QuoteReplyTopic: Im DESPERATE! Posted: August 29 2005 at 2:00pm
thanks imma have to try that, and see how it works for my skin. i'm super sensitive so i tend to irritate my skin even more when i use scrubs and exfoliants. but who knows this might be the one- thanks for the info
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i use the scrub once in the morning and then right before bed. during the day i take a hot wash rag to my face and just let it sit til it cool down then run it under some more hot water.
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naw. i ain't had no problems. matter of fact, ever since i been using it people say my face look a lot younger like i'm still in high school but without the acne.
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i tried benzoyl peroxide which helped a little but my skin was sensitive to it. .
this is the exact reason why i couldnt use that proactiv, i have sensitive skin and benz perox just made it worse.
gatorstompin wrote:
then st. ives came out with that apricot scrub with the medication in it. i use that and i haven't had one break out since. .
this is one thing i havent tried, i might have to give it shot. you havent had any problems with the scrub??? my face seems to have a negative reaction when i exfoliate it to often. how often do you use the scrub??
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i had a huge problem with acne when i was younger. i tried benzoyl peroxide which helped a little but my skin was sensitive to it. i tried just about everything out there. then st. ives came out with that apricot scrub with the medication in it. i use that and i haven't had one break out since. every now and then throughout the day, i also take a hot/warm wash washrag and just sit it over my face. it also helps you relax. maybe that will help you.
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I am lucky that I didn't have to experience acne as a teen, but being an adult does not make it any easier.
Ditto, for that statement. I NEVER had acne problems as a teen, back then it would have even been more acceptable - I could have blamed it on puberty or changing hormones. But now, as an adult it stinks to have skin problems, mine isn't so much the acne, but atopic dermatitis and it drives me crazy when I have a break out.
Can't blame it on puberty this time.
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I also have a problem with adult acne. (I'm 37). I have been doing alot of research on internal remedies for this problem. I started using something called CLEARITOL. I bought it off ebay for less that $10.00. It has helped alot fo shrinking pores. My skin is like 90% less oily. My face used to stay "slick" with oil. Not so much any more. I still get occasional breakouts. My forehead is not yet totally clear. The clearitol has helped alot. And I didn't have a problem with buying off ebay. I googled it to do additional research and found other site that sell it as well. I also found this website that was very encouraging. http://www.store.yahoo.com/vitacures/ I will be order this VERY SOON. The common link that I found with internal acne remedies is natural hebs and vitamins, especially B5. I hope some of this helps. I am lucky that I didn't have to experience acne as a teen, but being an adult does not make it any easier. SAD ONE, lets us know how it goes, hopefully your name won't reflect you much longer!
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how did proactive make your skin horrible the people i know that used it they never complained about any of the happening to them
I also tried proactiv and had a bad experience with it, the problem is that proactiv contains a prescription-grade of benzoyl peroxide that penetrates the skin to fight acne problems, and people that already have very sensitive skin or skin that doesn't react well to that ingredient may sometimes have a negative reaction to it.
If someone has a bad reaction to the proactiv, when using the three or four step process,the best thing to do is stop using it until the face clears up and use one step at a time to see which product is actually causing the reaction. for example week one use only the cleanser, if there are no problems, then week two use the cleanser and the toner and so forth and so forth until your able to weed out the product thats causing the irritation.
If it's only one part of the process giving you problems, possibly substitute for a less harsh product. If it's all three call the proactiv reps and they will more than likely refund your money, they refunded mine.
hope this helps some.....
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cleansing diets only make acne worse. while it mah help in the long
run, they are not long term diets. as your body expells toxins in the
shor run, it will expell some through the skin, and thus, acne will get
learn to love what you were born with
you can do anything if you set your mindto it (just dont try this with hair,that could turn out bad)
Try a cleanse. A clease will help eliminate any toxins from you body that could be causing your acne. Also try to only use one acne medication at a time. (Like it your cleaser, soap has medication, you lotion, cream shouldn't. Also it you have those big red bumps or even little ones, try some 100% Tea Tree Oil, It kills bactira.
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I took accutaine about three years ago. I did have some side effects
like nose bleeding, very dry lips and eye sight going funny at times. I
did not feel depressed.
Even so I would recomend it, but it will however leave scars. I don't
know if it will for everyone, but I ended up with alot of scars.
