sometimes i feel like this hair is coming right out of my scalp : its fantastic !
Also I feel like its the best method to actually help my hair grow. It isnt smothered under a net, my hair is interlaced with the actual microdotted hair so its breathing but getting a lot less abuse it would if it was just my hair there...
Only drawback : it is uncomfortable the first 2 days... then it becomes part of you.
I like to call this DETOX for my hair (lol).
I will keep you guys updated as I evolve with this system ...
I dont think they teach it , I actually asked about that and he said he only trains poeple who work for him and sign a non- disclosure agreement. Looks like he is looking into opening franchises ... I had a close up picture which mikomono tried to post for me but she couldnt size it correctly to post it. If someone can let me know how to post pics here I will post a few close-ups
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The service there is wonderful. I had to go to their location in NJ today because the Manhattan loc. Was closed today, but I was happy they agreed to see me today rather than have me wait till wednesday.
I'm glad you are saying that about the sew ins and pain because I was worried I might never feel comfortable with them. But it did wear off...
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As someone who has worked for them , apperared on their reality show/infomercial and helped with styling photos for their website... let me say as gently as possible, RUN before your hair is gone & your pockets are empty.
The piece being cut too short is just the tip of the iceberg... it will fall apart in months and will need constant repairs and hair addings.... it is cheap chinese hair from indonesia... they will charge up-wards of 2900 to start and once they get your $$ and put it on you, they donmt want to know you... if they think that you have alot of money, then you will always have their attention because james & staci will be constantly trying to sell you something...
also dont get sucked into their "russian hair" its a lie that will cost you 5000 and up... I have one client who was suckered into paying 36,000 for a virgin russian piece that is simply very fine indian hair...
BTW doncosa's james and sequences' dino are step brothers and do the same thing.. though they will both say they do something different from the other. its not true
they operate a hit 7 run business.. they get your $$ and care little about retaining you as a client..
you will find any complaints with the hair are "your fault" or the products you are using.... james is delusional, staci is the biggest liar you will ever meet...
also noticed on other boards that staci must have her boyfriend/mgr mike sullivan posting positive posts on some of these boards .. just like she made other employees do when negative things appear on the internet about them.. why do you think yo cannot comment on you tube's DCI clips?? and staci has actually threatened legal actuion against other bsds forcing them to remove negative posts from ex clients..
they do not stand behind their products or services and will give you the run around for an exchange.... if you threaten with a lawsuit, she'll figure out what it will cost her to fught it and offer you a measly 1000 to go away...
if you are a trich client... RUN!!! because you will sign a release and DCI will notbe responsible for ANYTHING that goes wrong with your unit because james will say" you are a puller and you cant keep you hands out of our hair!!" so too bad!!
The dots can be ok when done right but just like the braid will cause traction alopecia inthe hairline and perimeter if done too tight ... if you have bumps or red sores in one area for several visits you will have hairloss in that area...
I perform dots in my shop0 as well, but cautiously because i have clients with sensitive heads... but we also do other systems DEPENDING ON THE CLIENT... dci is one size fits all type of operation... everyone gets dots whterher it will work for you or not... and usuaulyy a netting with openeing too big fior the cleint so that they need to pay for hair adding at every visit... also the hair they r adding is scraps from old units from old clients and from scraps that new clients dont get to keep when theres excess from their new unit.... a new perimeterr will run you about 1200. and youll nedd one by the 1 or 2nd off on appt.. so look out!!
they spend all their $$ on advertising and have a crappy staff... no one stays there long enough to really be good at it and the best techs get sickof seeing clients in tears and sick of being forced to lie for james & staci so they leave and start up on their own....
After 20 yrs in this biz, i have worked at DCI, sequence, JA alternatives , mens hair now, gucci, tiffany wigs, vito mazza's ... happy to answer any questions... i am a hair repalcement specialist , not a used car salesman so you will never hear a sales pitch from me when you contact me for info/questions...
we have plenty of DCI 's unahppy clients to keep us busy !!~lol
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As a rule, you should feel a general all over tightness... NOT PAIN... and if you can say "this spot hurts ' or "that spot hurts".. it needs to be loosened to prevent red bumps , turning into sore that will cause hair loss..
if you are still in pain wash it and CONDITION it to loosen it up a little.. dont suffer, it will bite you in the ass later when your hair is destroyed
staci is notorious for being too tight , as is wendy.... james' dots dont stay at all
PS if you have fine hair , the dots will slide easily with and w.o conditioners and you may need more frequent tightenings...
