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Want Extensions,

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HABEEB View Drop Down

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    Posted: May 12 2010 at 7:39am
I love my clip in hair :) I always wear it! i think it was from not sure ive tried alot ov places hope i helped :)

From Habs
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karijinn View Drop Down

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I've worn hair extensions for years and years.   My own hair never had enough body and I was always perming it to get fullness, plus I color it, and it just takes a beating with the two different processes.

 I wore lots of different types back in the '90's, and had all the negative stuff you hear about: lumpy feeling extensions, too tight braid style, too cheap hair that didn't match the texture of my own (and felt like straw!), and losing a lot of extension hair in the first couple weeks.   I tried all different kinds of extensions and even clip-ons, because I just love having thick, long hair. 
BUT, once I found a good stylist - who was trained and really experienced in doing extensions I fell in love and haven't given them up.  She uses monkey barrz, and I stopped searching once I found her.  I'll never switch systems either because I'm really happy with my hair.  It looks natural and is easy to take care of...and no more perms!
I guess what I'm saying is that your hair stylist makes all the difference!
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italianlyssa View Drop Down

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well I dont have a licence to do hair yet but me and my mother know how to do extensions and so far keratin glue kind of becomes soft fast and your hair falls out, micro clips kinda pull out ur hair but theres the new micro clips with silicone on the inside that work wonders those are what i use and as for monkey bars ive only heard complaints on them to
Love Lyssa <3
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Monkeybarz is way old school keratin.  They first came out with them in the early 90's, like Mega Hair.  They do shed a lot, the glue is not very good at all.  I can't believe they are still around.  I saw them first debut at hairshows back in the day, and at the time only that system and the Mega Hair were the only strand by strand systems out there.

Just for the record, I have a client who is very ill and needs to have MRI's done every other month and we do put the micro rings in here hair for her extensions.  She tells the MRI tech about the rings and they cover her head with a lead blanket during the MRI.

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Bambilee View Drop Down

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Thanks Saralee, I actually am not going with the monkeybar, I'm doing links, that's what my salon here offers and I think that's the way I'm gonna go for my first try... Oh thanks sofiaone!!! I never thought of that!!! Then I will have them done after baby, who knows when giving birth maybe some kinda emergency will come up! Thanks everyone!

~* Bambi Lee *~
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saralee26 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote saralee26 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 16 2008 at 1:16pm
do not go with the monkey barrz it's just a keratin glue. which i had before the hair shedz like crazy from my experience, it's not a pre tipped hair they usually cut  the hair from wefts and pre tip the hair as u go which all the hair is not coated causing alot of shedding!
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Sofiaone View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Sofiaone Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 16 2008 at 1:55am
Bambi- one thing to keep in mind if you do the metal links method and are about to give birth in a couple of months is that there are certain x-ray,mri and other hospital machines that you cannot have metal in your hair. Also, if you have a C-section, I don't know if you will be allowed all that metal in your hair. You might want to talk to your OB first before you do it. I had a friend who had them in and had to get an emergency MRI done, and had to have her hairdresser come to the hospital to remove them otherwise the hospital was going to cut them out. Tapes/ bonded strands, or sewins don't have any metal so you won't have issues with those. Just to keep that in mind since you are due with your baby soon.

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Bambilee View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bambilee Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 15 2008 at 11:39am
I've so far found one woman who does them I think outta her own home. She uses a "link' method.
Monkey bars are what Great Lengths are, the pre bonded type stuff...
I'm calling a salon today (the only one here) that offers hair extensions to see what method they use. I think I might go with the link method. A girl I know has her;s done using the monkey bar which is the pre bonded type thing, not links and she says she loves them. She did the weave method and hated it. SO I don't know... finding a salon that offers them seems to be the GREATEST of my problems. So far I've found a couple in the 'big city', but they are ridciliously priced I think. Some are starting at 750, I found one that starts at 600 and others charge 125-170 bucks an HOUR!
The friend I had says she get's charged 60 bucks an hour and it takes her hairdresser between 2-3 hrs to get her's done... so I'm looking at price and method here and so far I haven't found one I'm going with yet. I have to permnently dye my hair yet, I'm 2 months away from giving birth!!! LOL. I might get them done before I do so I don't have to figure out who's going to take care of my newborn while I get my hair done. I think I might do them in Novemember right ebfore the birth... (at least I'll look hot while in the hospital too hey? lol) so I dunno... decissions decissions!
~* Bambi Lee *~
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fakeizme View Drop Down

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Oh Bambilee, I'm so glad you are loving your darker colour. I remember it looked fantastic when you posted pics of it! You will also find it much easier to find good hair (quality) that matches yours since you are darker. Blondes are much more difficult.
I would be lying if I knew what 'Monkey Barz' are, but I have heard the term. It could be some form of micro-rings.
Be careful with the individual-type of extension methods. Especially fusion methods like Great Lengths. You will read a lot of complaints of people losing their hair having worn them. I think this is more to do with the extensionist and their skills; also how long the person wore the extensions and how well they were maintained.
I know what you mean about shopping for the right person to do them for you. I don't trust salons (no offense to professionals on here!). I know if I screw it up myself, only I can be to blame. But, I think you're right in getting it done professionally first and then maybe doing it on your own.
Can't wait to hear how your research goes!Smile
Love clip-ins and tape!
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Bambilee View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bambilee Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2008 at 5:15pm

Hey Fakeizme! Nice to see you around. :) I am on the dark side now. I really am loving the color I have (it washes out since it's semi perm with no ammonia so afer baby I'm dying it to that color perm.) and I think it would just look SMASHING with long long extensions.

