I have never known a person in the position to buy a real Chanel bag. I have never known anyone who needed a real Chanel bag either, or who tried to convince anyone that´s what she had. I have seen a few Chanel bag-like bags, though.
I would never look down upon a person trying to complete a Chanel-look with a Chanel-like bag. Neither would I look up upon a person owning and flashing a real one in my face (and they would have to flash a great deal for me to notice!). Thing is, I love handbags, love the feel, look and function of a great bag. I use them for years. I like to own a classic bag, because when it breaks, I can get a new one exactly like it. I guess that´s how I feel about brands!
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not to rock..... Real ones are a great investment!
investments for what? do they gain value, so that at a later time you can make a trade for a bigger return or a better bag. can you make a withdrawal from it? nahhhh...... handbags are are like clothes fads, eventually they come and they go. if i want to make a real investment, i take the money i would spend on a "real" purse and put it into an IRA, mutual fund, CD, bond, or even a savings accounts, something that might actually give me a return or show me some growth for my investment. I'd be crazy to spend hundreds of dollars on a purse when i can get one that looks just like it for little or nothing. i don't think i know many people that could actually afford to buy real handbags so i don't really worry about them being able to tell if mine is real or not, besides i don't think they could tell either way or careless one way or the other.
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Amber -- I just looked at your pictures and you are GORGEOUS! Perfect teeth, awesome tan, and great hair. Looks like you and the gals have had some good times ;)
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Joined: July 18 2005
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I personally would never spend more than $100 for a handbag. That's just a waste of money. Plus, I like to change handbags frequently so I don't wanna have anything expensive.
not to rock..... there are too many people out there that know the difference!! Real ones are a great investment!
A fellow fashionista I see, that's what I say, but only a classic bag that isn't going to ever go out of style ie; LV brown monogram, or the Chanel one with all the pockets, but there is no point in spending your whole pay check on a bag that would be sooo played out by next week just to say you have the real thing!
I'm all for buying a fake 'bag of the moment' as long as it looks good enough to fool the untrained eye, JV or some other weird thing just won't cut it!
If you're able to afford the real I say go for the real. However, if you rock a fake one do you! I buy the real thing, but there's NOTHING wrong if someone else rocks the replica.
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To be real or not to be real? I'd have to say....NOT! And at this point, even if I could afford to actually buy the "real" thing, why would I? That's out of the question.
The price I would pay for a "real" small handbag. I can get a variety of sizes and colors, in LV, Chanel, Coach, Fendi, Dooney&B. My 11 year old has a LV and a coach.
For $60, I can get very nice medium to large size LV bag, with matching scarf, belt, and hair clips, and depending on where I shop I might have change left over. I'd be crazy to pass that up, and anyone in my shoes would too!
Nope, there will be no authentic bags for me. I'm saving my big bucks for the "real" investments. I'll let you know how that goes when I hit early retirement.
If youre not "materialistic" or in to exspensive labels then why even opt for a knock-off bag? You are buying it for the name right? Today some one I know bought a fake coach and was like I dont care if it's real I don't want people to think that I am trying to be more than what I am Then why get a fake bag at all? You buy knock off beacuse you admire the real and wish you could afford it. P.S I own a couple of coach bags and am in the process of buying more!
jasmine wills
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I dont see any problem with having a fake. I get tons of fake Tiffany jewelry and my sister has the real and there is no difference from the ones I get. They are awsome , I would like to get a faux chanel clear cuff bracelet with the rhinetones, and the faux chanel clear sunglasses with chanel written down the side in rhinestones. Hey if you can work it , it doesnt matter if you are wearing Faux Tiffany earrings , a ralph Lauren Thong and swinging a coach bag as long as you dont look like a hefty bag , do your thing and let the others deal, my life is too short . lol.... And if anyone know where I can get those things I want on the web do me a fav and drop me the line..
Sorry....If you can't afford it, don't fake it. You just look silly, desperate or gullible walking around with a fake bag. People KNOW and it's not a good look. Even if I had to save and buy real, I would. It makes no sense to buy a fake $50 bag when you can buy a real Ralph Lauren, Guess or something else at TJ Maxx or somewhere.
I would never look down upon a person trying to complete a Chanel-look with a Chanel-like bag. Neither would I look up upon a person owning and flashing a real one in my face (and they would have to flash a great deal for me to notice!). Thing is, I love handbags, love the feel, look and function of a great bag. I use them for years. I like to own a classic bag, because when it breaks, I can get a new one exactly like it. I guess that´s how I feel about brands!
I agree whole heartedly!
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