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How early to put chemicals in hair?

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xenus001 View Drop Down

Joined: July 22 2011
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    Posted: July 22 2011 at 8:02pm

Black Moms, Weaving and Perming Your Baby's Hair

My daughter's hair was the slowest growing stuff you've ever seen sprout from somebody's scalp. Although she was born with a full head of hair, it soon all fell out and she went through a balding phase.

I was worried but my friends told me lots of black babies go through a balding phase.

As her hair grew in I refused to do anything.  I didn't perm, straighten or do anything.  I wanted her hair to be natural. I wanted her to enjoy just her God given hair even though it was wild.

Some moms think it’s almost mandatory to relax their daughter’s kinks and curls. A few moms talked to me about dealing with my baby's crazy wild locks and curls but I resisted.  I didn't want to teach my little girl she had to have her hair processed to be pretty.

I also didn't add on any weaves or extensions.  I wanted her to enjoy her hair even though I got a lot of criticism for waiting.

My own mother made me wait until I turned 12 before I could put any kind of chemicals in my hair.  My mom wanted me to learn about my natural hair. Washing my hair was a job, but drying it was even worse. And the straightening comb? It was pure torture.

I did break down and press my daughter hair for special events but she cried so hard it broke my heart and I stopped.  My best friend suggested that I let her have locks since that would be an easy way for her to enjoy her hair without chemicals and help her hair grow naturally.

Once she's old enough she can make her own decisions about what to do for her hair whether it means chemicals, natural, weaves or whatever.

I still get some criticism about her hair but I have friends who put chemicals in their babies hair before they start school.  Do you agree with that.  And how early is too early to put chemicals of any kind into a child's hair?  Thoughts? Advice?

Edited by Karen Shelton - July 24 2011 at 7:40am
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