QuoteReplyTopic: Threaded Extensions Posted: April 16 2006 at 1:54pm
I had posted a while back on a forum that some of you inquired about the Macrome Extension Techinque. I didn't know what that techinque was exactly like but here are photos of the threaded techinque I took a class on that I think may be similar. ( I couldn't find the instructor's site ) Happy Easter to all !!
For this technique you have to pre-tip the hair ( which seems to take me the longest ) in a special kind of hair glue that dissolves once you wash you clients hair. You part your sections just as you would if you were doing fusion/sh***k*** etc. Then using a gossamer thread you loop the thread around the pretipped hair and the client’s natural tresses that you sectioned off. Once you’ve looped it around you then tie the thread in a small knot. At first it took me a little while to do it but as with any techinque once you begin to master it you can complete a full head within 6 to 8 hours. It is an invisible strand technique with “no lumps or bumps” ( Ashante ). Of course since you are using thread you wouldn’t comb your hair, you would just brush it. I have found that pre-tipping the extension hair at the top with nail glue prevents less shedding as it does with any pretipping strand technique. Out of all the extensions classes I've taken this was one that I really felt informed about.
I'm very interested in this technique but I haven't been able to find
anything other than this thread about it. Does anyone know what it's
called, other than threaded extensions? And does anyone know who
teaches classes about it?
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I think this is what I read over on BHM also known as dominicon knots? Apparently there is a salon called domincon republic or something that specialises in this method in the states
Thanks for the info and I think that you are right. The method is called Dominican knots or Brazilian Knots. I checked out BHF and found alot of information about it. From what I've read and seen I don't think this is the michrochet method (which isn't what I was looking for anyway).
My only thing is that I have no idea (other than the BHF suggested salons in NY or elsewhere) where to get this done. How does one find a Dominican salon? I've searched BHF and HairTalk for one in my area (South Florida) but no luck. I don't speak a word of Spanish so I couldn't recognize a Salon by name only without some hints. I've also tried searches online and in the phone book just for "dominican salon" and still no hits in my area.
Any pointers or suggestions?
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I think its very similar to the microchet method only it seems the dominicon knots are done using thread or dental floss something like that if I remember right not sure, dont we just hate it when these people patent their damn techniques lol
microchet is a i tipped strand of hair with a teeny tiny little loop at the end of the tip, you pull some hair through the loop, twist it around and knot it onto the hair, its very tedious and when its time for maintance, then u cut the teeny tiny loop off, and use the I tip and install with a loc. so in my opinion, why go thru the hassle with the loop when u are going to use the loc after 2 months. I bought the system and ended up selling it. Also the hair you can only purchase from the company. Beautiful hair though.
This reminds me of the colored string wraps we used to put in our hair when we were younger...
You started of like a pinchbraid...left the thread out, braided for about(in this case) 1/4" and the wrap over your braid and tie off with a few square nots
*Does anyone else remember having these? You'd add beads and bells to them? Walk around w/ your finger lookin for a miracle, sharing a shwill....ok now I'm getting a bit OT
lol yes Gina E I remember them :) they were all the rage when I was in primary school, and you can use more than one thread and alternate the colours i remember the bells and crystals and beads at the end and everyone with one tucked behind their ear to keep them out of the way, they were way cute and so cheap and easy to do
I think that's microillusion/undetectable strand but they use dental floss instead. I think that medical thread is either sutures or nylon sewing thread
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