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Male with Wavy Hair? Help!

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TheAce View Drop Down

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    Posted: September 02 2008 at 1:07pm
I'm a 17 year old male and I have slightly wavy hair.
Here are some picture:
(In these pictures I dried my hair a bit with a hair dryer, but it still has some of the wave)
Anyway, I am considering doing a chemical hair straightening at a local beauty salon. I was wondering if it's possible to get it done on my hair length, it's a little over 4 inches long (I just measured it).
Another issues is that I am not sure how I am supposed to treat my hair after doing the procedure. I currently wash my hair every day (don't use any type of gel or spray during the day) with conditioner and shampoo. I'm told that I'm not supposed to wash it every day, but my hair gets very greasy after two days of no washes.
I'm also interested in some of the cons to doing this, and if it's worth it. I want to know the downside to doing it, and if I, with such short hair, should do it.
Basically, I'm just bored with my current hairstyle, and want to try a more emo-ish hairstyle (I like how it looks), but I'm keeping my hair color :P, never seen anyone with red emo hair..
PS: I live in a high-humidity area
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Karen Shelton View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Karen Shelton Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 11 2008 at 10:06pm
I just took a class in the Rusk Str8 which is their new version of the Brazilian straightening system but without the formaldehyde.  It also competes with the new Coppola Keratin straightening because it has been reinfused with Keratin.  Besides the Rusk Str8, I also took a class on the various Rusk Relaxers.
In the class the Rusk instructors explained that guys with natural waves and/or curls are ideal candidates for the Rusk Relaxer aka Rusk AntiCurl.  Especially #1 or #3. 
The beauty of the Rusk Relaxer vs the Str8 is that you don't need to have hair that long and it is done very fast versus the Str8 which requires at least 4-5 inches of hair and can take 4-8 hours depending on the type, texture and length of hair.
The AntiCurl will relax waves and curls but can relax them to the point where hair is very nearly straight.  The Str8 will provide stick straight hair but for guys, especially if they get their hair cut frequently, Str8 will grow out quickly.  With AntiCurl, you can reapply it when the previous treatment softens or is cut off.
The Rusk AntiCurl #2 can be done on colored hair.  And yes, I am sure you could achieve Emo hair with the AntiCurl.
One of the Rusk instructors confided that she has a huge client base of teen guys who get really great results with the AntiCurl.  The AntiCurl and The Str8 will both block humidity as well.
I can not tell you enough how impressed I am with both of these products.  Rusk is a fabulous company and their reformulated Str8 will beat any competitor.
At the Str8 class we saw a model go from thick waves and curls to sleek, stick straight hair in about 4 hours. special tip for guys with curls and can use the small mini straightening irons from Babyliss without burning your fingers.  The plates are longer and will do a great job on removing waves and helping to take curls.
The after care with the Str8 is more complicated than with AntiCurl which has minimal aftercare requirements.
Str8 requires hair remain 100% moisture free for 72 hours.  The Str8 is still processing for up to the full 72 hours which is why Rusk recommends sleeping on a satin pillow case and NOT putting any clips or pins or bands in the hair.  It is also important not to even put your hair behind your ears or else a crease will form.
With AntiCurl this is a short time afterwards where you should not wash but it is nowhere near as long as the Str8.
I was surprised to discover so many guys were snapping up the Rusk AntiCurl.  You could use #1 or #3 (more coarse strands) or #2 for colored.
If you do the AntiCurl and love it you can either keep repeating or you can step up to the Str8.
Please let me know if you have any questions.  Needless to say, I am totally hooked on the Rusk AntiCurl and Str8 systems and will be doing lots of research on both.  I will tell you, that model who had the Str8 looked like a different person when her hair was finished and her hair felt like silk with so much shine.  It was totally against everything I believed about hair straightening systems.

Edited by Karen Shelton - November 11 2008 at 10:08pm
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ShaeJJ View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ShaeJJ Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2008 at 1:47pm
Okay, well my hair is also wavy and when my hair was pretty long, i bought a cheap chemical straightener for black people for like $6, and surprisingly it worked. I tried it again after i had to get a haircut to about as short as yours is, and it still worked. The thing is that the chemical relaxer only straightens the hair that is already grown, once new hair grows in, it will still be wavy. I'm asian though, and my hair is pretty thick, so was able to withstand the chemicals. but it looks to me  that your hair is quite thin, which isnt a bad thing, i just wouldnt recommend the chemical relaxer right away. but what i do recommend is to buy a cheap hair straightener/ flat iron and use that to straighten your hair until it gets longer, and then once your hair is long, you could try the chemical straightener. I dont really see the difference in flat iron straighteners except for the time it takes to straighten your hair, and since most guys have hair that is a lot shorter than girls, and since your hair isnt all that wavy, its not going to take very long to flat iron your hair either way. the flat iron i have was like $16, i've had it over a year and its still works perfectly fine, but you can make a good decision about that. and i know most people think its "gay" or whatever for a guy to use a flat iron, but if it makes your hair look better, then you shouldnt care. almost all girls dont care if a guy straightens their hair, and most guys dont even notice. well, good luck with it!
- Shae
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tommy8200 View Drop Down

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How would you apply Rusk #1 to a male with his hair type/length?
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