Ah ... I keep forgetting to post pictures. The first is my natural hair, pre-bad haircut. The second pic is of the infamous haircut, and the third is my new look with the clip on extensions!
Thank you for the tip! I haven't washed them yet, but have found that spritzing them lightly with water, "scrunching" them, and drying them with a diffuser helps keep the curls looking really beautiful - I'll definitely try the spray washing technique.
Another thing I've been playing with is sponge curlers ... the deep wave is a slightly tighter curl than my natural hair ... my natural curls are spiral curls about an inch in diameter ... I was a little worried about blending the extensions with my hair when they first arrived, but by rolling some of the layers in sponge rollers the effect is fantastic and they are undetectable. =)
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Joined: January 04 2009
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Yes I agree you do tend to find that curly extensions do loose there curl a little once washed properly. The only way to make sure you do not loose the curl is to either spray wash (do not dip totally in the water, use the likes of a spray bottle the sort used for indoor plants) or providing the hair is Human you could consider perming it. I have permed straight extensions before and it worked great.
Hope this helps
Mustang xx
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Joined: December 22 2008
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Oh - one more question ... is it possible to set the deep wave in rollers occasionally after washing so that I could wear more relaxed curl? I know with the French Refined you can straighten or curl it, or let it air dry naturally curly but I'm not sure if the deep wave is too tight or if I'd run the risk of permanently straightening it.
Edited by OjitosVerdes - December 22 2008 at 5:16pm
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Thanks for your reply! I'm really glad to hear that and am very excited for the extensions to arrive. I think my family and friends think I'm silly for being so upset about my hair, but I'm glad so many of you understand how important it is to have a normally head of hair to feel confident and comfortable. Once I get them trimmed to blend with my hair I'll post pictures ... it's been hard to find pictures of "real" people wearing Bohyme deep wave (other than on the Bohyme web site). Thanks again.
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I'm new here and ran across this site while researching clip in hair extensions. Over Thanksgiving, my sister (a well-meaning albeit VERY inexperienced stylist), gave me what was supposed to be a "trim" but ended up reducing my waist-length, naturally curly hair to an 8-inch mullet. Think MacGyver or David Bowie in the movie "The Labyrinth." Initially I was devastated, but I keep reminding myself that 1) it's only hair 2) it will grow back, and 3) this is such a superficial concern considering all the suffering and real problems in the world.
However, I can't live looking like this for the year (or two!) it will take my hair to grow out, and I've decided to get clip in extensions in the meantime. A well-known and respected stylist in NYC is going to make them for me (in the future I might try it myself, but don't feel comfortable yet) ... I'm getting a six-piece set made from the Bohyme Deep Wave (color 18, which nearly perfectly matches both my color and texture).
My only concern is a couple posts I've read here about the deep wave losing it's "curliness" after washing. I wouldn't mind a slight loss in the curl as not all of my natural hair is uniformly curled and I think I could still blend it well. However, if it's stick straight after a month, then I'll be worried.
Does anyone have any pictures of "washed" Bohyme deep wave?
I'm so glad to have found this site and appreciate any advice you can give me!
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