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Miro link Wefts

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SiNfuL GirL View Drop Down
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    Posted: April 26 2010 at 12:53pm
When I made this post i was trying to take a piece of my natural hair and a small piece of the extension weft hair thread both to one bead every 2 inches and close them up. I did this by myself and I HATED it. There were gaps small but it just didnt feel secure. In the mean time i went back to my single strand micro link method. I have since found a great way i love so far except minor things.
You take a bead thread a small piece of your hair on to it but dont close it. Take the needle tool stick it through the bead from the top so it sticks out the bottom and take another piece of your hair and thread it in to the bead so you now have a piece of your hair sticking out each end of the bead. pull fairly tight and close the bead make sure the bead closes tight.
do that all the way around the parted section of your hair were you are applying the weft.
should be about 1-2 inches apart.
Now take the weft pin it up and sew in. start at one end go the the other threading the weft where you have applied the beads.
So instead of doing a braid which most hate cant do and get a lot of breakage and mildew. you dont get as much damage this way.
you can even double the weft meaning you can take two pieces the same length and sew in at the same time.
Yes there is shedding but..... Naturally your hair sheds about 100 pieces a day so the shedding on any hair is impossible imo.
I have a pic but its not letting me post so i will try again later.
You need help doing this and taking them out. they might itch for the first 2 days maybe even a little sore but the sewing should distribute the hair evenly in weight and tension so it shouldnt hurt just a little tender.
If the mico links are taken out properly you should have minimum breakage. again your hair sheds naturally.

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TonkaMommy View Drop Down

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Hi girls!
im new to hair extensions and the forum :)

i have my weft hair and am going to try the micro link (lined with silicone) method.. im waiting for my friend to have time do it for me (shes never done it, but ive watched a few youtube videos and it looks pretty self explanatory). We will be doing it this week sometime.


1. does your head get itchy? i have jaw length hair, so ill have to use quite a bit of wefts to get it to blend right until my hair grows out some.

2.are you guys able to install the micro links yourself, a full head?? what are your tips to do the back?
(ive been coloring, bleach and cutting my own hair for years, so i think i can do it eventually).

3. you girls who have a full head of wefts, are you able to wear your hair up without the wefts showing? i have medium-thick hair, but jaw length. i already know my brother is going to tease me, but whatever!

4. do you guys get much breakage from the micro links?

 im super super excited to try this!! ive already bobby pinned them in my hair to see what it will look like and i was pleased with the results! cant wait to get them in properly :) my hair was down to my waist and i donated it to locks of love.. go figure, now im gonna wear donated hair lolol..

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SiNfuL GirL View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote SiNfuL GirL Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 02 2010 at 1:22am
Thank you lostGirl. Its nice to hear that you can still get some good experiences with the way people do hair these days its almost scary. People just dont take pride in there work anymore it seems.

Now the silicone links have a little almost rubberband inside the link itself right. I dont use those. Mine are just the link metal pretty ordinary. I have really baby fine hair underneith and on the sides and that is where they slip the most so i figured it was from having fine hair. the rest of it is thicker so i dont have that problem as much. My roots come in brown i am naturally a medium blond ends lighter but i love my platinum so i bleach and the winter seems worse than the summer for my roots to come in darker.
Maybe i will have to get some new hair and try wefts again. Who knows maybe a good set of hair will be worth keeping this time.
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LostGirl View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LostGirl Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2010 at 11:17pm
These posts were very interesting, thanks for the info on this technique.  I just wanted to add that I had my roots bleached for an entire year with microlink extensions in.  I always went to Aveda salons, and asked for a master stylist or their  color specialist.  They didn't seem to have any problems doing it for me.  :)
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ehairexperts View Drop Down

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Do you use the silicone links? I have found those to slip a bit no matter how tight you close them. I use the copper ones and I clamp them a few times so they never have slipped. I wear 3 weft rows from hairline to hairline across the back and leave my nape out.

