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Fusion description for DIY???

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ash3 View Drop Down

Joined: September 13 2009
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    Posted: September 25 2009 at 9:09am
I am in need of every piece of advice  i can get on fusion. I need to know in detail how to apply and all techniques and tips you have. Below are some questions but any extra advice you have is so appreciated.
1. Do i need to wash my hair the day of install or not? Should I wash the extensions to before applying?
2. when putting in fusion how far down the back of your head do you start? At ear level or below?
3. When applying do you put the fusion in right next to each other or space out when doing the same row?
4. Do i need to skip a row of hair in between the rows of fusion?
5. How far up the head do i go before stopping ?
6.  Can i put them in on the sides of my head above my ears but not quite at my temple?
If anyone has done fusion yourself and could give me literally step by step instructions with every detail i would appreciate it. I am planning on doing fusion on myself, with the help of my mom, in about a month and i am trying to learn every possible thing i can right now to be completely prepared when the time comes. I have been through every single post on the hair extension forum to make sure not to miss anything and if i did miss a thread that was already about this  then i am sorry but i am  not wanting to go into doing this ill prepared. Please any let me know all you can because i am very interested and you DIYers have  such great hair and  would love to have some of your "hair wisdom". Please help me. Thanks so much.
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