I thought Paige on Charmed always looked so cute driving around in her little VW. And yes...I am also glad that I was not in the car at the time it got hit. :-)
I just adore small cars. After my 914 got creamed I saved and saved and bought one of the RX7s that I still have in my garage (not running but in good shape at 100,000+ miles). Then I bought a 2nd RX7 which was one of the convertible models (only 4 years) and I still have that one as well (not running either but it is a convertible model). I tend to save cars like old handbags. Hee hee.
I never liked the Miatas though. They were toooo small for me. Cute but too small.
That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)
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It is funny--my husband is a mechanic and I know nothing about cars! LOL! I am always asking him "what do I drive again?" He just looks at me like I am a crazy person! Hey somewhere down the road those cars could be worth something (if they are already not ). I drive a big red thing that is in our driveway. It is a Jimmy? With the way gas prices are I would prefer a small car! $2.14 a gallon! Debbie
There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!
A short name for James! LOL! LOL! Joking! It is just like a blazer. My blazer caught fire and burned about 2 yrs ago. (We were on our way to a funeral up by Chicago). It was 4 doors. So I wanted something at the time just as roomy and settled for a Jimmy. I still call it a blazer 1/2 of the time though! It is only 2 doors and not as roomy! I wanted another blazer but I was in such a hurry to find a vehicle and settled for this one. I hope that explains it. I am not too smart wne it comes to cars myself! All I know is that it is suppose to start when you put the key in the ignition and turn it. Debbie
There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!
I have never been good at driving bigger cars. Although now I don't drive much at all. No one will let me. It seems that when I drive I am a road hazard. I tend to be on at least 2 cellphones at the same time and trying to type on my Blackberry while trying to drive and then of course I am preoccupied thinking about several things I need to do at work and looking at all the hair accessories that everyone is wearing while getting inspiration for new hair articles for HB.com. So the HB "guys" usually make me ride back & forth to the office with them. But hey, that works, while they are driving I can talk on the cell phones, type into my Blackberry, read the magazines I read every month and drink coffee. Hee hee. They focus on driving and stick me in the back seat where I don't distract them. So it works.
I do have a car that runs..and of course it is a small convertible....besides the 2 RX7s in the driveway. But usually I get a ride. So I am totally spoiled now but it saves the other drivers on the road here. :-)
That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)
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That is so nice that the people at HB take such good care of you! A blackberry is now a computer? I MUST get out more!!!!!
One time I had a check up and a friend of mine went with me. Now we was on our way back and I had on one of my wigs.I had slipped it off because it was hot that day and I was sweating! I had dropped it in the floor and had reached down to pick it up and when I did I swerved straight for some mailboxes. (yes off the road!) My friend let out a funny sigh and I looked up to swerve back on the road! She was so patient with me!!!!! So, you are not the only one that is dangerous! The DMV would throw me a party if I was to ever give up driving! LOL!
How long is your hair and what do you do with it when you are driving! I used to take my hair off and lay it in the seat!!!!!!! LOL!
There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!
This is poison ivy. See how it has 3 leaves, and you see a notch
or tooth on some of the leaf edges about halfway down? That notch
is a big helper in identifying poison ivy. This image comes
from: http://poisonivy.aesir.com (but that site is kind of
tricky because they have SO many pictures, the more you look at the
more everything starts to look like poison ivy!). The leaves can
be any size, from dime sized when the plant first comes out in the
spring, to bigger than your hand. I hope this helps you to avoid
it in the future...every time you get poison ivy you have a worse
reaction than the last time and you really don't want it in your lungs!
Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to: http://alonghair.wordpress.com
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I just seen your post Kingjames. Yes, they do a super job here at the hairtalk boards! I feel I am among friends! Why anyone would want to ruin the fun for anyone is beyond me!
I also love going to the "waves" section and reading all you guys post! There is always something new there and youguys really do have each others back! I like that!
Have a good one everyone! Debbie
There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!
hi im a new person adn i wuz skimming the previous posts my uncle has a jimmy he uses it for hunting adn t ome they look like ford broncos but higher upp off teh ground ??????????? well bye
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