So it took me about 5 seconds to get over my short hair,lol.I fell in the same role so many women do.I was still sorting through alot of stuff good and bad.And sadly my hair was the unfortunate victim.
So its back to the drawing board.Its not all bad though.I already know what my hair likes and hates.I've got a good solid wash routine.And I dont have any henna left as far as I'm aware.I would rather bleach my hair than henna again.But I still admire all those beautiful henna heads.
My hair isnt virgin.I dyed it with wella permanent dark brown before I cut it.It went too dark basically black.I hated it so much.But luckily it faded.Its still not perfect,but knowing myself it never will be.
And in other news.I havent told anyone for fear of jinxing it.But,i'm pregnant with baby #3.I'm so excited.It will be good for my hair too.My hair grew really quick last time.Which is good for impatient people like me.
I still dont have any pictures.But with it being the holidays I'm sure some will surface.I'm ready to grow again.Hopefully I will be ready for the long term commitement this time(thank you bob for your kind words.)
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Hi Longhaired dreams,I know we arent supposed to post in people's journal entries but I have often read your journal as a source of inspiration and wanted to congratulate you too!!!
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Hi Longhaired dreams,I know we arent supposed to post in people's journal entries but I have often read your journal as a source of inspiration and wanted to congratulate you too!!!
We aren't??? OOPS! I actually LIKE IT when people post in mine. Gives me encouragement. However, if anyone doesn't want me to in theirs, please let me know and I won't anymore.
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* Of course, some bloggers might prefer to keep their journals free of outside comments. If so, they can let us know and we can communicate by private message.
Edited by fatmoogas - December 12 2008 at 6:38am
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I actually like the fact that people took the time to write in my journal.So feel free if its ok with karen and the mods that is.I dont have a problem with it.
I'm still pregnant. And very crazy.I might have mentioned on here before,but I dont have a thyroid after a huge dose of RAI.Since I'm pregnant I knew from past experience that my levels would probably drop quite a bit.And I was correct.I went from 120 mg of to 180 mg of armour. I know it seems insignificant.But your thyroid does alot.Because of my levels being lower I was getting really depressed and crazy.Plus it put weight on me which I knew wasnt from being pregnant.Granted it was only 5 lbs.But that might as well be 20 on my 5'3 frame.I'm just glad its all sorted out.
Hair news.... well there really isnt any.I do have some new hair pics but i really dont want to post those since my face is in them.And yes I know I've posted my face in the past but I'm scared now.I dont want to end up like the poor "potential boy".Or featured in the montage of people set to "who let the dogs out.No thank you.So If you want to see them Go to LHC.Or if I trust you I'll send it to you upon request . Example:
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I wasnt planning on posting until after christmas.But I got some new stuff that I'm excited about.So I got in on the beautyfix deal.I got mine from dermstore since they were running a promotion.With every $50 you spend you could get a redpoint gift set.It came in a pretty red clutch.It had a full size redpoint bronzer and kabuki.Plus it had like 20 really good samples of skincare,bath,and makeup.Pretty nice GWP.
So anyhow on to the beautfix.I just got it Sunday since me a husband celebrate yule.So anyhow it came with a full size bottle of this stuff called kronos phyx.Its like the overnight hair treatments by ted gibson and frederic fekkai.It retails for $109.I didnt pay that much.I payed $50 and that was for a bag full of 7 full size products and 2 samples.I love a deal.
I havent had the chance to try it.But im going to try it out tonight.I'm really excited.I realize it might just be another well hyped product.But I'm not out much if it is.And anything that works on my hair is a winner. So I'm gonna try it out tonight before bed.I'm dressing up tommorow for the family christmas party so hopefully my hair will have a little extra bounce and shine.
I'm not sure what I think about some of the other products yet.But i love the Jane iredale 24 Karat gold dust.It makes a beautiful eyeshadow.I tried it yesterday and it stayed on my oily lids all day long without any prepping.Plus it is super pigmented.And it only cost $12.I have rose-gold.I'm gonna get some other colors i love it so much.
So I used the kronos phyx 3 times.And I can honestly say its really no better than any other protein treatment.I get the same results from my nexxus therapee shampoo.And that only cost me $9 on sale.And the kronos retails for $109. I'm sure it works good on damaged hair,but so does loreal's ineral hair fixer and that is pretty cheap.In fact I can think of many products that work the same for damaged hair and cost far less.I think the big draw was tyhe fact that its used as an overnight treatment.And it doesnt get on your sheets or pillowcases.But it would be easier to use a leave-in.
