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What's the ULTIMATE blooper???

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redhairedgirl View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote redhairedgirl Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 19 2005 at 12:36pm

My worst hair disaster happened last month courtesy of my ex-best friend. She had been going on to me for months about how much sexier and more modern I would look if I had short hair. At this point my hair was nearly down to my butt. So I decided I would have a bob. She came with me to the salon and to cut a long story short lol, I came out of the salon with the back and sides in a buzzcut with the top kind of short and spiky. I was really unsure about it, but she kept on telling my how great I looked. Anyway the next day she admitted she only persuaded me to have my haircut to see if I would go through with it! All I can say is it is a good job she can run fast and I was wearing heels, if I had caught her, hmmm.
It took a lot of getting used to short hair, but I have come to terms with it now, and I am just letting it grow out a bit before I decide if I should get extensions or keep it short.

Got extensions just shortish ones. Will go long again next time. So a happy ending

Edited by redhairedgirl
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Veronica F. View Drop Down
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Originally posted by redhairedgirl redhairedgirl wrote:

My worst hair disaster happened last month courtesy of my ex-best friend. She had been going on to me for months about how much sexier and more modern I would look if I had short hair. At this point my hair was nearly down to my butt. So I decided I would have a bob. She came with me to the salon and to cut a long story short lol, I came out of the salon with the back and sides in a buzzcut with the top kind of short and spiky. I was really unsure about it, but she kept on telling my how great I looked. Anyway the next day she admitted she only persuaded me to have my haircut to see if I would go through with it! All I can say is it is a good job she can run fast and I was wearing heels, if I had caught her, hmmm.
It took a lot of getting used to short hair, but I have come to terms with it now, and I am just letting it grow out a bit before I decide if I should get extensions or keep it short.
Got extensions just shortish ones. Will go long again next time. A happy ending aagh.

OMG!! Some friend! lol!
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redcheese View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote redcheese Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 02 2005 at 11:04am
My worst blooper (I mentioned this in another thread, but not in all the gruesome detail!)

I have naturally red-copper-colored hair. It's not an ultra-saturated red, but definitely a bright orangey color. Just before I began my sophomore year of college, a friend coaxed me to try this Feria blonde color--sort of a light warm blonde, but not bleach blonding. It really didn't lighten my hair much, so I didn't think much of it.

The first night I was back on campus, I took leave of my senses and tried Natural Instincts BLACK HAIR DYE. I like semi-permanent color; I've tried a lot of shades of L'oreal Colorspa. So, I figured the Clairol black non-permanent dye would be a great idea, thinking it'd wash right out.

I didn't realize this at the time, but 1) semi-permanent dyes that are much darker than your normal color tend to be rather permanent; and 2) if you lighten your hair, chances are it'll be more porous and seep up color faster. Worse still, it was uneven and mottled. It was horrible! It wasn't even like a glamorous, shiny, raven-y black. It was completely flat black, like someone had dumped ink on my head.

My hair was a little longer than my bra strap line at the time. It was SOOO uneven and patchy toward the bottom--I had to recruit a friend to chop it off to my shoulders. We tried a few lighter shades to pull it up to a brunette. That worked okay and I could finally go out in public without a hat. But I still wasn't happy.

It occurred to me that violent orange colors are easy to obtain with cheap bleach. So my friend assisted me in putting some bright orange highlights in the top and front of my hair, with a few more less-dramatic streaks throughout the rest. That worked pretty well and at least provided the illusion of red hair. She actually did a pretty good job too--my new roots blended in very well with the bright orange. Surprisingly my hair wasn't damaged at all, and I experienced minimum breakage or frizzing even with all it had gone through.

By Christmas Break, I had enough new growth to cut off all the black and get a short pixie-punk cut, which suits me pretty well. I definitely learned my lesson, though.
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norskygrl21 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote norskygrl21 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 15 2005 at 4:19pm

I have had a lot of hair bloopers in my short 25 years, but the worst by far was the decision to dye my beautiful honey blonde hair dark, dark brown, probably about a level 2. My natural level is a 6, so it is not even like I was trying to go back to my natural color. To make matters worse I had to cut three inches off it after I colored it dark to salvage the ends. Here is where the real problem started. About six months later I decided I wanted to be blonde again, and when I decide something I tend to be impulsive.  I had been getting weekly deep conditions and it was actually in decent shape, but I got this "wild hair" that said it needed to be done right then for some reason. I went to my usual salon but my normal girl was out for two weeks on vacation so I went to someone else. She stripped my hair using something, then put bleach hilights through the top and stuck me under the dryer for a long time while she cut some guys hair. By the time they pulled the foils out my hair  was a gooey white mess, total breakage. I had random two inch long sections through the whole top part of my hair and my hair was a couple inches past my shoulders. Plus it was this horrible icky drab brown color with frosted breakage hilights. I literally ran out of the salon crying, and basically had to wear my hair up for a whole year as the pieces grew out. I definitely learned my lesson after that one.

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xxxzvp View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote xxxzvp Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 16 2005 at 11:23am

My wife has kept her hair quite short for the past couple of years, much to my delight,but her stylist is not really very good at short hair. She always ends up with uneven sideburns, or something else wrong. I told her that my barber only gives short haircuts and should be able to do her hair no problem, and she agreed to give him a try. She explained to him that she had her hair cut about 6 weeks ago and only wanted a trim. At this time her hair was about an inch long on the sides and back and two inches on top. He gave her a very dramatic military style cut, buzzed to the skin on the sides and back, and half-inch long on top. Then he even shaved her nape with a straight razor. She was in shock, but I was delighted. After the shock wore off, she admits that she likes the new cut, but would have never asked for it.

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sweetfoxyroxie View Drop Down

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My worst blooper is my high shcool boyfriend telling me he thought Winona Ryders hair looked good short.  I went to the salon (best cuts of course) and told the lady I wanted a pixie cut.  Well she was Russan and spoke very little english and she ended up giving me a male hair cut.  Seriously!  It was so short and boyish I couldn't even spike it up to make it look cool.  So I went home and shaved my head bald.  The next day at school I was wearing a hat and my teacher told me I had to take it off.  When I did everyone was dying of laughter and rolling on the ground laughing including my ex who broke up with me on the spot.

What an ass! And now here I am trying to grow it out it again... for the 5th time it is taking forever but I am going to do it! I am determined!

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