QuoteReplyTopic: what is the best and safest way to grow hair fast Posted: June 23 2000 at 9:58pm
The key to growing hair faster is to get the body at its optimal overall health. When the body is not healthy hair is the last priority. To achieve this overall health, one must stop doing all the negative things such as smoking, drinking, eating bad and not getting enough rest and living under constant stress. When the body is healthy so will be the hair. Hair Formula 37 is designed to insure that the body has the necessary nutrients available so that it can grow hair at its genetically predetermined maximum growth rate. For some people that is 1/4 inch a month, for some 1/2 inch a month and others 1 inch a month. NOTHING you take can make your hair grow faster than that predetermined rate, not even Hair Formula 37. To achieve the maximum growth rate you must have all the nutrients available when the body is in hair growing mode.
To purchase Hair Formula 37 go to the following link:
I am posting this for my (still) unwired girlfriend (this is how things are when you live in Poland...) She recently cut her hair from around mid back to 3cm below her ears. This radical change did not bring the much wanted outcome. In fact, she wants to grow her hair back as fast as possible. I guess it is imaginable to think of the former length in a matter of weeks or months, but are there any reliable lotions, pills or other staff that can significantly increase growth? My girlfriend's hair is thick, straight and dark brown, rather silky albeit too short. You can answer here or to my e-mail.
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