The thing is that now I still get acne about a week before my
menstation. As you all know once you get one it takes forever to go
away. What can I do about this? I have been seing a derm and getting my
scars removed/reduced with accid and laser, but that was over a half
year ago.
Can I go back to a doctor and get special creams or chould I try eating
organic and exercicing more? Should I go to a derm once a month for a
special acne facial?
Sorry to go of the topic, but maybee there are others who have the same thoughts?
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Susan, you are correct about the dairy-acne connection. It is not just the "ingredients" in dairy products, it also has ALOT to do with the fact that cattle are treated with hormones to keep them producing milk. It is these artificial hormones that can trigger acne, that is why many physicians suggest switching to organic dairy AND meats if you have acne. Even the chicken and beef we buy at the average supermarket have been treated with hormones (especially chicken.) This may not clear up everyone's acne, but it wouldn't hurt to switch to organic for a month or so to see if it could make a difference. For those of you who just don't have the option of going to organic supermarkets, you could try eliminating it altogether to see if it helps. Just remember, there is a drug that is a last resort but it is something that needs to be taken very seriously. If you are at your wit's end with your acne, start looking into Accutaine NOW, because it will take at least two months (if you are a female) just to get your prescription for the first time. You will need two negative pregnancy tests and blood work before they will approve you for a scrip.
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Sad One, I can some what relate to your pain. I also deal with skin issues and I’m 34, I never had acne or skin problems as a teenager and now as an adult, I deal with it everyday. I have Atopic Dermatitis however, before I knew what it was, I tried every product on the market. I too tried proactive, and it made my face even worse, that’s because it contains benzyl peroxide and this only does more damage to sensitive skin. I went to at least three different dermatologists in the states and no one could tell what the problem was, they all gave me a cream to put on it. I was getting so frustrated. My face would break out into red patch that would dry up and get flakey and scaly looking, it was horrible. I would not leave the house unless I had too, and when I did, I didn’t want anyone talking to me. I became distant with my husband and I never left my desk at work, then all of sudden it would just clear up and reappear when ever it felt like it.
I came back to Korea a second time and saw a doctor over here, he told me exactly what it was as soon as he looked at my face, and what will usually trigger it, which doesn’t surprise me considering this is where the problem started in the first place. Now that I know what it is, I have been able to do my own research, but since anything can trigger it, I give more attention to myself, what I’ve eaten, the weather, am I stressing, or over working. The biggest factor for me is rain. When it rain it brings the pollution down from the sky and my face reacts. For example, Friday my face was clear, it rained yesterday; when I washed my face last night I had several dry patches just that fast.
So in saying ALL THAT, you said you went to the doctor, did HE tell you that your acne problems were in fact cysts? Cysts acne is under the surface of the skin infections, and what happens when they form, tissue develops on top and gets hard to keep it from spreading, at the same time it can leave scars and damage the skin. A physician can only treat this kind of acne, so he should have given you something. It doesn’t matter what other products you use, they may pacify the skin for a moment, but it will never treat the problem.
There are soooo many things that can trigger acne, hair products, skin products, food we eat, make up, moisturizers and sunscreens should be water-based, birth control, hormones, STRESS, your stressing over your skin problems and it’s not helping. Also try keeping a journal and every time you have a break out write down everything you did that day. What soap did you use, what shampoo did you used, did you wear make up that day, what you ate, did you stress over anything, is it time for your cycle to start, were you late for work or school, any little detail you can think of and over time, compare notes and track your patterns, you might surprise yourself. Another good thing to do is wash and change your pillowcase often. Hope you find something that works for you.
I’ve never used Accutane, but others that have posted say it works great. I know that it is used to treat severe acne that cannot be cleared up using everyday acne treatment products or antibiotics. Before you put anything on your face, do some research and find out what type ingredients you need to look for in a product, to help your condition, this includes using over the counter products, some products contain ingredients that may cause you more irritation.
Edited by fullxdiva
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I recently read about research they did on diet and acne. The recommendations you read about foods to avoid to prevent acne are incorrect. They were wrong 30 years ago when my doctor told me to follow them, and are still wrong. (I ended up on antibiotics for a year back then).
But what they concluded is that people who eat dairy tend to have more acne and more often than people who don't, and how much they eat affects how much acne they get. Dairy is not the only factor, but if you're eating lots of dairy, you might want to look at cutting back.
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