I was lightening my hair as well and had to do a full removal for that. My ends were very light so I used #27 fusion to tone them down. I later lightened my roots to be about a #4 and now my new roots are naturally black. I was trying to get away from processing my hair so it can grow out and I could not properly darken my ends because they were platinum (they turned out looking green when I tried). Now, it looks like my hair gets gradually lighter at the tips and looks very natural. A great solution to my problem.
My hair looks similar to the Rich Girl chick with the blonde curly hair, but a bit shorter. LOVE IT!!
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SiNfuL GirL View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote SiNfuL GirL Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 30 2010 at 10:29pm
see mine slip a lot because i have straight hair and i do have to flat iron and no matter how careful i am over time they slip. Thank god i can do them myself so i can keep a better eye on them and do adjustments as needed but i usually keep a set in for about 3 weeks before i go through and do "touch ups" but unfortunatly i bleach my roots and i havent found a stylist talented enough to bleach with my extensions in so i save myself the fear of all my hear breaking off and do a full set every 6 weeks or so. LOTS of work. lol. How many rows do you have average?
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ehairexperts View Drop Down

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Yeah, you have to have some good hair. This method is absolutely perfect for me because if a track gets too bad (the hair is curly but eventually loosens), then I just remove the single track and replace it within minutes. I also just randomly remove the fusion from the crown and replace them individually on an "as needed" basis. This keeps my style MUCH longer too. I've had this in since October and have only done "touch ups", not a full removal. The less I mess with it, the less chance of breakage.
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SiNfuL GirL View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote SiNfuL GirL Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 30 2010 at 6:19pm
I did this meathod it took me a few to figure out how to do it on myself and it was kinda cool. I thnk i did too many rows but i didnt keep them in for more than a week realizing i had got a bad bad bad batch of hair. so I just went back to my strand by strand meathod. When i did the wefts with micro links I didn't do any kind of hot fusion/glue.
it would work out so much easier with a third hand or to be able to see in the mirror and have 2 hands which i cant do.
thanks for all the info and any easier ways to do this meathod please let me know!

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ehairexperts View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ehairexperts Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 30 2010 at 4:49am
I, personally, wear this type of fusion (wefts with fusion links around the back with individual fusion at the crown). The way I do it is take the weft and measure it all the way around my head (from hairline to hairline). I take a small amount of hair at the end of the weft on each end, as well as some of my own hair and use the copper fusion links (trumpet) to attach. Then, every few inches, I take an oval bunch of hair and split it in half, top to bottom. With the weft in between, I use another copper tube to clamp both sections of hair together to seal the weft in between.
I add 3 wefts from hairline to hairline and then do the hot fusion at the crown and generally only use a full 4 oz bundle of (curly) hair. Fast install, even faster removal (not to mention, less breakage)!! Wink
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dohairextension View Drop Down

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I have done lots of extensions this way and they tend to turn out great.  The best way to do it is to find a quality human weft (make sure it's human hair and not synthetic) and cut it into pieces that equal to the back of your head starting at the base and working up to right below the crown.  The use the remaining weft and cut into smaller strips for the sides.  Then get some copper tubes and sew them into the top of the weft and simply attach with a pulling hook and pliers.  This works well for clients with thin hair or if you want extensions fast.  With the copper tubes the hair pieces won't slide or go anywhere.  Let me know if you get stuck.  Good luck.  Post pictures when your done, I'd like to see them.
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SiNfuL GirL View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote SiNfuL GirL Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 20 2009 at 11:00pm
Well since no one is going to respond lol i am just going to do it and learn as i go. I will post some pic of before and after i guess. thanks for everyones help. Embarrassed
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SiNfuL GirL View Drop Down
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Anyone??? Any advice at all or anyone tried something like this? I have searched past threads and have seen a couple relating but no answer to what i am asking... ??? Any advice is much appreciated.

Edited by SiNfuL GirL - November 20 2009 at 3:48pm
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SiNfuL GirL View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote SiNfuL GirL Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 20 2009 at 2:35am
I have done plenty installs of single strand micro link meathod. I am thinking of doing a weft installed with microlinks. Has anyone done this and liked it? Please share experiences with me. I want to try something different but dont want to waist money on a weft if its not worth applying.

Thank you all sooooo much. MWAH!!!!

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