QuoteReplyTopic: pretipping hair without keratin glue Posted: May 05 2009 at 9:49pm
hi shaylaxtx!
I have the same exact problem that you have with the keritin glue breaking down/getting mushy!
I have been through 2 installs and I'm trying to find a better way to glue my extentions together!
I cut my human hair from a weft and use a wand to melt down my keratin glue sticks and then slide the hairs through several times to get a good coat of glue throughout the strands. I roll into an i tip with silicone finger pads until the glue is cooled. Then I wait about a week before I install with microlinks.
I do my best to keep shampoo off the bonds when showering and on the rare times that i use conditioner i only condition the ends of my hair. I also try to blowdry my roots quickly so the bond's don't stay too wet.
Alot of my strands fall out within the first month, then even more as the months go on. I was impressed to hear someone only have TWO fall out in a 4 month install as I have lost about 3/4 of my install in 4 months! (Though I have a lot more than 50 strands. I have about 350 in)
I have noticed that when i use the keritin glue to tip synthetic hair.. it stays much better. The glue stays hard for a very long time on the synthetic hair, but I only use synthetic for small streaks of color from time to time. I don't use it for a full install (awful tangles and snags). I wish I could figure out a way to make the glue stay stronger on the human hair that I am using!
I went to the hardware store last week to find an adhesive that was weather-resistant, thinking that the water was causing the keratin to breakdown over time. I just 5 mins ago tried to use this glue but it was worse than the keratin! Much more flexible and gummy-like so don't waste your time there (at least not with loctit stik and seal ultra glue).
Have you tried this method yet? Have you had any sucess?
Have you figured out any other way to bond the hair? Have you used liquid gold?
I am next going to try to create my tips with keratin and then coat with a nail glue or fast drying super/crazy glue.
Maybe we can figure this out together.
Looking forward to your response or anyone else that has the solution!
Edited by nepenthe - May 05 2009 at 9:51pm
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shaylatx, are you applying the pretips by fusion or by rings/ shrink tubes etc? If you are applying by fusion, are you using I-tips or U-tips? If doing fusion with i-tips this could very well the problem with shedding because there isnt enough glue in an i-tip to apply by fusion without adding additional glue. If installing with rings/shrink tubes and still having this kind of shedding its either, not enough glue in the tip or not saturated well enough.. or something is causing the glue breakdown.
FoxyTeam, you can use a blowdryer or flatiron with pretipped extensions. When flatironing just keep the flatiron off of the bond area. You can airdry your hair, but I always like to at least blowdry the root bond area, at least enough to get the majority of the wetness out so the bonds will dry quicker.
Do you use a blow dryer or flat iron when u have pre tipped extensions in? Also is it ok to let you hair air dry with pre tipped extensions in or is that leaving them wet for too long? Thanks
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soo frustrated still. i bought more expensive glue, 3 weeks later it's all grey and broken down the hair is coming out in clumps. i'm thinking of just going back to clips in i'm so tired of wasting my money.
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hmmm, well maybe its just body chemistry. Some things just dont work for some people. As someone else suggested maybe try tipping with LG. I am assuming you are doing rings or shrinks install?
I'm positive the bonds are fully saturated with glue, I don't use styling products, don't really shampoo or condition around the bonds, or keep my hair wet for very long. It always happens and I'm tired of having half the hair that I paid for on the floor after two weeks. The bonds become flakey and gooey and I can slide them out with out even using adhesive remover. I've tried using different brands of glue but it always happens. I'm going to to try to do the nail glue over liquid gold suggestion.
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Make sure you are getting the glue distributed through the hair well before rolling the tip. This might be the cause of shedding. You can cut a few of your tips open to see if you are getting the glue distributed well.
Your poo/con or styling products could be the cause of the keratin breaking down too soon. Or if you leave your hair wet often it might cause the bonds to break down faster.
I just wore about 50 pieces pretipped with keratin in my last install and didnt have any issues with shedding or keratin breaking down. I lost 2 of 50 in the last week of my install that was in for 12 weeks.
I used touse liquid gold to make small, hard, shoe-lace shaped tips. It lasts a fair old while so long as you make sure when you roll them between your fingers the glue goes right through to the middle. It's kinda time consuming i suppose but cheap and holds well in shrinkies/ micro rings. The good thing about it is that when the ends dry you can snip them off really nice and neat because theyre quite solid. Im sure this probably isn't the best method but for a skint student, it worked :)
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is there anything else you can use to pretip hair besides keratin based glue? every time i tip my hair with that stuff it gets all mushy after about 2 weeks and the hair sheds out like crazy. it also always turns a grey/white color. i hate it so much! soo is there anything else you can use??
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