My ens were a little dry from using it.So I took my loreal mega moisture conditioner and used it as an overnight treatment.I then clarified in the morning with my neutrogena anti-residue shampoo and a mix of suave naturals shampoo.Then I conditioned with the mega moisture.My hair felt and looked alot better.I think I do an overnight condition from now on before clarifying just to make it less drying.
I went to ulta and found a trial size of alterna's caviar shampoo and conditioner.I figured it would be another hyped up product.My hair actually looks and feels fantastic after using it.I dont think it would be good to use regularly but when I want my hair to look extra nice.
I think I'm going to buy another ficcare.I had one before a beautiful ivory and gold lotus maximas.And I made the mistake of swapping it.I'm still kicking myself for it.Especially since the prices seem to have gone up since last time I bought it.I think I'll get a small one so I can wear it now.And get myself the medium and large as rewards for my hair getting to a length where I can wear them.
Other news:I still havent been to the doctor yet.I need to do that soon.And my family is stressing me out.I guess everyone has been talking behind our backs about how worried they are.Its insulting.We are doing fine.No we dont make 100's of thousands of dollars but we live comfortably.And we are taking good care of our children.They are fed and clothed and and most importantly loved and happy.We have never asked any of them for anything ever.We have always taken care of ourselves and thats not going to change.I just wish they could be happy for us.
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I'm almost at a length to start posting back pics again.My hair is growing really fast.I'd say its grown 2 inches since the cut.I havent touched the color.But I have to admit this pregnancy is making me a little crazy.i should be banned from any salon/ supply store for the next 6 months,lol.One thing i do plan on doing that I had decided before getting the crazies was dye the underneath.I had dyed the underneath a near black with a henna/ indigo 2 step before the whole chop incident and it looked great.The top layer was a mix of chemical dye henna/indigo and it looked really pretty with the natural highlights over the darker underside.I'm not going to henna my whole head.Its just not for me.But it works well on the underside.
I finally went to the doctor.I'm doing good.they had an ultrasound machine in every room.So I got to see the baby which was nice.I had to wait alot longer with my other two to have an ultrasound.He's the only doctor I've spoken to that does VBAC's.So he definitely gets points from me.He seems to really care about his patients.
Rant:So when exactly did I turn into a desperate housewife,lol.I'm a stay at home mom to two boys and babysit a my neice as well all day every day.Which I do feel lucky that I'm able to do that.My husband works two jobs so we can do this but he is gone sooo much.I promised myself I wouldnt turn into one of those ugly burnt out moms.Myabe this is my payback for looking at those poor poor women so harshly,lol.I dress up once a week for the family sunday dinner.My fantastic husband takes care of everything so I can shower,and take my time picking out an outfit and do my makeup.The rest of the week my wardrobe consists of what was on the floor next to my bed.Usually sweats and a tshirt.stylish,huh?I used to be good about making myself dress in real clothes,but have more recently gotten really lazy.I knew I was getting bad when I waited outside for my son to get off the school bus .... in my robe! I guess my belated new years resolution would be to take better care of myelf.I guess I'm just complaining on here because complaining out loud would be an insult to my husband who works his butt off.
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So I finally took some pictures.Which also triple as my cute new dress my husband got me for vday,and my big pregnant belly pictures.I'm having great hair days lately.I have been washing alot less than I was.Before I washed every other day and even every day depending on what was going on.I just really like the look and feel of freshly washed hair.Its especially hard since my hair makes a pathetic excuse of a ponytail at the moment.Its long enough to look cute when clean but as soon as its dirty the pony just looks stupid.
I finally broke down and bought a nice shower filter.I'm not sure if its the filter or the washing less but my hair is incredibly better.I'm now washing every third day.I started just before I got the shower filter.I still wash the same.Suave naturals shampoo followed by loreal mega moisture.And A dab of Ojon RT for the ends to seal in the moisture.My hair had been getting frizzy after washes before,but now its completely smooth.Which is funny because I had just bought that no frizz creme and had good results.But now I dont need it.
I recently dyed the underneath back to dark brown almost black like it had been before.My hair seems to like the hendigo on the underneath.Its the canopy that seems to be a problem. I just realized after taking pictures that my hair is exactly the same length it was in june of 07.UGH.Cutting my hair was such a dummy move.I'm just glad its growing fast.I'm just hoping my post partem shed isnt too bad.