I would love to DIY but... I don't think right away, but afer trying extensions out I think I will.

I found a salon that says they do monkey bar installs whats' that? So far most of the salons I did find do the single hair thing with a bond of somekind... kinda like great lengths. Their prices are...well outrageous. One salon charges 40 for the consultation (I'd have to drive an hour to go there) which goes towards the install so I guess thta's awright and then I think 120 or so an hour. Which is fine. I don't want to get some 'biotch' who is just going to take her time and screw me over cause I'm a newbie, that's my biggest fear. One of the reasons I just don't go to a salon for hair color.

So far I haven't seen any tape users, mostly they are all single strand bonding time thingys... Shows you how much I KNOW! But yeah I'm checking out the other posts to see if I can find one I like. :)
~* Bambi Lee *~
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fakeizme View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote fakeizme Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2008 at 12:49pm
Ahhh, Bambilee! Welcome to the dark side! LOLLOL
I'm familiar with your hair colour journeys so I think your hair will be fine with extensions. In fact, it's a great way to give your hair a break from styling, if done right.
I agree 100% with Frenchie. It's how you install, maintain and remove your extensions that will ultimately tell how your hair will fare in the end. I wear a system similar to hers: tape and liquid gold glue. Love it! Do it all by myself, which I bet YOU could do knowing how well you lightened your own hair!
She is right though --- there's a lot of choices of methods, so you should go back and read some older posts. This helped me sooo much in figuring out what to do. I started with clip-ins and then transitioned to wearing tape/glue on the top (skin wefts and machine wefts) and clip-ins (made myself) on the bottom. This has worked well for me in keeping styling to a minimum while growing out my hair, which is bleached blonde. I usually remove and re-install every four weeks so I can touch up my roots. Pretty easy system.
Sorry I could not be of more help! Hope you find some good information, but just know that you CAN wear extensions without damaging your hair!Smile
Love clip-ins and tape!
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Bambilee View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bambilee Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 10 2008 at 12:49pm
I think I'm going to stick to just going to a salon. I'll have a newborn and a two year old, I def. won't have the time or patience for a DIY at the moment, though maybe once I've had them and really really like them I'd do that. I dye my own hair but that's different and less work for sure.
I guess it might just be a trial and error thing I guess. I know of two salons taht do them but have been looking some online to find one that perhaps states how LONG they've been doing them.
I better get on it, my birthday is in five months.... :) Thanks for the help.
My hair is no longer blonde (I'm not a natural blonde anyways) so I'll be getting nice dark ones. :)
~* Bambi Lee *~
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frenchie1 View Drop Down

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Hey Bambilee,
Congratulations on your future baby!
It is difficult answering your questions because there is all kinds of hair and methods used when it comes to hair extensions. Prices vary a LOT depending on the type of hair you want to use, so does the lifespan of an install depending on the method you use etc.
Here is my advice : read, read read!
Read old posts, tutorials, spend a lot of time getting as much info as you need to make a 1st choice for the kind of hair and method that you suit will suit you and your budget the best. You can have them done in a salon or DIY. If one type of hair doesn't work and you want to try something else, then you should, it's a trial and error process.
There isn't one brand and one method that will work for everyone.
Personally I have been wearing Bohyme for a few years now and I really like this brand. I'd say that an install costs me about $200, and lasts about 4 months but it varies. I do it myself and used mostly Liquid Gold.
I think hair extensions can be damaging for you if it is not done with care, so you'll need to learn a method and be patient with it at first, or you'll want to find a stylist that you feel you can trust.
I hope this helps!
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Bambilee View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bambilee Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 08 2008 at 9:21pm

I want to get hair extensions done for my birthday... well before my birthday. I have never had them before and hear horror stories all the time about it ruining your hair, blah, blah, blah.


Anways I have a few questions to ask and would appreciate any help you can give me! ( I plan on going to a salon, no do it myself for me!)

WHat are the best and safest way to do hair extensions?

What is the average cost estimated?

Does it really truly thin your hair?

When you get them how long do they last?

When you go back to get them re-done does it cost the same as a full install or do you usually get charged a 'filling' fee, somewhat like gel nails?

Are they difficult to take care of?


I've had braids before,t hey didn't ruin my hair but they did cause me to get dreads near the top of my scalp, and it was just for fun for a few months... and it was with faux hair. But I really really want gorgeous long dark hair and I can't grow it so I want to BUY IT! :) I need to be able to put it up or pull it back aswell since I am having a baby in November and already have a soon to be two year old... anyways. If you could answer my questions that be awesome! Then I gotta find some place good to do them... I don't want shootty ones and I dont' want some hack just throwing them in. :) THANKIES!

~* Bambi Lee *~
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