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Off-Topic Racially Profiled in NYSC

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    Posted: April 26 2008 at 1:07pm
I really hope you follow thru with a certified letter to headquarters and a e-mail. People like that need to be Fired and told off ASAP.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote griff Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 26 2008 at 9:38am
Originally posted by Curlygirl11 Curlygirl11 wrote:

I'm not even surprised......not one bit. It's still fairly common in certain parts of Los Angeles as well. Truth is racism is as American as apple pie. Girl I could tell you horror stories about living in the dorms at UCLA.
If I were you I would write a very descriptive and well worded letter to their corporate headquarters then use the free pass they give me with their apologies just to saunter my Black a$$ past him everyday and MAKE him serve me with a smile every chance I got. When the free pass is up I'd be done torturing him and would take my dollars elsewhere to get a paid membership .
LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL I debated letting them kiss my *ss by using the guest passes, and then joining just so he could see me everyday!!!! That would be ultimate justice. LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Curlygirl11 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2008 at 11:23pm
I'm not even surprised......not one bit. It's still fairly common in certain parts of Los Angeles as well. Truth is racism is as American as apple pie. Girl I could tell you horror stories about living in the dorms at UCLA.
If I were you I would write a very descriptive and well worded letter to their corporate headquarters then use the free pass they give me with their apologies just to saunter my Black a$$ past him everyday and MAKE him serve me with a smile every chance I got. When the free pass is up I'd be done torturing him and would take my dollars elsewhere to get a paid membership .
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote griff Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2008 at 8:00pm
Originally posted by sexibeach sexibeach wrote:

that's a shame that it still happening even with a black man running for president.. we had a place like that here, it was called for ladies only, and not black ladies thank GOD it was revealed their ways and its out of business now.. i'm sorry you went thru that its really sad!
Thanks!  On the OTHER board people were saying that I shouldn't assume it's racism, but I have lived here my whole life and I know exactly what was going on.  I'm just not sure how to proceed.  I know I will write a letter to the manager and corp. hq, but I'm soooooo tempted to call his *ss tomorrow and tell him just what I think of the service he provided. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote sexibeach Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2008 at 5:11pm
that's a shame that it still happening even with a black man running for president.. we had a place like that here, it was called for ladies only, and not black ladies thank GOD it was revealed their ways and its out of business now.. i'm sorry you went thru that its really sad!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote griff Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 25 2008 at 4:47pm
Ohhhh....I am on a role today.  I wanted to post my experience at the New York Sports Club in Livingston,NJ.  Please, if you are thinking about joining, know that they are not interested in offering membership to black people.  If you are already a member, maybe you can look into a new spot when your contract is up.  I currently belong to the YMCA in Livingston, NJ....not diverse at all, but hey, nobody bothers me there.  The aerobics classes are not as challenging as I would like them to be, so I decided to look into NYSC.  I called yesterday and the guy was really enthusiastic.  He invited me to come in, check out the place, and get a 2 week guest pass to try it out.
WELL, I stopped by there today, and after what happened, even if they gave me a lifetime free membership, they'd never get me to go!  I met with another guy who was completely and utterly not interested in getting my business.  I was dressed to work out and I had my son with me.  He asked what I was looking for and I explained that I wanted more challenging classes and at that point, that fool handed me a paper with the class schedule Angry  He didn't ask my name or anything.  I began pumping him for info like, do you offer babysitting (he simply pointed to the back and said the playroom is over there), I asked about membership prices (which he told me, but had no desire to do so without being prompted), I asked about swim lessons, and family memberships.  When I finished asking questions he just stared at me until finally I was like, OK then, and left.  I feel so slighted!  He didn't offer to show me around, he didn't ask if I wanted to join, he didn't offer me any guest passes, nothing.  It was like I was a complete waste of his time.
Now I was getting ready to give them some serious business.  My membership would have been 70 a month, and my husbands would have been the same, babysitting per kid was 30 per month, plus I was going to enroll each of my kids in swim lessons there.  WTF AngryOuchAngryOuch
And the worst part is that I was so blindsided, that I didn't confront him.  I am not at all a confrontational person, and I was waiting patiently for him to take some initiative, but that never happened.  Before I even got to the door, he was texting someone on his cell phone.  I called back and asked for his name so that I can alert his manager and corporate headquarters.  I am also going to let all of my friends know (there are lots of them that belong to this overpriced, racist facility).
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