QuoteReplyTopic: please help! Posted: August 14 2010 at 5:51am
hello all,
I am posting for my first time and I could really use some help/advice
I am going for this look:
...and my hair is currently dark brown, very thin, and shoulder length.
I went in for a consultation where I am getting my extensions sewed in, and I am leaving the perimeter out so I will be able to put it in a pony tail.
My question now is, should I highlight the hair I am leaving out? Because in the pic above it looks as if the front parts are blonde, if I leave out the front part of my hair it won't match as is right now.
So what would you suggest I do to best achieve this look, with what I'm working with?
should I highlight with foils just the very front of my head or use the cap?
Also, if I was to get an invisible part how much of my hair will be left out?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm getting it done this coming week and I'm standing in my best friend's wedding and I do not want to look a hot mess!!
Well I am a little confused. If your hair is brown, and you want to achieve this look on the picture, you will have to do some highlights, yes, on your own hair.
You might even want to try some individual bonds like tempbond on the top and sides to get more of a piecey look.
When you mention the invisible part, does it mean that you're going for a full weave? Because most weaves on caucasian women are not full weave, they are usually in the back. Caucasian hair is thiner and it's just harder to go higher sometimes without the weft showing.
I feel like your question about the invisible part should be asked to your stylist directly though, she is the one who knows what she can and can' do for you.
The technique called invisible part leaves very little to no hair on top (your own hair I mean).
Are the wefts going to be much lighter than your own hair?
thanks for replying, she suggested a full weave b/c my hair is so thin if I did a partial you would see the tracks anyways. That's why I had to quit wearing clip in extensions because you could literally see them from the back! I'm thinking she may weave in some braiding hair to thicken my braids for the weave
she wants to just leave the perimeter out, which is like 2 inches all around my head so I can put it up in a ponytail if I wanted
Because I was initially going to get highlights on my hair and then have the tracks sewed in partially but she said I dont even have to do that b/c my hair is so thin I should let it rest and not damage it anymore w/ bleaching it
So before I go get it done I should foil highlight the front? Because underneath is going to be all dark brown like my natural color hair so I dont have to mess with that at all
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Oh ok. So here's what I'd do. Wait until you get your weave done, and see what it looks like from there. I am a little concerned about how you're going to hide your tracks, even with a full weave, and whether it will look natural on you.
But she could be a great stylist and this could be a miracle solution, who knows. If this doesn't work, there are other options you can work with, like seamless wefts, or tape or LG, there are ways to make a weft almost undetectable. I have very thin hair too.
If the install, the full weave, works totally fine, then obviously you would gain from giving your own hair a rest. It's not what I would worry about. A few highlights can be easily done if you need a little touch up to blend everything better.
I think the most important right now is more whether the full weave will look natural on you, not wiggy, and whether it will be undetectable or not.
So I would postpone the lighlights in the front until the weave's done.
does it matter if she's using a net? that's the type of full weave she suggested, I am going to ask if they do invisible parts, because if I can have 2 inches of my own hairline part in the front I should be ok right?
I wear front lace wigs and leave like an inch of my own hairline out currently, I'm just worried about with it being so blonde that it will indeed look real wiggy
what I'm worried about by not highlighting til after the weave is done is matching colors, I would hate for the blonde to turn out a different shade, even slightly because then you would really notice
is there any other solution for me as of right now? That I could suggest to her, so I can get that look?
I am not familiar with seamless wefts or LG....how do they work?
Should I ask her if she's familiar with working on Caucasian hair? I dont wanna sound rude or anything I just like you said I dont wanna walk out and ppl stare b/c it looks so fake
I initally wanted a partial weave but I didnt wanna spend $75 getting highlights and then worrying about the blonde extensions blending into the flow of my natural hair you know...
Is there a way they can do pieces and make it look like above?
Usually I like to get extensions that match my own hair color, not the contrary. It takes times to figure out which colors to mix, but it's doable.
You could get your stylist to highlight your front hair, yes. And highlights can be anywhere between deep strawberry blonde to platinum. And worst case scenario, if they are too light, your sylist can put a semi permanent color to match your own hair color better.
All this is doable.
For all your questions on weaves, I feel like I don't know enough myself, I have done partial weave on myself, it was pretty tough, and I had a 3/4 weave done a few times on me, and a full weave done once. Full weave was just hideous.
The ladies at black hair media might be more helpful than I can be to you wih these questions.
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