If the hair is shedding then you should seal the wefts. Go to Walmart and get some Dritz stop fraying. You can purchase it in the fabric section and seal the tracks with the stop fraying. Let it dry. This should stop the hair from shedding!
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Joined: November 30 2008
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i personally keep away from tipping myself, i have had nothing but bad feedback from my clients. shedding was the most common complait so now i only use pretipped nail or stick hair.
Maybe the glue that you are tipping with isn't very good?
I have made my own tips and have tried a lot of things. Lately I find if I buy the fusion chips from www.donnabellahair.com it stay well. Overall, the Donnabella fusion stays in well too.
I've posted previously regards glue and just wanted some advice.
I've been tipping my own hair and using adhesive lined Sh******s, but the client has lost loads of hair. Am i not tipping right??? Please help me x x x
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