Thats great to hear your hair is feeling better. Shower filters are the way to go. They can make one heck of a difference if you have not-so nice water. Your hair will grow in no time flat- them baby hormone are good for something besides crying and emotional outburst.
LOL, its true I am my own worst critic.But maybe this time I've really learned my lesson.For one I hate to admit failure.And second in the past when I had a major cut or color change It gave me a boost.But that just hastn been the case.When I dyed my hair red I hated it.And when I cut my hair short I really hated it.I just dont get the same surge of confidence I did in the past.
And I really do appreciate all the support I've gotten from people it really does help.Thank you mike46019,fatmoogas,Davedecker,suicides eve,paper,smilin jen and any others I may have missed.
I dont really have any hair news.My hair has been blindingly shiny since spacing out washings and getting the new filter.But other than that its like waiting for water to boil.And I bought some of the no rinse shampoo for those times when my hair needs to look clean but its not quite a wash day.I havent properly tried it out yet but it smells wonderful.I may try it out tomorrow since I'm stretching this wash to the fourth day which will be sunday.I'll report back on the results for anyone who's interested.
Edited by Longhairdreams - March 20 2009 at 7:38pm
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I know its been awhile.But life has been pretty hectic.There is still alot to do and buy before the baby is born.I cant believe I'm already over 6 months along.This pregnancy is flying by.
My hair is doing good.I did try out the no rinse shampoo.It does work,but I wont be using it.It leaves your hair dull looking.Plus I think it works better on short hair.My hair looked clean,but it took awhile to get all the moisture out and it still felt gross.I used it on my boys hair for a quick fix one day and it worked great.
I was noticing alot of splits so i decided to do a search and destroy.It turned into adding new layers.I knew it was only a matter of time before my hair split around my face due to razoring from my last haircut.I just need to make peace with the fact that my hair fragile.And I'm like a bull in a china store.I want to treat it like antique lace but I'm rough and impatient by nature. My hair was alot better when I was wearing it up with my hair forks.But the front layers dont even begin to fit into the bun yet.
So anyhow new pictures to come and maybe even a baby bump picture.Depending on how brave I am.
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Yeah LHD, razors should be banned from salons! Except for maybe those who come in for cuts every month. I remember getting razor cuts as a kid, and they'd look good for a very short time. Take frustration out on pillows, not hair. Anyway, CONGRATS on your pregnancy. We have four girls, and a gd now! Bob
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Thanks Bob for the congrats.Aint it the truth about razors.I even asked the stylist to not razor my hair cause it always ended looking shredded and damaged after a few months.So of course she took that to mean that she had the go ahead to use her thinning shears on the front sections of hair.I didnt make a big deal since I hadnt really planned on growing out the next day,lol.
So I've been meaning to come and update my journal but I've been fighting and losing against various infections,mainly a sinus infection.But Thanks to tylenol I'm back and I come bearing pictures.Ok so my length picture is kind of sad.I barely had any growth since the last pic,but my hair is doing and feeling great.Plus Every wash has been great which is unusual for my hair.Generally I have more bad hair days than good ones.But lately they've all been good.So I must be doing something right.
So here's the link.There's no password.But I couldnt get the picture to resize.Photobucket hates me.
So I have since getting my shower filter tweaked my hair routine.And I think it has helped alot.I still use the same products.But now when I shampoo with suave naturals I concentrate on the scalp and then without applying more shampoo squeeze it into the length.Its plenty to clean my ends without stripping them.Then after I rinse I apply either paul mitchell the detangler conditioner or loreal mega moisture co.They both seem to work better when I alternate them.Then I use ojonRT as a leave in on the ends of my still wet hair.I use my wood comb the ditribute it through my hair.The result is soft healthy hair.Plus I try to oil my hair every night before bed and washing.I've been using jessicurl's premixed oil for softer hair.It never worked for my hair in the past.But my hair loves it now. I'm bad about schedules and such so I of course dont oil every night.I'm one of those who forgets to take my thyroid pill even though i keep them in a pill dispenser.Heck most of the time I forget to put them in the dispenser.
And here's a bump pic if you managed to actually read through all the boring hair chronicles.
Oh it's so exciting!! You look sooooo good! Your one of the lucky ones who stays skinny and prego and looks great doing it!
And I can see a difference in growth. it's actually grown quite a bit past your shoulders then before. Do you think the shower head filter had something to do with your hair suddenly behaving a bit better?
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