i'v also tried another good shopping website www.eluxsquare.com, which supply esigner brands, like Coach, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Fendi, Dooney & Bourke, Gucci ,UGG, nike, adidas, rolex and so on at greatly discounted prices. serveral friends and i have addictive to shopping from this replica online store, we are surprised to find that there are almost everything: designer handbag, scarf, boot, sport shoe, high heel shoes, jewerly, hat-scarf,jean, clothes,stock, all famous brands.
you can just order one item, but if you order 5 items, you can get wholesale price.
they accept paypal, credit card, but if you pay with western union, you can enjoy 8% discount, VIP member can enjoy 3% discount. 5 days delivery using UPS.
there are a lot of sits which sell different handbags, purses online. maybe, u do not know which site you should choose to order your stuff , in my experience, good shopping sites as below:
www.ebay.com - handbags, purses, electronic products etc at low prices
www.eshopintuition.com - Designer handbags, purses, sunglasses, watch, clothing, shoes, belts and other fashion accessories at low prices, high quality, good customer service and newest styles.
www.about.com - handbags, clothing , but a little expensive.
different sites, different products, maybe different people like different sites.
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