QuoteReplyTopic: grandma hair stories Posted: January 11 2000 at 12:20am
I'm not saying that isn't posible but....grow hair with pills? uh!!! I have a collection of old magazines from the 40/50/60 even I'm Not Northamerican this magz are because she was my husband grandma....Well in this magz you find advertising from how to have grow your breast in weeks,your hair 8 inches in few months,eliminate hair permanently from legs and on on and on so I realize that if all that was true,actually we willhave a RX in the market to fix that type of complaints.....BUT guess what we DON"T ,thats why we still have SILICONESO HELLOOO!!! everything is mail order thing or stuff like that so IF it really works I will like to know what's the US drug administration license # for that product,how long had been APROVED ? and I want to see the RESEARCH and CLINICAL trial and the results...... to belive I need to SEE documents that PROOF under US Health and DRUG AD laws that it WORKS . OR IS just ANOTHER advertising like the ones in Grandma magazines.......See to belive my friends!!! Take care ,wish you good luck. Geno
I ordered a 2 month supply of HF37 - I am a huge skeptic regarding everything I read , However , my reasons for giving these vitamin supplements a whirl are as follows -
I currently dont take vitamins - I know I do not eat properly for optimum nutrition- I have lots of stress in my life ( who doesnt nowadays?) My hair grows slowly , I feel due to all these things I mentioned above .
So, yes I am willing to try this formulation for a couple months and see if I feel better and if my hair looks healthier and grows longer in the process ,, excellent . I am not expecting miracles, but any improvement would be nice :)
A good diet with balanced nutrition is the best remedy in my opinion , but its hard to do with so much processed food out there on the market! When I took pre-natal vitamins during my pregnancy, my hair GREW like crazy , so did my nails.. Hopefully HF37 is on to something with their formula!
I just wanted to put my imput on here. I have Fibromylgia and have stopped taking all the medication that the doctor had me on for about a month now. I was so bad it was hard to get out of bed in the morning.Let alone go threw the day painfree. I received my first order of HF37 about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I take the recommended dosage of step one and I am up to 3 pills of Step 2 now. I wanted to go slowly because I did get the nicaine flush when I frist started taking these vitamines. Well let me tell you. I feel wonderful. I don't hurt in the morning anymore. I have noticed a difference in my hair. I think it has grown some but it is really to soon for me to tell about the hair growth.But if you have the same condition I do. TAKE THE HF 37 and stop taking all those other pills that are bad for you. But please make sure you are completely off the perscripptions before starting this product. Good luck and thanks for a great product. Jan
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