remember that if u go red its a lot of work fades really fast..
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Susan W View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Susan W Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 04 2005 at 7:06am
Given that new information, I agree. That was unprofessional in more than one way.

Yes, of course we advise against home jobs! We just don't want you to have to go through all the various funky colors we have! If you want to go red from light blonde hair, just be aware that you'll have to probably do it more than once. To keep red, many people have to recolor all of their hair about every 5 weeks anyway, not just for roots, but because red fades very quickly. It will fade even quicker when you're dying light blonde hair. After a few weeks you may actually wind up with a peach color at which point you'll just have to dye it red again. Reds just tend to slide off of hair, and especially if you use conditioner. Also be aware that one day in the summer sun can bleach dyed red straight to yellow (that happened to me once). This is permanent dye I'm talking about here.

Also, the first time you go red from blonde, you may have to dye it more than once because you may get a bright color. I'd advise you to choose a shade of red that is slightly darker than the red you want to end up with to help counter that.

You may want to consider trying semi permanant hair color, because with all of that redying it would be less damaging for your hair.

Whatever you do, please do a test strand on your hair first (mixing small amounts together in the right ratios - and also since you might be sensitive to dye, put some on the inside of your elbow to make sure you don't have a reaction).

I hope someone else posts a response for you. Especially on the issues of semi permanent haircolor vs. permanent, and on dyeing highlighted hair. ????
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Stacey2004 View Drop Down

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Thanks for replying :)

What puzzles me is why my stylist didn't just do my roots, as now I have highlighted varying colours on the back of my hair and the sides and one colour on top !

Unfortunately as I have a sensitive scalp she said I couldn't have an all-over dye.

I have home-dyed lots of times without any irritation.

I did feel rushed unnecessarily, she had no other clients that day, and when she had finished with me and passed me to another stylist, just sat chatting with other stylists !

I did say I wanted to think about it before making a choice about going back to dark brown, before she commented that she couldn't live with the colour I had, hardly a good customer service remark.

My boyfriend was with me at the end of the session and he said ' you're not going back there, they are unprofessional and their attitude was very brash ' when we left.
He oddly loves the colour it is now.

So, I am thinking of becoming a redhead. Dark rich reddish brown, not bright. So I don't have to worry so much about my ridiculously fast growing hair producing ugly roots so quickly.

Anyone gone dark reddish brown from this bleached blonde ? and although I'm sure a lot of you would advise against it, I plan on colouring it at home, so advise is welcome
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Susan W View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Susan W Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 03 2005 at 2:20pm

I'm not familiar with highlighting, only experience with dye, so I can't answer your question about why she wouldn't do the roots...maybe someone else can?

As far as her treatment of you...I can see how you would have felt rushed, but I also get the feeling that she did really want your hair to come out looking good, and she did seem to care what happened to your hair. It sounds to me that she WAS rushing, but because she had a schedule to keep and she spent a good deal extra time with you that she didn't have in her schedule trying to fix what she felt she messed up. (And she's probably used to people disliking something and not wanting to say anything directly to from your silence she decided you didn't like it. Next time just say "I haven't decided yet"). So she tried to fix it, and wound up having to leave you with someone else because there was just no more time. These are just my opinions from the story you told. I wasn't there, so if it doesn't sound right, just ignore me.

If you're spending so much money and having trouble with the highlights, you may want to consider just getting it dyed. You'd have about a half inch of roots every 4 weeks, so you'd have to get it redone about the same, and it may be cheaper than the highlights (depending), since it's a lot less work to dye a whole head than fool with all those foils.

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Stacey2004 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Stacey2004 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 03 2005 at 1:47pm

I have naturally very dark brown hair with lots of underlying red tones.
I like my natural hair colour but wanted a change, so got some blonde highlights about six months ago.

I have since repeated having highlights about 6 times, as my hair grows very fast everytime the roots started to look bad ( every 4 weeks ) I went back to the hairdresser and she highlighted it using foils.
This is costing me an absolute fortune at about $150 dollars a go, it takes ages as my hair is very thick, and uses a ton of foils.

The time before last when she highlighted it my looked almost blonde with the ( small amount of ) gingery bits we all hate as brunettes going to blonde.

She had only ever highlighted it and never applied colour afterwards.

So last time I went I said how I hated the fact the roots show so fast ( not that she could do anything, thanks mother nature ;) ), and didn't like the gingery tone, could she touch up the roots as basically the rest of my hair was blonde-ish and she ummed and ahhed and said no, they are ' not allowed to apply bleach to the roots near the scalp ', and my alternatives were either all over colour, which she couldn't do because my scalp is too sensitive ( as I pointed out to her ), or go back to my natural colour.

After some more discussion we decided I would have more highlights instead.

What she did tho was highlights over back and sides but on top at front applied the solution to all of it ( using foils ). So it was one solid colour on top and I feel it looks completely unnatural.
I heard her saying she used 12% on top and 9% on rest of hair to another stylist.

When it was finished she asked if I was happy and as I was looking at it trying to decide she said ' you're not are you ' and said how she didn't like the colour ( I hadn't decided yet actually ! ), as it still had a very slight gingery-golden caste to it ( which I had been unhappy about before ). She said she would apply some ash ' toner '. She did this and kept checking hair, after about ten mins she said ' this isn't going to work, we need to get this solution off NOW ' and took me to the basin and rinsed it all off, saying how it was going grey.
What I was after was an ashy-blonde colour.

I felt very rushed by her as then she came over with some colour charts all dark brown saying how my only choice now if I didn't like it as it was was to go back to very dark brown. She then left me with another stylist I hadn't seen before. I hadn't even commented about whether I liked it.

I used to adore my stylist but feel I was rushed.

My roots are now starting to show again. I don't know what to do, how come she said she couldn't just do the roots, everyone who goes dark brown to blonde must have their roots done !
What is going on ?

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