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Beachbunny.....I have to be honest...I'm starting to wonder about you. You never posted any pictures and you certainly weren't going into detail about the method. It sounds like you're advertising this system and perhaps you work there?? Or maybe you're Toni or Staci? Are you that creepy guy? Why would you "guess" that this person was fired? I think Tonim is being honest about what she knows and not falsely bashing anyone. I think it's strange that you took such offense....unless you're trying to justify the outrageous fee you paid?
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Hi malibu well I did try to post pics but couldn't figure it out. Mikomono (another memeber) got a pic that she tried to post for me but she couldn't format it to fit or something. If you would like pictures I will be more than happy to send them to you and you can post them.
I am not advertising this system, originally I came looking to make sure it would be good for me. And I am pretty happy. Iam concerned about what Toni said about causing balding so I'm looking into that but what threw me off is that Toni does dots too???
I did get offended because I just made a commitment to this ... But I also think an old employee coming on here to criticize probably has a motive especially claiming not to be a car salesman.
Anyhow you can messenger me privatelyif you'd like I would be more than happy to email pics and tell you what I do for a living ( nothing to do with hair lol)
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Okay, I hear ya. It just seemed strange that you got so defensive but whatever. I think this method sounds like the sew ins, that if it's too tight you can suffer from traction alopecia.(sp?) You would know if it's too tight. It would be painful upon application and painful for several days, not just two days of I wouldn't worry about that.
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No ,,actually I quit and gave 2 wks notice .... after they changed my ( and several other) non disclosure agreements without my klnowlegde..
they changed the contract and put my signature page on the back....
they did it to adrianna too and sued her for 40k....
i just already knew what they had done and filed my original with my lawyer and asked staci for a copy of the one SHE said she on file.... it was obvious to my lawyers and she knew what she did...poor james did not know what staci did but backed off when I told him about my lawyer having my original....
When you ask them about me.. ask them about the other top tech who left after 10 yrs named krys.... and michelle from excelengths , and gloria who sued for discrimination.... not to mention the countless lawsuits settled out of court...
also remind them,when u mention my name, that i am over my non disclosure period and i stil have my copy on file wuith my lawyer if the need should arise...
i hope staci & james have paid you well to watch this message board... I have worked for DCI 2x and sequence 1x....i know the game!!
Yes , my salon is in NJ ... as are 20 others that do the same thing!!! hel 4 or more just in englewood!!
I do pay for advertising , but minimal amts because people from DCI are always looking for a new place to go!! we keep our clientele because they are happy, treated fairly and dont feel scammed!!
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Malibu, the discomfort was really getting to me the first 2 days. Now I don't feel it. So I hope you are right about not having to worry. I have never heard of sew ins but ya it has to be somewhat similar, since its done with threats and needles (lol). On my next tightening I'm going to make sure my roots aren't put under stress. I grow lots of hair and the last thing I need now is to start balding because of this. As if my GLs didn't do enough damage already. I wish I could just go without anything in my hair ... Hope it grows and I can soon. Thanks for your help
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Toni, I am sorry to hear they have so many unhappy ex workers. Sounds like you had your share of problems with them. I can only speak for myself, so far I'm all good. I'm coming out of a traumatic experience with GL so I might be putting too much hope into this system ... I didn't get paid on the contrary I did pay a lot of money for this system, and im pretty sure i didnt get what i paid for.
I think time will tell in this case, you had them in a short amount of time so lets see in a few months how you do, make sure when the re do them you ask to see the condition of your natural hair, this way you can see if its working or not..good luck to you.
Currant method Hair locs.
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I have an appointment for the mirodot procedure on Friday and have been following beachbunny's postings to see how eveythng turned out. I am currently a little concerned since there is so many mixed reveiws. Not sure who to believe.
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Alana I think you should just go for your consult and see how you feel. Its working for me so far ... I'm hoping I won't encounter complications. You can messenger me if you need to.
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