QuoteReplyTopic: Do you think guys with long hair should wear it in feminine styles? Posted: December 27 2001 at 8:18pm
I think yes. But only in the privacy of their own homes, unless their really brave. I`m growing my hair long, and I want to get it long enough to put it in a bun, french braid, or french twist it. Or other styles. but when I tell my parents that they just give me weird looks.
Life is too short, you should do with your life what makes you happy. Im a TG with elbow length hair. I wear it in a feminine style ALWAYS!. Good Luck, please let us know what you decide to do. Dana
Guess what. I didn`t slick it back. It looks feminine when not slicked back, with my short bangs, and naturally wavy hair. My stepmom liked it, but my dad and little brother gave me bad looks. My brother even threw in one of his smart allecked comments.
Oh yeah after this post I will be Spot or a variation of it.
Not to be rude.. BUT NO I don`t think guys should wear feminine styles. That kinda grosses me out. I like my men... to look like men. Please don`t take offense to that.
*AmberJune* http://twitter.com/AmberJune01
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I think this "day and age" is all about breaking fashion "rules". If you want to be a guy in feminine styles, go for it. Of course, you should still be careful about how the style affects your general appearance if you want to look masculine--there are some styles that just don`t look masculine on a guy. However, samurai warriors wore their hair up in "feminine" styles such as buns and braids. So do your thing basically.
Most women are not comfortable with guys who have longer prettier hair than them...it`s embarrassing. True though you should always be comfortable. Long hair can be really sexy. Don`t mess up your manliness with girly styles. Long hair on men should only go as far as barely below the shoulders and keep it wild not in pony tails. Those are for girls!
I think that guys can wear their hair in most of the long loose styles that women do without appearing feminine. I guess that the question is: what is your goal? If it is to look like a woman that is one thing but I think that most guys are not into that.
My experience is that women like men with long hair--and they want it to look decent--but that doesn`t mean that they want men to look like women.
...I agree with Amber.
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im letting my hair grow to have a female hair style, and my parents did gave me weird looks, but the truth is that guys can look cool with female hair styles, i have gotten more women with long hair than with short hair and i really think i look better.
my hair is curly, to give you and idea it looks like Robert Plant`s from the famous 70`s group LED ZEPPELIN.
actually the mere secrets of long hair are awesome:
1. you look, friendlier and smarter. 2. gives you more attitude and selfsteam 3. it provides you a shelter to hide your face when you just dont wanna show it. 4. people dont think of you as a woman wanabe or whatever but instead they see you as musician, bohemian, misterious and cool.
it works for me.
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im letting my hair grow to have a female hair style, and my parents did gave me weird looks, but the truth is that guys can look cool with female hair styles, i have gotten more women with long hair than with short hair and i really think i look better.
my hair is curly, to give you and idea it looks like Robert Plant`s from the famous 70`s group LED ZEPPELIN.
actually the mere secrets of long hair are awesome:
1. you look, friendlier and smarter. 2. gives you more attitude and selfsteam 3. it provides you a shelter to hide your face when you just dont wanna show it. 4. people dont think of you as a woman wanabe or whatever but instead they see you as musician, bohemian, misterious and cool.
it works for me. remember ANTONIO BANDERAS in the film "DESPERADO"?, he looks with class, mistery, sexy and tuff guy, doesnt he?, and he is wearing a women`s hairstyle. then watch him in the movie "the 13th warrior" and he looks weak and shy with short hair.
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What defines male or female? Hair? No, of course not. If it did, then all of our forefathers, Washington, Adams and the like, would have been female because of the way they wore their hair. They wore their hair in curls and bows and wigs of the like when their hair was too thin. Hair styles are a part of fashion. Hair has no sex or gender limitations. Is a female with a buzz considered a male? No. Is a female that wears pants considered a male? No.
The people that conform to yesterday`s social norms will not be accepting of the ones who are brave enough to create a change or even a trend. It is the history of this world and will continue to be until everyone can appreciate the individualism of each person.
P.S. I have long hair and because I am a chef I choose to wear my hair in a bun at work. I also enjoy the freedom of trying new hairstyles.
This is the exact reason why US society is destined to eventually fail. A man must be a man, a woman must be a woman...Any breaking of those ideals are certain to be "inferior" to this new technological society. We`re in 2002 for christ`s sake, yet we act like we`re in the 50s. Makeup, feminine hairstyles, etc are part of other cultures around the world. Look at the Samurais, ancient Indian cultures(all the gods and goddesses wore makeup, feminine hair, nails, etc), Egyptian men curled their hair...I could go on. Gender limitations should be non existant if we want our society to suceed. Of course, I am being unrealistic. The looming "white mans" way is like an endless spire watching over the world saying, "You can do this and you can`t do this" If Pink can wear a buzzcut and look like something out of the outer limits. You can wear you hair anyway you like. Stagnation does not "bring new ideas" into society, rebellion does. Those who conform won`t change anything. Notice how bands like Creed, Dave Matthews, etc haven`t broken a music barrier? Yet, Tangerine Dream did it 35 years ago? Change is good for society. UNISEX FOR THE FUTURE
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I agree - I loved Rober Plants hair (on a nice young Rober Plant that is) on a old buy it looks pathetic. I know I am just bowing down to "Conservative White Man Society" but hey there are a lot of uneducated tough guys out there that want to beat your ass. I am just being realistic - maybe back in Washingtons time you could wear ringlets but that is just not how it is unless you live in Seate or San Fran - here in NJ you would get whacked. LOL - I hope it chages some day, really I do. And yes - when I see a buzz cut on a woman I thing Gay - but that is O.K. with me too. Apperance does make an impression - good or bad.
Yeah I agree about the... Whacking thing. *Lovely* as this great state of NJ is... Were full of weirdos. We had one kid who wore his hair shoulder length and everyone thought it was cool. he wore it down and never in a bun but if someone did show up who had a bun someone would probably lock him in a locker for the weekend. We got one kid who stands with his hands on his hips so everyone calls him Beyonce and Gay. Hes nice bu seriously I think he is gay... Aaaaaaaanyway, I personally think buns on guys are looney. My dad had long hair and he wore it in a ponytail. I can deal with that, I think its cool. braids on guys are to but buns are... Not. At least not here... Then again u must consider the majority of guys in my grade have black hair... a few whose hair changes colors daily (like green purple etc.) so considering the types of people no bun headed boy would last 3 weeks.
Well - it depends on where you are and what you`re doing. Personally, I think you should be able to wear your hair in whatever style you want, but if you live in a place where you`re likely to get beaten up on the street for it, I would advse you to think twice. However if you live in a more tolerant area where your physical safety isn`t in danger - then go for it!
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