QuoteReplyTopic: Help!--- Sew-in Problem Posted: November 16 2008 at 5:47am
Can others tell me what type of 'maintenance' they're on with their sew-in schedule?
My story: every 4 weeks i go in to have my dark roots bleached up; my colorist does not feel comfortable bleaching my roots if the extensions are in, (honestly, i wish she would--it would save me time and money if she could bleach around them, but i do appreciate her caution, tho) -- so immediately preceeding the color she'll take them out/ undo my braids, then she immediately bleaches me. (which truly is always so gross b/c that hair up in the braids i've noticed is sooooo greasy-- and unfortunately my color has become extremely uneven...perhaps it's buildup of oils??).
But anyway... then the next day i go to my lady who puts back in my extensions using the sewn-in method.
Is this the kind of routine others do???
Problem: I'm worried b/c the other night my extension lady ripped me a bit b/c in her opinion (and i do value her exptertise b/c she's been doing weaves a long time) my hair pretty soon isnt going to be able to support the extensions b/c my scalp is so full of sores.... she thinks the sores are because of the bleach irritating my scalp and the fact that i immediately go from having them removed, to getting my roots bleached, to the next day getting them put back in. She says my scalp needs to breathe for a few days before the extensions are put back in.
I get that point of view, but i hate being w/out them.. (if even for a few days-- i'm an ADICT now!! sad but true ) But, i am worried that i'll ultimately lose my hair.
I guess my question is this: Does anyone have any advise??
I've been having a sew-in now for the past few years and i really believe it's a double edge sword: great when theyre in / but the longer theyre in, my real stuff is getting thinner and thinner
i tried a sewin before and had the most hair loss I ever had from any hair extension method with the sewin method.
That said, your extension lady is giving you some great advice. I would recommend that you decide whether you want blonde (bleached) hair or extensions b/c it seems that having both will ruin whatever natural hair you have left.
if you choose the bleach, then don't do extensions for a while or just do clipins.
If you choose the sewins or any other semi-permanent method of hair extensions, then try going to the dark side :)..... its fun having dark hair.
hope that helps. I don't want to see you loose all your own hair.
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I am a hairstylist and I wouldnt recommend a chemical and extensions. I would do one or the other. If you like sew ins why dont you try a full one and maybe a lace front or if you want color do a partial sew in? I also wear a lot of weaves and I dont sew in my hair and get a relaxer. That is too much stress on your hair and you wouldnt want your hair to come out.
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