Brittany may well have read some of the horrified comments about her short haircut at this website. Thanks, Jerky Flea. Anyway, incredible improvement!
Edited by Bob S - March 19 2014 at 10:11am
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She got a beautiful face and... Well, kind of blah hair. There's nothing special about it (it's not even an especially pretty shade of blonde) so it just drags her down when it's long. There's an attractive mischievousness about her when she wears it short.
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I know I'm in the minority here, but I really like this cut on her. She could do something with the top, maybe a little shorter and layered, but I love the close cropped sides and back. Her face really shines with super short hair.
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While I like her short crop from several years ago best, she's still a gorgeous woman! This cut is better than the hacked, uneven mess she has from a few months ago in the black top.
I can also certainly say with this current cut, I certainly wouldn't kick her outta my bed for eating crackers in it!
We all know what opinions are like...and I've got both!
This whole thing baffles me. I mean, she's had short hair before in a fantastic and incredibly flattering cut. So for her say she wanted to go short again and brought in a picture of a "sexy short cut" implies that when the clippers finally shut off, she brushed the big pile of hair off her lap, looked in the mirror, and said, "Yes! That's it!"
Seriously, WTF?
This has to be one of those stylists that leave their hair show models with styles that are all technique, angles, and "art" and nothing to do with a viable, flattering haircut. I genuinely don't now how they can take a beautiful woman and do something like that to their head in good concience (e.g., Selma Blair from a couple of years ago). I'd be embarrassed to let someone walk away with that cut. Then again, I generally subscribe to a sort of Hypocratic Oath of hairstyling: "First, do no harm."
Hopefully she'll realize that even Rhianna has realized that look is over and start letting it grow for the next few months. If so, she could have something akin to her formerly fabulous pixie sometime around April or May...
3 pm is simultaneously too late and too early to start anything.
Another case of a "Scissor Happy Hack Stylist", couldn't cut his/hers way out of a wet paper bag. I think a five year old could have given her a better haircut!
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