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DC Shedding - HELP!

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mousybrown View Drop Down

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    Posted: September 21 2009 at 10:34am
So I researched and thought that I was going with a product that was the best that I could afford in my price range and also with a very well trained and knowledgable stylist. She was even referred to me... so I've seen her work in person & it looked great. 
Here's my dilemma:  On Thursday I had dc hair extensions in stalled.  On Saturday I called to say that I had aprox. shed 10.  It is now Monday and I've lost almost 30. 
Some back ground:  I did wash my hair Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  I was told they needed to be washed so that they would "fan" out and look more natural (I have blonde hightlights that are extensions as well).  Since Saturday I haven't washed or brushed my hair for frear that I am going to lose them all.  Which maybe at this point wouldn't be so bad.  I was told told be gentle and I really & truly think I am!!!
Here's what I'm upset/concerned about:  One)that I called on Saturday and was told that this is perfectly normal.  Shouldn't she at least had me come in?  It's now Monday & I haven't left my house in 3 days because I look like a freak!  Two)  How much hair am losing when the extension shed?  Three) Is it  me or did I pick a) a bad product or b) a bad stylist??? 
Okay, nobody has responded and I'm still just as confused as ever... I have an un-official appointment first thing in the am.  I not sure if I should have them taken out all together, let her try to fix them, or take them out & have them re-installed else where. 
I'm just so incredibly dissappointed... I had such high hopes (sigh).  I hate to just give-up.  But with that said I can't walk around with them falling out nor do I have the time (or $ for that matter) to constantly putting them back in.  :(
If I have them take out tomorrow does anyone have a suggestion for what I do with the hair?  It seems like a shame to just throw it away.
And finally one last update.  I went back in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand had them re-installed.  She said that it was perfectly normal to lose a lot (I have no idea if this is true or not), but that I officially hold the record out of all her clients for the most.  Yes! 
I hate to speak too soon, but I think they are staying.  I've only lost one today versus the five a day I was losing.  It's quite possible that I am falling in love with them.  So... if you reading this & it's happening to you -- hang in there (no pun intended)!

Edited by mousybrown - September 23 2009 at 8:19pm
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TanglesRC View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TanglesRC Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 24 2009 at 12:36pm
yes some shedding is normal- it actually depends on your hair and how it takes to it, she sounds like a good stylist and she put them back in for you-
good luck
Bringing beauty, one head at a time...
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mousybrown View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mousybrown Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 03 2009 at 5:02pm
I'm still losing about 1 a day and seeing her once a week to have them put back in. Which is annoying at the very least. Is there any other methods that I could consider without using glue?
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