I love your install, the colour mix is very interesting! The little highlights definitely give that natural look to your color, great choice of colors, and it matches you hair perfectly!
How much hair did you use (in oz) and which brand is it?
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Joined: March 27 2009
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Well my hairdresser didn't dye my hair the exact colour I wanted, I wanted it dark chocolate brown with really chunky highlights, so I ended up just working with what I had! lol It still came out ok.
I think I must have used about 8 oz of hair (I like it thick!) and the hair is called Roxys, it's what I sell to other extentionists, so this install I wanted to test a full head of the hair, so far so good! :-)
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I think intalls on myself usually take about 4 - 4.5 hours since I have to make dinner in between etc! lol I don't think I could wear hair any longer, it was 18"but I cut it to roughly 16" :-)
Wow thats a long time but ur hair is really beautiful :) Even tho im a guy, I have considered getting extensions. I am trying to grow my hair long but its hard waiting lol. What do u think? :)
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Thank you! Pburgh, you should just go for it! I mean as long as your hair is a couple of inches to hide the bonds, it will be fine! I've seen a few men installs now, so post pics if you get it done! :-)
I def will post pics :) My hair is currently like 3 inches long so I may need to let it grow a little more before the instalation. Id like to be able to at least get it in a ponytial after I get the extensions added. How did the men installs go that uve seen? whats the longest extensions u could get and what would u recommend for length?
Pburgh, the mens instalss I think I see at hair extensions by amanda.com.
Check them out!
Lola, this hair was from a supplier I was trying out to see if it was fit enough to sell on it's ok stuff, I would wear it again, but I've found better stuff now!
I know this post is a little old but I really love your hair. I believe i am going to try to get my hair back to it's natural shade of brown and it looks close to the color you have now and was wondering if you could tell me the brand of hair it is because i love it. I would like a little more blonde in mine though. But i love it on you and the hair looks really great. I am not a professional stylist though so i understand i cant buy some products but if that is available to the public please tell me the brand because it looks fabulous.
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