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Need some feedback in a hurry!!!

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Richard View Drop Down

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> Ok, Richard... I'll bite... what do you want to ask> me?> (First of all... no, I am not going thru a midlife> crisis...just in case that was a question....Ann, That's not what I meant, because if you decide to cut your hair ,I have some wigs you could wear if you wanted to, and if you are close maybe we could talk before hand,and see what we can come up with , concerning your big question facing you. By the way, I live in the Dallas area if you are anywhere around there. Talk to you later...
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ann View Drop Down

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> Hi Ann,> After reading the torrent of comments, I have only a> couple of things to add to the discourse.> 1. There are always people saying "cut" or> "Don't cut", so I suggest you continue to> think about what you want, listen to the input you> have solicited and make a thoughtful decision. This is> not a time to get in a hurry.> 2. Think about why you grew your prodigous mane,> perhaps the reason remains the same or maybe not,> either way you will have more information to use in> making your decision.> 3. You hair is "moderately healthy"> according to your post. Is that part of the reason why> you are considering a change? If so, perhaps minor> changes in your hair care routine, coupled with> corrective trimming can move your hair from moderately> healthy to very healthy while lessening the tangling> and other problems noted in your followup posts. This> site is a cornucopia of ideas and solutions for hair> care issues. Karen is always available to offer help,> encouragement and ideas.> 4. Should you decide to cut your hair, the locks of> love program is a deserving group. I have had dealings> with Bill and a couple of others who are involved in> the program. (However, I believe their largest needs> at the present are cash to pay for making wigs with> the large amount of hair that has been donated to> date.)> 5. Finally, careful consideration and lack of haste> are most important. It only takes a couple of minutes> to cut it off, but years to regrow. Take it from a 41> year old stylist who has been there to see the tears> and regrets of recently shorn women (and men),> including my wife, too many times.> Best of luck in your deliberations.> Mike****Mike,Wow - thanks for a great answer. I fully expected to take just one last peek today and not expect any new responses. By moderately healthy - I meant, there are some split ends and minor breakage (slamming it in the car door and having to reel it back in while driving on the freeway certainly didn't help here ) and yes that is a part of my consideration.. You had a great response and I promise to think things through before making a drastic move. You sound like a very knowledgable man and I wish I had you for a stylist years ago rather than some nit wit who ran amok with the scissors..And for the rest of you who responded - thank you... I have notmade up my mind what to do yet but I appreciate all the time and thought you put into your answers...

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ann View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ann Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 11 2000 at 7:50pm
> Ann, That's not what I meant, because if you decide to> cut your hair ,I have some wigs you could wear if you> wanted to, and if you are close maybe we could talk> before hand,and see what we can come up with ,> concerning your big question facing you. By the way, I> live in the Dallas area if you are anywhere around> there. Talk to you later...Ohhhhhhh thanks but I don't think Hawaii is too close to Dallas... I think I am going to check out that program for your CD when I get back home and see what that is all about but thanks for the offer.......

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andy View Drop Down

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Hi Ann,OK, so I agree it is your descision (I bat on about this at great length ('scuse the pun) on a lot of occasions), as Richard Feynman wrote "so what do you care what other people think?". However, as you say, when making a choice of this magnitude advice never goes amiss.All the responders have useful things to say, and I'm sure they help. A couple of things occur that I would also add:Long hair in good condition looks great, in naff condition it looks tatty. If yours is good then perhaps it's the style for you.I agree that there are a lot of guys for whom (as Holly says) long is a major turn-on and the longer the better for them. I can see that growing it super long just so guys can ogle it is not something you might want to do. I'm not sure about it never looking good past the butt though, I think Holly is making a major generalisation at this point - though the number who can wear knee-length is less than those who can wear butt-length.Putting your hair up can make it easier to deal with, sure, but then again it takes time to do this and the longer it gets the more time and skill it takes. Then again, if you have the time and skill then very long hair braided or put up looks breathtaking.Most guys think they don't like short hair, until they see it! My wife wore hers long (just past bra strap) and then decided to cut it - she'd had long for ages and I wasn't sure what I thought. It looked sensational and made her face look very different (its at about 4" past her shoulders now by the way).Age has nothing to do with it. The idea that there is an age limit for long hair is a load of horse pucky. It's if you feel happy with it that counts. The age = short equation is what those kids' hair cut by their grandma. If you want to keep it long at 40 go for it.OK so my point is: it's up to you. However I would agree that as it will take a long time to grow back you need to think carefully.Whatever you decide I'm sure we're all behind you.This post wasn't really any help at all was it?andy
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Holly View Drop Down

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Hi Andy,I just wanted to make a point. I'm not angry or anything, so don't get the wrong idea! :) I don't even know if you meant me when you said this, but I don't have an age rule either. I think if you can carry it off, great, but I still hold to the opinion that there is a limit to how long hair can go and still look sophisticated, on any age.From a butt length girl,Holly
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Mike in TX View Drop Down
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Ann,I hope my comments were of some help. If you would like the benefit of my experience, feel free to email questions.Mike> ****> Mike,> Wow - thanks for a great answer. I fully expected to> take just one last peek today and not expect any new> responses. By moderately healthy - I meant, there are> some split ends and minor breakage (slamming it in the> car door and having to reel it back in while driving> on the freeway certainly didn't help here ) and yes> that is a part of my consideration.. You had a great> response and I promise to think things through before> making a drastic move. You sound like a very> knowledgable man and I wish I had you for a stylist> years ago rather than some nit wit who ran amok with> the scissors..> And for the rest of you who responded - thank you... I> have notmade up my mind what to do yet but I> appreciate all the time and thought you put into your> answers...
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andy View Drop Down

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Hi HollySorry, I didn't mean to imply that you were showing any anger - if this is the way it read then it was quite unitentional.I wasn't suggesting that you were hinting that there was an age problem - this was just one of the wild generalisations that society makes about women and their looks. It was you comment that very long hair didn't look stylish that I was picking up on. I totally agree that 'past the butt' can look very lank and unstylish, and that it is a rare woman who can carry it off (Crystal Gayle doesn't seem to have any problems for instance). However, if a woman wants knee-length hair and can grow it, then fine.Sorry again if I misinterpreted or accidently misrepresented your views.andy
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Holly View Drop Down

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Hi Andy,> Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you were showing> any anger - if this is the way it read then it was> quite unitentional.Boy, when I re-read my message I discovered I sounded serious when I meant it to sound humorous. One of the hazards of e-mail, I guess! I didn't mean to sound like I was accussing you of thinking I was angry. I'm sorry that it read that way, and that I made you feel you had to apologize.I meant that I didn't want to sound angry when I clarified my point, like some people get when someone doesn't understand what they meant (I'm not referring to anyone in particular)and I wasn't sure if what I had said made you think I attached age with the problem (from your post I know better now).Using more smiley faces from now on,:))))Holly
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