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Ahhh Bobbi Boss

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frenchie1 View Drop Down

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    Posted: August 23 2010 at 3:16pm
Not sure what you meant by the picture on the package... it is always best to stick to what you know, especially when you're not at home.
I understand that you do not want to offend anybody, but honestly women who use extensions/weaves want silky hair, that won't tangle nor matt, whether they're caucasian, or african american. There's crappy hair used in hair salons of every communities, trust me! And that's what you got, crappy hair! 
You should experiment with new brands when you're at home, where you know you can do a take down easily.
And like Sophistivicious, I don't ever buy from local bss. Not that they're bad, it is just that I have always ordered from online companies, and almost never had a problem. It's just easy and convenient.
You can also get free shipping from a lot of reputable companies, and some ship in 24h or 48h. Way worth the money when you think of the time, energy and $$ you can waste on some bad stuff bought at your local store.
This being said, your install looks flawless!!! You look totally hot with long blonde hair! And congrats for doing tubes yourself, I wouldn't want to go through the hassle of individuals, but it looks like a pro job to me!!Thumbs%20Up
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Sophistivicious View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Sophistivicious Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 20 2010 at 10:49am
The hair matting and damaging had nothing to do with it being geared toward color people. lol. I understand you aren't trying to be racist, but think about it, why would colored women want matting hair??  I can understand if the texture didn't suit you. But the hair is obviously just not all that good. I've seen people have great experiences with it, and i've seen people have experiences like yours!! I usually NEVER buy hair out of the beauty supply store anyways! Alot of that hair has all types of different fillers, and usually isn't quality like they state!!  There are plenty of places online that you can get hair in that color, and it will also match yourtexture.
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Aphrodiva View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Aphrodiva Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 19 2010 at 6:08pm
I like your hairn in the pics! Perfect color. To bad id did not last.:(
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SiNfuL GirL View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote SiNfuL GirL Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 17 2010 at 11:51pm
Ok so in desperate need I was going to try some Sepia hair but they ran out and they only had Bobbi Boss in a 24 inch which my heart was set on and I just couldnt wait lol.
So I got 613 in a weft but pre tiped all the hair myself because I personally hate wefts but love my single micro tip with tubes.
Everything was great it was soft silky and it went to my Butt lol. When something seems to good to be true it usually is

Disaster= about 2 weeks later it started ratting like no other, I use tubes so i didnt have the tool to open them (tool looks like an evil dentist plier thing) and I was on the other side of the united states from home.
I tried trimming the hair I tried different conditioner, syrums, air dry, everything I could think of.

So needless to say as soon as i got home the hair came out but here is a pic of the install anyways lol.
loved the hair but the next time a person tells me that the pic on the package (which was a pic of a colored person no offense) doesnt mean anything I will not believe. Bobbie Boss is targeted to colored people not white fine hair like myself. (not being racist please dont take it that way)I will stick to 808 or something else I had better experience with sallys satin strands lol.
Anyways I hope no one else has to go through that it was horrible especially being on vaca.

Edited by SiNfuL GirL - April 24 2012 at 11:49am
A stock iphone is a useless brick, I live to customize!
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